
Enemy Inside The Same Blanket (Wolf In Sheep's Clothing)

Bang! ...

   The third bullet also lodged in David's lower left abdomen, scratching his hip bone, but David still didn't stop. David's eyes could see that the plane Angeline was in was moving.

 The officer who had shot David's body had no longer done so. According to the regulations, if the culprit does not fight back, then three bullets is the final tolerance limit. David has not injured anyone since the first bullet lodged in his body, which is a case of not fighting back.

   The officer spoke through his communication device and instructed all officers who were near David to stop him at once.

   Now, about seventeen officers, each with iron clubs, stood around David without giving him the slightest chance to escape. David realized that if he continued to fight back, the officer with the gun had reasons to shoot him again.
