
Mew is Back

The 13th day,

Axel was eagerly waiting for his Pokemon. He didn't know when Mew would come but he wanted to see the progress of his Pokemon with his own eyes.

All the preparations had already been made. The league also gave the details of the Pokemon that the north zone would be facing after a couple of days. 

They would be facing around 25 million Pokemons. It was estimated that 10% of those would be uncommon rank Pokemon, 70% of them would be rare rank Pokemon and elemental rank Pokemon, 19.99% of them would be pseudo-king rank Pokemon and 125 of them would be king rank Pokemon.

125 of them!!!

That was a huge amount. Axel started to calculate the number of king-rank Pokemons that they had.

Axel- 2 king rank Pokemons

Kurt- 4 king rank Pokemons

Gramn- 3 king rank Pokemons

Lucid- 2 king rank Pokemons

Dragon- 8 king rank Pokemons

Clair- 6 king rank Pokemons

Agatha- 20 king rank Pokemons 


They had a total of 45 king rank Pokemons. Normally, it would be a massive number but they were facing 125 king rank Pokemons. So, one of them would be facing at least 2-3 king rank Pokemons.

The upside was that not all the king rank Pokemon would attack at once. The battle of the king rank Pokemon would be at the end of the tide and not all of them would attack at once. The reason for that was that they were king rank Pokemons and not all of them would cooperate with each other.

Agatha also had 6 pseudo-champion rank Pokemons so they would come in handy if multiple king rank Pokemons attacked them at once. 

Agatha was a resource that Axel wanted to utilize to the fullest. He had to help her in finishing all the king rank Pokemons during the nighttime. Only then would she be free of her night duties.


The traps had already been set up. Traps were very tricky to set up cause the ally should have knowledge about the trap's placement. Hector had done an outstanding job on it. 

Mark had also made the cure for the aerial trap and they had already made batches of this kind of traps. 

Axel went to his office and switched on the mike. Axel's voice would now transmit to all the areas of the north zone. 

"Bip.. Bip.. Bip..

Testing.. Testing…

Hello everyone. I am your general, Axel Blaze. I am happy to announce that all the preparation has been made. You all have done a good job and I am proud of you. 

Now, 2 days are left before the start of the tide battle. Except for the scouts and the guards, all of you will take a rest. You will also make your Pokemon take a rest. I don't want any mishaps at the start of the tide. 

We have our battle strategies, our traps, and our Pokemon. Tide is very gruesome. Some of you may lose your lives. I am not the kind of a leader that would sugarcoat things. But if you follow all of my plans, traps, and battle strategies to the T, I can guarantee that very few of us will lose our lives. Our battle strategies are foolproof. Maybe none of us would lose our lives and we would create a history.

I want all of you to have a positive mind before the start of the tide. Don't think that we are doing this to survive. Think that we are doing this to teach these wild Pokemon some good lessons.

Let's hope for a good and positive tide. I am signing out right now."

This was just a few minute speech but it had created a huge change in the soldier's minds. They were now eager to battle with wild Pokemons. Axel had done a good job in the leadership area.


The celebration of Axel's rank up was in the evening and it was already afternoon right now.


Axel felt that the air had changed. He looked back and noticed that the party had arrived. 

Mew came near Axel and said.

"I have done a good job. 2 of them have reached king rank. I want my dish now.", said Mew.

Mew's main motive to train these Pokemons was for the treat that Axel had promised her. Axel wanted to laugh at Mew's antics. Mew was a mythical Pokemon and now it was talking like this.

"I have already prepared your dish. Don't worry. But first, let me check their progress."

The 2 Pokemons who had reached king rank were Gogoat and Alakazam. Beedrill and Mamoswine were also very close in ranking up. Axel predicted that they would rank up during the tide.

Beedrill could not rank up due to its passive move 'Resolve' and Mamoswine needed some good training too.

