
A day with an Einar the exemplary father 3/3

After finishing the kitchen things, everyone left the palace and went to the courtyard of the great hall where once the children arrived, they began to run.

For his part, Einar helped Laisa out of the wheelchair and put her on a blanket on the grass while they enjoyed the sun.

At that moment, the small family dog ​​ran out of the palace, carrying a wooden ball with him.

Flea brought his wooden ball to Einar. Einar, seeing his little pet, only stroked his head. "Do you want to play?"

The little cub wagged his tail from side to side and looked tenderly at Einar, so Einar sighed and petted his dog before taking his wooden ball as he got up off the ground.

When he got up, he threw the wooden ball to the front so the little cub ran with all his might to collect the ball.

Einar laughed when he saw the cub go for the ball. Although it was a simple trick, it brought back many memories of his childhood on the ranch.


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