
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"Are you okay Nana?" Nikko asked as he extended his hands towards her.

"Yeah," Nana nodded and grabbed his hands.

"Don't be on such a rush, it's dangerous Nana," Tori said as he peeked from the side.

"Sorry, sorry, I got very excited that I wanted to rush to my classroom as fast as possible," Nana said.

"It is good that you are spirited, take your time, don't run on the hallway, you are the freshman representative," Nikko reprimanded her.

"Haaaaaai," Nana said as she started walking towards her classroom, Nikko only smiled wryly as they continued walking towards their classroom.

Arriving at their classroom, Nikko looked around and found his classmates already had their own group, he looked for an open seat near the window and sat there, Tori also sat beside him.

'I like this seat,' Nikko thought as he comfortably sat on his chair and waited for the teacher, as they were waiting for the teacher, someone stood in front of Nikko.

"Hey, I'm going to take that seat," a kid with lava flowing out of his hair, but it didn't fall nor burn anything.

"Hmm? Take the other seats," Nikko said.

"Didn't you hear what I said, I said I'm going to take this," the kid said again.

"Then I will give you this seat if you could defeat me in arm wrestling," Nikko gave a smile.

"Heh, then be prepared to be shamed," the kid said, they both placed their arms on the table and grabbed each other's hands, Tori became the referee of their match, "3…2…1.. Go!" Tori said as the match started, the kid was full of smiles as he used all of his strength to push Nikko's hands.

But it didn't budge, he tried to push it again but it was like an unmovable mountain, "Grrr," the kid growled at him, just then flames came out from the backhand of the kid wanting to boost the strength of his hand.

Nikko was impressed by the kids control over fire, guess lava had flames on it so he could control fire, but he wasn't an opponent for Nikko, Nikko pushed his hand and the hand of the kid slammed on the table, "The winner is Nikko!" Tori announced.

"That was a nice match," Nikko said, the kid just snorted as he left, Nikko sighed as he thought that he could befriend the kid but it seems the kid ego is higher than he thought, probably came from a clan or a high standing family, he thought.

It didn't take long for the teacher to arrive and introduce herself, everyone listened to her attentively, and they didn't have to do much today as the teachers only introduced themselves and the students introducing each other.

The day passed in a blink of an eye and Nikko quite liked the class, it's much different from the kinder garden, after class, Nikko and Tori went to pick up Nana on her classroom, and when they arrived, he could see that she had already made friends, well, all of them are girls.

Nikko looked around the classroom and found no guy on the room, I guess it's considered lucky for 2 guys to be in one room, Nikko thought as he remembered that, the kid he fought earlier was a girl, and she goes with the familiar name, Teka Todoroki, he guess she is the mother of Enji or Endeavor in the future.

It didn't take long for Nana to join them and walk home together, Tori's house is close to their place so the three of them walk together.

"Hey, want to buy some ice cream?" Nikko asked as he pointed at the convenience store.

"Sure," Nana and Tori replied.

After they finished buying ice cream, the three continued walking home and later, Tori departed with them, as he already arrived at his house, as Nikko and Nana arrived at their house, they were greeted by tons of food on the table, Roku was there smiling.

"Let's celebrate!" Roku said.

Nikko and Nana looked at each other and smiled and joined the feast Roku had for them.

After lunch, Nana went to sleep while Roku and Nikko were in the backyard looking at the night sky.

"Nik, I want to tell you something," Roku said.

"Hmm? Is it that you don't have a girlfriend when you are already 30 years old?" Nikko said straightforwardly, causing damage to Roku.

"No, I'm going to tell you my secret," Roku said.

"You're p*rn stash? No, I already found it," Nikko said.

"What!? Ho-, ahem," Roku said as he cleared his throat, he turned his head and saw Nikko was smirking knowing his secret, Roku just sighed and continued.

"I have a quirk that has been passed to me," Roku said, Nikko raised a brow as he heard that, he knew that there was a chance Roku was holding the One for All.

"Hmm?" Nikko hummed.

"It's unbelievable right? Still, my master gave me this quirk, it's called One for All, it gives me the power of the first holder of this and let me have power," Roku said as he raised his hands and opened his palm, "I don't know much about this because my master gave it to me in a rush, it was before he died in the hands of our enemy," Roku said.

