
Rebellion in the empire

While Ludovico was torturing the Prisco bishop in the rest of the empire, the situation began to ferment as the son of Emperor Louis the Bald from his fiefdom in the Aquitaine area was giving a speech to all his subjects.


"I want you to listen to my words well because what I am going to tell you is of great importance for the Empire, perhaps you did not know it or maybe you were aware of it but whatever the case, my father was in the north waging a war against the paying kingdom of the North which had declared war on us.


During the course of the war, my father was caught by a pagan named Anders who, under the influence of the new pagan queen, cut off my father's arm as well as an ear.


At that moment my father decided to search for the culprit and under the pretext that it had been duke Dean, he launched a horrible attack against their lands, burning and murdering Christian brothers who did not owe or fear anything.

