
The project of the first factory on the island

Einar, who was with Hakoon, watched carefully as he melted the gold to later make it pass through a mold which made it take the shape of a wire.

Later he took out the gold cable and using a tool with holes that had from a large to a small one.

To begin with, he pass the wire through the largest hole there was. This caused the gold wire to begin to thin and increase in length.

By repeating the same process, the gold wire gradually turned into gold wire.

When it was finally over, Hakoon showed the gold thread to Einar.

"It is a laborious process but you get a lot of gold thread from just little gold material."

Einar smiled and walked towards the mold where the gold was poured "To think that the process of making gold thread is so curious.

I think I could improve it quite a bit but I would need a mechanical power source to be able to make it work.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
