
Discussion between monks

"Papa, Einar!"

All the orphaned children screamed who, using their little feet, ran towards Einar.

Einar smiled at his two wives and his mother, who understood what he wanted to do, so they parted ways with Einar.

In doing this the little children took advantage and pounced on Einar, who almost immediately dropped one knee to the ground and hugged them.

Laura, who had been fortunate to be among the first children to jump, rested her small head on Einar's shoulder.

With tears and some snot, she cries with joy, "Papa Einar, I ...

I am very happy that you have returned; we miss you so much. "

Einar ruffled Laura's hair and with a face of joy he looks at her "Thank you for waiting for me Laura, but I've already returned"

After saying these words, Einar took it upon himself to hug the thirty little orphaned children, whom he had taken care of months before.
