
Finding Bishop Prisco

One of the many soldiers who was working removing rubble in the burned city, removing with the help of another comrade a large wooden beam revealed what appeared to be a path to some catacombs below the destroyed building.


So staring into the eyes of their partner, the two draw their swords and prepared to go down those stairs.


As they came down, illuminated only by the light of a small torch, they could see some corpses that were on the stairs.


"It seems that these poor bastards could not find a way out of this place and they ended up dying due to the heat, you have to be careful because perhaps there could be survivors in this place."


His partner, upon hearing the words, could only laugh while kicking one of the corpses "Perhaps it seems to you that these people had the opportunity to hide or hide their children, in this place we will only find dead people even look at that woman still holding her baby or whatever it was.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
