
Situation after the naval battle

While the battle on Nelda's ship had come to an end, the other three ships were just starting their own battles against the rest of the Viking ships.


Only on Ashraf's ship did they have to face the threat of two ships that used hooks and ropes to hold on to the ship.


A situation that the mercenaries took advantage of because unlike the way of fighting off the Christians, they were educated in battles in the Mediterranean Sea.


Where they fought many times against Barbary pirates who were extremely dangerous because they always had ships to rob.


So their experience fighting at sea was quite dangerous for all of them, proof of this is that in an attack Ashraf's father lost his life.


Ashraf who had his scimitar smiled as he watched as a group of Vikings began to jump from his left side, so using his weapon he faced them in a brutal but effective way.



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