Axel first looked at Beedrill's stats:


Pokemon's name :- Beedrill (Age- 2 years)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Pokemon rank: Pseudo-king

Ability :- Swarm (mastered)

Hidden ability :- Sniper (100%)

Potential :- Purple

Health :- 6500/6500

Attack :- SS   Agility :- SS

Defense :- S+   Sp. Atk :- S+

Sp. Def :- S+ 

Moves: Active: Poison Sting (E) (Lvl 42), String Shot (E) (Lvl 52), Bug Bite (E) (Lvl 43), Electroweb (E) (Lvl 43), Harden (U) (Lvl 10 max), Poison jab (G) (Lvl 39), Fell Stinger (E) (Lvl 43), Roost (E) (Lvl 44), Drill Run (E) (Lvl 43), Agility (E) (Lvl 43), Minimize (E) (Lvl 49), Calm mind (E) (Lvl 44), Swords dance (G) (Lvl 39), X-Scissor (E) (Lvl 46), Fury Cutter (E) (Lvl 53), Lunge (E) (Lvl 43), String Armor (E) (Lvl 43), Laser Focus (E) (Lvl 40), String pierce (E) (Lvl 43), Conversion (E) (Lvl 41), Bug life (E) (Lvl 42), Substitute (E) (Lvl 45), Bug domain (C) (Lvl 26)

Passive: Resolve (Stage III)

Core: Bug (mastered)

Hidden Power: Psychic (45%)


There were a lot of changes in its stats. Its health had increased by 500, its attack and agility stat had been upgraded and many of its moves had crossed the threshold. Axel started to read the upgraded version of the moves in the description.


String Shot (Beedrill): (Level 40): It is thicker, more stick, and more bigger than before.

                   (Level 45): It now has a poison effect.

                   (Level 50): It has a powerful binding effect now.

Minimize (Beedrill): (Level 40): When Beedrill is in a minimized state, its power is at 100 %. However, when it returns to its normal state, its power is only 60%

                   (Level 45): When Beedrill is in a minimized state, its power is at 100 %. However, when it returns to its normal state, its power is only 70%

X-Scissor (Beedrill): (Level 40): Bug-type energy is more sharp and deadly

                  (Level 45): Beedrill can use 2 X-Scissors

Fury cutter (Beedrill): (Level 40): Bug-type energy is more sharp and deadly

                   (Level 45): Beedrill can use 5 successive hits, each next hit more powerful than before.

                   (Level 50): The speed of the move has increased.

Bug bite (Beedrill): (Level 40): The move has more penetrating power and it is more deadly. 

                 (Level 45): The move is faster and it has a chance to flinch the target.

Poison sting (Beedrill): (Level 40): it could now shoot small needles of poison at the target

Electro web (Beedrill): (Level 40): It has a sticking effect.

Fell Stinger (Beedrill): (Level 40): It has a knockback effect

Roost (Beedrill): (Level 40): It could be in the effect of roost for 10 minutes.

Drill Run (Beedrill): (Level 40): It has higher penetrating power.

Lunge (Beedrill): (Level 40): It is now a continuous attack till the target interferes up to 4 times. Each attack has a chance to lower the target's attack by 40%

Sting armor (Beedrill): (Level 40): The armor would start to self-repair but it would be slow

Laser Focus (Beedrill): (Level 40): Beedrill could now focus on its whole body.

String pierce (Beedrill): (Level 40): It has now a piercing effect.

Bug life (Beedrill): (Level 40): can recover 10% health and 10% stamina 2 times.


There were a lot of changes and it had grown very strong compared to 13 days ago. Mew had done a good job teaching Beedrill. It was not called the mother of all Pokemons for nothing.

The massive change was its 'String shot', 'Fury cuter', and 'Lunge'. These changes would change the battle of Beedrill. 

After being satisfied with Beedrill's improvement, he started to look into Gogoat's stats:


Pokémon's Name: Gogoat (Age: 14 yrs) 

Pokémon's Nickname: N/A 

Pokémon Rank: King 

Ability: Sap Sipper (Mastered) 

Hidden Ability: Grass Pelt (100%) 

Potential: Red (Advanced) 

Health: 8500/8500  Attack: F

Agility: F           Defense: F

Sp. Attk: F         Sp. Def: F 

Moves: Growth (E) (Lvl 47), Earthquake (G) (Lvl 38), Razor Leaf (G) (Lvl 47), Horn Leech (E) (Lvl 47), Bullet Seed (E) (Lvl 52), Seed Bomb (E) (Lvl 53), Grassy Terrain (E) (Lvl 54), Milk Drink (E) (Lvl 44), Solar Beam (E) (Lvl 46), Sunny Day (E) (Lvl 45), Wild Charge (E) (Lvl 43), Grass Pledge (E) (Lvl 43), Frenzy Plant (G) (Lvl 39), Field Control (E) (Lvl 53), Grass Domain (G) (Lvl 39), Calm mind (U) (Lvl 30), Grassy Glide (E) (Lvl 47)

Core: Grass (Mastered) 

Hidden Power: Electric (30%)


Gogoat was a genuine king rank Pokemon now. Even Gogoat had not thought that it would reach such a level one day. Its health had massively increased to 8500. Its hidden ability was also 100% now. Most of its moves have crossed the threshold and its hidden power mastery had also increased to 30%. 

