
Ch. 158 Summer Events pt.3: The last event

The last interesting bit of my summer came when I had my meeting with Dumbledore.

It was nice having to deal with something relatively predictable after so many surprises happening in a single month.

Mother got back with her ex-fiancé and the wedding is happening in a little more than a week, its organization is going swimmingly. I am conflicted about letting mother marry Sirius due to what I know of the man, but he's making her happier than she's been in a long time and I know for a fact he's been straightening up his act even more. I know because I have eyes everywhere and they'll help make sure he doesn't hurt mother.

Then I meet my own mother-in-law and was half grateful that I wouldn't be the one having to deal with a father-in-law, mostly because my future wife and mother-in-law are in the finale stages of their plan to erase him. Let's just say it'll suck the life out of him. Then I have to make sure our own wedding plans are going well, which they are since I've decided to use some muggle ideas mixed with magic and my people are helping make sure I get everything I need.

Then we have Narcissa Malfoy/Black. With her marriage contract cancelled and her getting my protection, she's been a very busy bee. From what I can tell, she's been transferring businesses to her name by convincing Lucius that as a marked Death Eater, he is very suspicious and that having everything in her name would stop people from being able to take them should he ever be arrested. The man actually agreed, meaning that it could deal a serious blow to the Dark Lord's finances when I decide to pull the plug.

Obviously I've taken counter measures against Narcissa. There's no way I was letting a woman who's been so close to Death Eaters for decades loose near me, even if I believe her, and she knows it. So we signed strict contracts for the duration of the second coming. In brief, as long as I am able, I shall protect her from Death Eaters and their lord, which isn't really difficult for me in all honesty, and in exchange she would act in whatever means she could to support me against them. I give her safety and she gave me whatever she could against them, simple and straightforward but with heavy punishments on both sides. Had to make sure there were as few loopholes as possible since I know she can exploit those.

But it was finally time to go for my meeting. So leaving my research aside, I went to wash and dress myself in a grey suit with classic leather Oxford's.

"Susan, are you ready?" I asked after having finished dressing myself.

"Almost done. Just give me a minute." She answered through the door.

Yes I was bringing Susan over. The meeting itself wasn't just a meeting. It was more of a dinner I was invited to before I talked with Dumbledore, and since Harry and his friends were there I was bringing Suz along so they can hang out too.

On a side note, yes I'm still doing plenty of research and spell creation during the last month. I just don't talk about my day to day grind.

Most of my paperwork is finished before lunch with my self-writing quills, aides and my own insane stats. My business basically runs itself and only some rare stuff requires my presence or personal help, so it mostly falls in the paperwork category. And with my vanishing box, I can easily talk with various countries in which my businesses are growing as well. Then I have my Michael Folster stuff, which I mostly get reports and files to request permission for certain actions, nothing linking directly to me, but my people are very capable hence leaving me with little to do since they also have my trust.

The Board of Governors was not a frequent thing, only meeting three or four times a year if no severe incidents occur to discuss the current years projected numbers at the beginning, how things had been going during the winter, how the school year as a whole ended after exams, and then to discuss exam results and funding for the next year. So not a Time killer or anything, with my first meeting actually being in a few days. That is probably the reason why the Headmaster wants our meeting to happen now.

Then I have my duties as a member of the Wizengamot. The schedule is rather inconsistant in general, but is also infrequent. During normal times, the members are rarely gathered in their entirety. The duties of members revolve around wizarding law, meaning we vote on matters regarding the introduction, abolishment or defense of laws, deciding the verdict of high profile trials and wether they merit being heard, and finally we hold the power to remove the current Minister of Magic and veto certain motions if enough members are in favor. This means in general, we only gather when enough is on the agenda, an important case is brought forward or an emergency is declared.

So over all, I am able to finish my work in the morning with relative ease on average. Then I can do as I please, which is usually research, spending time with Tory, teaching the little siblings or training Tonks.

I've actually been making some good progress in regards to magic due to my new state, constantly pushing further in either my white or neutral magic. My main focus being on pure magic manipulation and elemental magic when not creating new white spells.

Putting all that aside though, I heard Susan come down and see her in a burgundy blouse, black tampered pants and black ankle boots as she does.

"You look great Suz." I say with a gentle smile.

"Thanks bro. Tory helped me pick out the outfit when we went shopping. You look good too." She happily said with a bright smile on her face.

'Really going to have to make sure no one tries anything on her.' I thought as my (over)protective brother side reared its head again due to well puberty was going for my little sister.

I then quickly concealed our appearances using my cloaks and apparated us to Grimmauld Place.

