
A strange situation

"What are you going to do with us King Einar? We are only women who have lost our virginity and have no value."

Einar smiled and showed two of his fingers. "You have two options. The first is to stay in this place so you can be placed in the kingdom of Ireland with new identities, or the second is that you can follow the army. 

You could find love among some of the soldiers who are single. Do not worry if you choose this option, because I will not ask you to be prostitutes. You will only have to help with the work of caring for the wounded and making food. "

The young woman looked at her companions and chose the second option. "We want to be with the army, because we don't want to be in this damn place, just so you know at night we hear laments from the baron's room.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