"Hmm, that must be a strong villain then," Nikko said.

"Yeah, very strong," Roku said.

"So, why are you telling me this?" Nikko suddenly asked, Roku smiled warily after being seen through by Nikko, "You're really a smart kid, so anyways, I want you to be my successor," Roku said.

"Na, I will pass," Nikko said.

"That is good, I will- what?" Roku said in surprise.

"I said I don't want it," Nikko said.

"B-But didn't you want to be strong? This would give you power," Roku said.

"Yeah, it would make me strong for sure," Nikko nodded.

"Then why?" Roku asked.

"It's not power what you are giving me, but the responsibility, and also, I don't want to get strong with the help of the others, I want my own strength to surpass the others, Roku, I walk on a different path, I'm not going to be a hero who saves everybody, I want to be a figure that is feared by my enemies," Nikko said as he clenched his fist.

Roku saw this and smiled, "Sometimes you act like a kid and act like an old man, it's really confusing, are you sure you don't have a split personality?" Roku asked as he laughed, still he looked at him, and thought, 'feared by my enemies, not villains huh?'


In the blink of an eye, minutes turned into an and hours turned into days, Nikko found that middle school was not boring as it was supposed to be though mostly because of clubs, in the clubs, using quirk is not allowed, so to be able to join, Nikko must wear a quirk suppressing items, he created it by himself.

He was a kendo member and also became a captain in just a few months, in their second grade, Nikko started joining tournaments and gaining fame for himself, at 3rd grade Nikko left the kendo club and created a new club for himself, manga and anime club, he created this because he had finally recreated the master pieces from his past world that doesn't exist in this world.

Most of the manga in this world is about heroes against villains, so Nikko recreated the new ones, of course not the ones where it could boost a villain to do more bad things but let people know, for example Naruto, and One peace.

At 4th grade Nikko's club has grown so much, Tori who was the first member became the vice president of the club, the school also started supporting their club, still he didn't reveal that he was the writer but hid himself from the pen name of 'Saikyo Ningen"

Of course, Nikko didn't slack off from his training, he had even included Tori and Nana on his training, at first they were happy then a few days later, they did everything so they could avoid training with him, but who are they running from? Even Roku wasn't able to escape.

And just like the middle school of Nikko's life came to an end, he had made some friends on the school, it was time to go to high school, at this age, U.A Academy is a new established school with little fame, but it still swept everyone when they heard the number one hero, Kuro will attend here as a teacher, and yes, that hero is Roku, since he likes to wear black he used Kuro as his hero name.

To enter U.A students must do some tests and trials that are made by the teachers of the school, Nezu is not the teacher of this school by the way, he was still a student like them, younger by 6 years, he had met him once.

Entering the premises of the U.A school which was different from the plot, it had no protection, no walls around, just a tall glass building with U.A on top of it, Nikko,, Tori, Nana, Chiyo, and Teko entered the school, and yeah, Teko became their friend but her personality is still hot tempered, much more than Bakugou from the main plot.

Everyone who wants to be admitted on the U.A academy gathered in a big room and made them do some written tests, after that, physical tests, the test were like the ones from One punch man when Saitama wanted to register as a hero, there are also another test for support hero which Chiyo took, this is very different from the main plot.

"First! Side to side jumps for 30 seconds! We require that you use your quirk on this test," the teacher in charge said.

Nikko positioned himself and once the test started he jumped sideways at a very fast speed, not at the level of Saitama but still fast.

"Next! The 1500 meter run. Go!"


Nikko left the other participants behind, Tori also did great in the test as he had the quirk jet which boosts his speed greatly, and with the training he did with Nikko he was much faster.

"Next Weightlifting!"

Nikko easily beats the 130 kg dumbbell with one hand.

"Next Shot-put!"


"Reaction test! Whack a mole!"

*Bang! *Bang!

"Strength Test! Punching Machine!"


And so the test ended with Nikko almost destroying the equipment of the test, Roku who was watching by the side nodded and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

The next test was a quirk test, the teacher will see how powerful or what could their quirk do, it was more like they were doing research on their quirks but still harmless.

"The test has now ended, we will notify everyone in the next 3 months, we hope you pass," the teacher in charge said.


Next chap will be 3 days later <3

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