I already knew the secret being kept and Susan has visited during the summer because she is a lot closer to Harry than she was in canon due to him staying at our place, so we didn't need someone to invite us in again, simply walking to the door and knocking.

Sirius answered the door and welcomed us warmly as a result.

"Hey kids, happy to see you! Harry's been asking about you, worried you'd been attacked by Voldemort and his followers." The energetic dog animagus said as he brought us in.

As soon as we came into the door, we could see a flurry of redheads moving around the house.

"KIDS IT'S TIME FOR DINNER!" I then heard the voice of Molly Weasley shouted, making the entire clan gather, with Susan excitedly rushing over to see her friends and get some food as well after she looked at me with expectant eyes and I gave her permission with a nod.

"I see the Weasleys have made themselves at home." I say to the man with a chuckle.

"Yeah, it's mostly for Harry. Good to have more people treating him like an actual family member Dumbledore said. It also helps to keep him happy since his friends are here too and he can still do magic as he pleases." Explained the dog-father with bit of a smile.

"He does deserve to have people care. But besides him, you ready for the ceremony?" I asked as we move towards the dinning room.

"Nervous as all hell kid. Can't stop thinking about what if I mess it up? What if we're rushing into things? What if another war really happens? Can I properly take care of her? Can I make her happy? Do I deserve her after what I did?" My future uncle rambled as he passed his hand through his black hair.

"At least I know you care, cause you wouldn't worry if you didn't. But I'll say this, the only time you'll ever really let her down is if you stop trying. So man up and just be there for each other, you both deserve someone to love in your lives." I say to the man.

"Just be there for each other huh? Yeah, I can do that." He replied as he exhaled deeply.

"Good. Cause if you make her cry I'm going to use you for target practice." I said with a nod as I then walked through the door to the dinning room.

"Wait a sec kid! You're joking right? Kid!" Sirius said quickly as he tried to stop me, but I just ignored him.

"Aedan! You're here!" Harry then shouted happily from his seat at the table.

I looked over and gave him a smile while looking around. It looked like most of the Weasley clan was here; Fred and George were animatedly talking to each other about a new prank product idea for their developing Weasley Wizarding Wheezes, Ginny was seated with Hermione and Susan as the girls wanted to talk amongst themselves as their gender obliges, Charlie and Bill were talking with their father, and Molly had just finished placing the last plate down as she saw Sirius and I coming in.

'Looks like Percy still became estranged from his family for supporting Dumbledore.' I thought as I noticed his absence.

"Aedan dear, I'm so pleased you could come." The plump Weasley matriarch said as she ushered us in.

"My pleasure Mrs. Weasley. Thank you for cooking, I've brought a few bottles of wine that the adults can enjoy." I respond with a grateful smile as I open my bottomless pouch and take out four bottle of Bordeaux.

"Oh you shouldn't have dear, but thank you." She said as she happily placed the wines on the table.

I then took a seat next to Harry, who immediately asked me questions.

"Where have you been Aedan? I've been worried since I haven't been able to come over. Sirius also told me you aren't joining the professor's Order, why not?" The growing teen asked and I could see on his face that he was overthinking.

"Harry, everything's alright. No one has done anything to me, so no need to worry.

For your first question, well I was busy getting stronger. Took me a whole month, but if I could match Voldemort before, now I'll flatten him." I answered with confidence, shocking the teen and those of the younger generation since the Order members already knew I was that strong.

"And I've been rather busy planing Amelia and Sirius' weeding while also taking care of my own." I then added with a smirk as I see that bit of information getting an even bigger reaction.

"You're getting married too!?" Harry and Ron shouted out at the same time.

"Yup." I answered, amused at their reaction.

"But you just graduated!" The still very shocked Harry said.

"So? Tory and I have been dating for a few years and we've been engaged for a while now. The only thing we're waiting on is her mother recovering so she can be there for it." I calmly answered as I saw the girls across the table grill Susan for all the details about that particular piece of information.

"How come you didn't tell me then?" Harry asked, looking a bit sad.

"Well, we didn't want anyone to know until Tory could make a name for herself outside Hogwarts. We didn't want people saying she's not actually that good and I was the one to do everything." I answered, placating him.

"Oh, so she was too proud and didn't want people to think you were the only smart one?" Ron then suddenly said in between bites.

"That could be a way to say it if I wanted to get into trouble." I said with a nod.

"Why would you get into trouble?" The two friends then asked in confusion.

"You two will have a lot to learn and more than a few times you'll annoy women." I simply answered to their lack of understanding as I began eating in full, successfully distracting Harry from his second question and my power.