This happened when one of its electric type moves 'Wild charge' leveled up to 43. Axel believed that it was finally time to train his Pokemons in hidden power mastery. He didn't know what would happen when it reached 100% but he could guess that they would be very powerful.

Would they get another typing after hidden power had been fully mastered? He didn't know but he hoped that they would. 

Axel looked at the move description that had changed.


Growth (Gogoat): (Level 40): Height and power increased.

                (Level 45): The weight and height have increased and the power of the Pokemon has also increased

Grass Pledge (Gogoat): (Level 40): The grass is more sturdier.

Grassy Glide (Gogoat): (Level 40): Increase the speed of the Pokemon after using it.

                    (Level 45): The Pokemon could also dodge attacks while using it.

Horn Leech (Gogoat): (Level 40): Now, the user would recover 50% of the health drained. That was a massive increase and the power of the attack had also become more devastating.

                   (Level 45): the user could recover 60% of the health drained. The power of the move has increased.

Solar beam (Gogoat): (Level 40): 'Solar beam' was also faster than before.

                    (Level 45): The power of the move has increased.

Wild Charge (Gogoat): (Level 40): The speed of the attack has increased. It would also increase the speed of the Pokemon

Grassy terrain: (Level 40): Only helps the user not the enemy. 

              (Level 45 ): should increase health by a good margin and it should also create a lot of grass around you. 

              (Level 50): The grass should be sharp with minuscule blades on each of them. They should be able to hurt your enemy but not Gogoat.

Field Control (Gogoat): (Level 40): just like hasirama senju but mini version. 

                     (Level 45): Consumes less stamina. 

                     (Level 50): Faster than before.

Bullet seed (Gogoat): (Level 40): the seed has the power to detonate. 

                  (Level 45): Its speed is more better than before.

                  (Level 50): the seeds would stick to the target

Seed bomb (Gogoat): (Level 40): It would detonate after a set amount of time. 

                   (Level 45): Gogoat didn't have to use its stamina to hold it for a long time.

                   (Level 50): The power of the move has increased.

Razor Leaf (Gogoat): (Level 40): The area coverage of the attack has increased massively

                   (Level 45): The leaves are sharper than before.


These were some massive changes. Axel was very happy with this development. Gogoat would be very helpful during the tide. It was also a king rank Pokemon so with it and Alakazam, they now had 47 king rank Pokemons.

If Charizard and Shedinja could also join the party at the time of the tide, then Axel would have 6 king rank Pokemons.

After approving Gogoat's development, he looked at Alakazam's stats:


Pokemon's Name:- Alakazam (Age- 9 yrs)

Pokemon's Nickname:- Light

Pokemon rank: King 

Ability:- Synchronize (mastered)

Hidden Ability:- Magic guard (100%)

Potential:- Purple

Health:- 6500/6500

Attack:- F    Agility:- F

Defense:- F  Sp. Attk:- F

Sp. Def:- F

Moves:- Teleport (E) (Lvl 55), Confusion (E) (Lvl 43), Reflect (E) (Lvl 47), Recover (E) (Lvl 49), Ally switch (G) (Lvl 39), Telekinesis (E) (Lvl 43), Psychic (G) (Lvl 39), Calm mind (E) (Lvl 53), Thunder punch (G) (Lvl 39), Drain punch (G) (Lvl 39), Hyper beam (G) (Lvl 39), Psycho shift (G) (Lvl 44), Focus blast (G) (Lvl 39), Thunderbolt (E) (Lvl 43), Flamethrower (E)(Lvl 43), Elemental manipulation (E) (Lvl 64), Greater Telekinesis (E) (Lvl 47), Enhance (E) (Lvl 44), Thunder (E) (Lvl 43), Psychic domain (G) (Lvl 39), Disown (C) ( Lvl 39), Light Screen (E) (Lvl 46), Rain dance (E) (Lvl 34)

Core: Psychic (Mastered)

Hidden Power: Psychic (80%)

Items: Psyc bracelet

