
Entrance to purgatory on earth

When the ram forcibly opened the gate to the burning city, a wave of heat could be felt coming out of that hole.


The soldiers who were controlling the ram could not bear the heat, so they had to move away, leaving the weapon under siege.


Ludovico and his daughter, who were in the front line, could also feel the heatwave, so they did not want to approach it because they had to wait for the fire to subside.


But despite this, they could see the hell that was developing in the city, and at that moment they understood that they would not see new enemies.


Ludovico at seeing what he had provoked could only laugh with pride and pointing to the door shouted enthusiastically.


"All of you soldiers who are here watching this can be sure that this is the fate that lies in store for all the damned traitors who dare to fight against me or against the empire.



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