The rest of the meal was a lively affair, with everyone talking amongst themselves, catching up on recent events or actions, how jobs are going, excitement for the school year, worries about OWL's for the fifth years and talks about the ministry.

Near the end of the meal, Dumbledore finally arrived and looked quite happy to see the jovial mood of everyone at the table.

"Good evening everyone, I hope I am not too late for desert." The old man said as his sweet tooth took over for a moment.

"Not at all, just about to bring it out. Why don't you take your seat and I'll go and get it." Molly answered with a wide smile as she stood up to do just as she said.

The headmaster nodded, found his seat at the head of the table and waited for Molly to return.

The matriarch quickly came back with a few different pies and started to distribute slices all around and only after everyone was done did the headmaster start talking as everyone looked at him.

"Now that everyone has been well fed thanks to Molly, I would like to ask the children to return to their rooms for the night." Dumbledore said as he looked at the twins and fifth years.

""Oh come on! It's our last year and we're both seventeen!"" The twins protested as Harry, Ron, Hermione and Susan also look very dissatisfied.

"You all will listen and go to your rooms. This is not something for children to hear." Their mother ordered as she glared at the twins.

"But I can't just not be involved when Voldemort is going fo try and kill me and anyone who gets in his way!" Harry countered as his emotions started to rise.

"Harry my boy, you are too young to be involved in Order business. You cannot help because of your schooling and the Trace is still on you. It is simply too dangerous for you to be involved right now." Dumbledore countered as he looked at Harry with a sad expression.

With actually valid points against telling anything, something the canon decided was too easy to do. I mean, just because Albus was weary about Harry's link to Voldemort, he never gave him a reason and almost goaded the kid into proving himself by doing stupid things and making him very emotional on top of having to deal with the instability his connection added.

Before he got too bad, I decided a moderate approach would help placate those still in Hogwarts.

"How about we let them be present for the general information and less sensitive information. After that I will take my leave with students to allow Order members to discuss important information and operations which cannot be leaked." I added in a calm tone, calming the kids and making them look at the adults hopefully.

"Are you certain about this Aedan, you know my reasons." Dumbledore asked with a concerned look.

"It is inevitable that everyone here will fight and being prepared is a lot better than fumbling in the dark. They can only be carefree when they know what is happening. I believe everyone here is loyal and can keep secrets, even the twins." I said as I remembered how each one of them has grown and were said to grow in canon.

"I think that's a good idea, especially for Harry. He's always been involved in this, he deserves to know something." Sirius said in support as he gave Harry a smile.

"But they are just children." Molly complained as her instincts to protect kicked in.

"And the Death Eaters won't care about that fact. It is better for them to know what is happening so they are not caught unaware or lured into foolish actions." I countered coldly as I turned my eyes towards the woman.

Fortunately Dumbledore interrupted before Molly could flip out in an effort to 'protect' the kids.

"If you feel so strongly about this, then the young ones can stay until we discuss things which need to remain secret. After which they will all retire to their rooms." The headmaster said as he gently put his foot down.

The students happily agreed to the compromise.

"Good. Know I wish for everyone to know that I will no longer be able to act as Chief Warlock for the time being." The man said in a very serene matter, causing a good amount of people to be shocked.

'He opened with the heavier thing, but he doesn't really care about the title only the fact that he will be unable to act as much in case a stupid law is introduced again.' I thought as I looked at those present worrying.

"This was a foregone event. Cornelius would never want me to stay in the position when he believes I am aiming for his own." The old man said in a sagely tone.

"My aunt was able to stop Fudge from appointing his Undersecretary as your replacement with relative ease, but the Minister is still looking for someone sympathetic to his cause to replace you. I am currently looking into this and making sure no Death Eater or sympathizer replaced you." I followed up as I added my own information on the subject.

"As I've heard, Amelia has done good to stop that woman from taking the position. Unfortunately, it seems that she and Cornelius are working on another angle at the moment as well. This one directed at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said as a more somber look appeared on his face.

"But the ministry can't just do what it wants in Hogwarts, only the Headmaster and the Governors have any say in its matters." Sirius said in a grave manner as he began thinking about what the Ministry could possibly do to harm Dumbledore's position in Hogwarts.

"Sadly, they have already begun influencing matters." The man said as people began to look concerned over Fudge's actions.

"And I am guessing that's why the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor hasn't been filled yet." I said in order to help everyone understand what has been happening.

"Yes, it is my assumption that the Minister and his Undersecretary have been pressuring those I could call upon to fill the position." Dumbledore confirmed with a nod.

"Can't we do anything about this? It is clearly illegal to do something like this no?" Hermione suddenly said as her outrage bursted out.

"I am afraid not. Wizarding laws have always been kept loose when it comes to the actions of the Ministry or Noble families. Without any concrete proof of such acts, it would be impossible to hold them accountable. Heck, the only reason I was able to screw Lucius over a few times is because I had so much against him. Any other time and he could simply walk out with a fine or bribe his way out." I explained as I remembered the fond memories of Lucius' anger towards me.

"I am afraid Aedan is correct miss Granger. But I do have a solution. Although young, I would like for Aedan to return to Hogwarts this year as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor." Dumbledore suddenly declared to the great surprise of those present.

"I thought you would ask if things didn't go well and I am ready to do so. But didn't you reject Tom because he was too young?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I am glad to have you aboard and I am sure your classes will be quite illuminating. Also, we both know that this wasn't the true reason, simply an excuse. And I believe this little decision of mine would make him feel quite a bit of humiliation once he hears of it." The old man answered in a happy mood at the thought.

"I pity those near him when he finds out. Poor Lucius will have to scrap and bow for days." I respond with schadenfreude.

"Is that where they have been hiding?" The headmaster asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, but we can't do anything without proof and the place is under Fidelius as well." I answered simply.

"Such a shame for poor Lucius then." Dumbledore said with some pity over the man's future suffering.

"Did you just say Lucius is hiding Voldemort!?" Arthur Weasley suddenly said loudly.

"Yes, but it's not like we can do anything about it at the moment. Haven't been able to find out who the secret keeper is and even then I can't be 100% certain Voldemort would be there. He could only be there for meetings, to issue orders, it can be a simple stopping point to confuse any would be tracking attempt or a ruse. So it's better to simply observe for now." I answered at the same time as I stop him from suggesting an assault on the place due to his dislike of the Malfoy's.

"What has Voldemort been doing lately though?" Harry suddenly asked, getting everyone's attention for a second before they turn to Dumbledore.

"He has been trying to gather allies, old comrades, the desperate and cruel, the oppressed and angry, and those who would profit from his endeavors. This is something our own members have been trying to prevent, Hagrid being on his way back from his discussions with the giant tribes in Italy. Besides that, Voldemort has taken no obvious actions at this point, but we believe he might do something major to bring more to his cause in the near future." The headmaster answered seriously as he looked at those present.

"I have received information that he and his men have started showing an interest in something kept in the ministry as well. I have not been able to pinpoint what his objective would be, but I suggest having your contacts be on the lookout for any known members or sympathizers wandering where they are not supposed to." I added as I hinted to the Dark Lord's desire to know the prophecy.

"Thank you for this information Aedan, or should I say Professor Bones?" The headmaster said with a bit of amusement.

"Whichever is fine. You always call everyone by their first names anyway. But I believe it is time for me to go, I know you'll start discussing Order Operations from now on, which also means everyone else is leaving with me as well." I responded as I stood up and beckoned Susan to do the same. "Thank you for the food Mrs. Weasley, it was quite delicious."

"Your welcome dear. Do take care of them this year, especially Fred and George. Merlin knows those two can get in all kinds of trouble." The woman said as she worried over her children's futures.

"I'm more worried about how many times I'll catch them trying to get one up on me than anything else." I jokingly answered.

""We will prank you this year."" They declared in unison and with determination.

"You never succeeded before, what makes you think you'll be able to do it now?" I asked in amusement.

(They're doing the twin thing of finishing each other sentences and talking at the same time. It honestly doesn't matter who says what here.)

"We were-"

"Still developing-"

"Our arsenal then-"

"But now-"

""We are ready to take you down."" They declared with a fire.

"Good luck then. Now let's go everyone and let the old people make their plots." I said as I led the younger group out of the room, being much more pacified by knowing at least some of what is happening.

By the time we all got to the stairs, the kids had mostly digested what they had heard so far.

"It's kind of wicked that Aedan's going to be our Defense Professor no? We definitely know he's good enough and that he can fight." Ron suddenly said as he smiled.

"Right, I completely forgot! Professor, what books are required for your class? It wasn't on the list this year." Hermione quickly asked in worry as she looked at me.

"I'll be providing the necessary books myself. Wrote down everything someone should know depending on their year and something new. So they are completely new books that haven't become available to the public yet." I answered with a smile. "Also, you don't really have to call me Professor yet, I haven't officially taken the role or signed anything."

"I prefer to not get into bad habits Professor." She answered, refusing to not use my new title.

"It'll be great having you in castle though Aedan. But will we be able to have those lessons like before or like the summer?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Yes. All of you will need as much training as you can get in the coming times. I for one, will not let you be unprepared. So I'll organize something for anyone willing to learn this year, adding a little extra for you four." I answered as I pointed at Harry, Ron, Hermione and Susan.

I added Susan because she is one of my biggest weaknesses and the most vulnerable one. Mother is one of the best witches in the country and is usually surrounded by Aurors and trained combatants. While Tory was personally trained by me and has hidden bodyguards protecting her at all times, which she knows and understands why. So yes I will train her properly too.

"Hey that's not fair-"

"What about us?" The twins asked.

"Well, I was planing in helping you guys open your joke shop and investing in it." I answered with a smile as I looked at the open mouths.


"Aedan Bones,-

"Want to-

""Invest in us?!"" They now asked in a blown away manner.

"Yes." I simply confirmed.

"Why would-

"You do that?"

"Because I am a businessman and you two are actually completely brilliant when it comes to things such as pranks and creating new and interesting products. Also, I did help Tonks prank quite a few people in my first few years, so I know quality when I see it." I answered with a proud smile.

"You pranked people?!?!" A nearly shrieking Hermione asked as if she'd just heard something impossible.

"And I never got caught." I happily added as I made the poor girl malfunction, making Ron and Susan laugh, while Harry also found my antics funny enough to break out into a smile from his light brooding.

"Fred, I think we should take up the man's offer." George said with a crafty smile as he looked at his twin.

"You know George, I was thinking the exact same thing." Fred said in agreement as they both turned to look at me.

""You've got yourself some partners."" They then said in unison again.

"Cool, I'll have you guys come in or send you a contract. It'll be very good terms for you guys since I'm more in the hopes of making people happier with this one." I said as I shook both their hands at once.

"You know mom is going to flip when she hears this right?" Ginny suddenly said from besides Susan.

"Like I should care. I get why she wants all of you to get jobs in the ministry, but that just won't happen. Even before all this crap, the ministry barely offered stability and a proper income, the biggest reasons why she wants all of you in it. The problem is that you'd probably be stuck in middling positions because none of you have any important connections to help you move up.

Then you have the fact that none of you are really fit for it what kinds of jobs she wants you all in. Bill wanted to help his family so he found a well paying, but dangerous job with the goblins, knowing a ministry job would barely support himself and much less his family. Charlie wanted to help as well, but also followed his great passion for dragons, going all the way to Romania to also do very dangerous work. The twins would either lose important parts of themselves and become depressed in such environments or they would cause absolute chaos in protest. Ron is the closest present Weasley to becoming a Ministry worker, but as an Auror. And you Ginny, are on track for either Auror work as well or a professional Quidditch player.

The only one who followed her wishes now disdains his own family for doing what they believe in, worships authority and laws above all else, and is the least likely to live a life true to himself. So not a great example since I've heard he's even dumped his girlfriend due to his extreme support for the Ministry." I explained as I make the girl have that little epiphany as a result.

"He doesn't mean anything bad about your mum Gin, he just believes she shouldn't force them to be miserable to avoid troubles she's had in the past." Susan explained kindly since I could go over the top sometimes.

"He is right though,-"

"We would go insane-"

""If we worked in that place."" The twins said in agreement.

"I don't think I'll be able to actually become an Auror. Snape would never let me into his NEWT classes and I'm not sure if I want to even be near that git at this point." Ron said with a heavy sigh.

"I'll help you with that. Honestly isn't that hard to teach potions if you bother doing it right from the start, but the man just doesn't want to teach even if he is a brilliant potions master." I say to the teen, getting a smile in thank.

"Then why is he even staying? He makes everyone miserable." Harry asked as he wished to get rid of the man for all the troubles he's given him over the years.

"That's between him and the headmaster in all honesty and I can't just say it. I do have a couple of suspicions about the motive behind a good amount of his actions, but he's still a crap teacher, so I'll help you kids out." I answered Harry before offering a hand.

"Thanks Aedan. Forgetting about everything else for a minute, it is cool that you'll be our Professor this year." The black haired teen said with a small smile.

"I'll do my best." I responded with a smile. "But now we have to go. Don't want my aunt chewing out Sirius because we came back too late. Have a good night everyone and I'll see you at Hogwarts."

""""""Good night."""""" Everyone then said in unison as Susan and I walked out of the door with our cloaks on.

She then grabbed my arm and we disapparated.

Over 5000 words! I keep breaking my record!

But as many guessed, Aedan is officially going to be the new DADA prof.

We had a glimpse into his usual life, some interactions with characters, minor progression, moving trough a couple chapters of canon and the complete removal of Harry’s trial since there was never an opportunity or reason to attack him, especially with their focus on Albus.

Hope people enjoyed their breaks like I did too.

Enjoy the Chapter.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts