
Calm before the storm (2)



Jack got up feeling refreshed and walked with a skip in his step toward the Hildegard's. He had placed everything and now all he had to do was a little bit of acting and the Jack of Spades would be born.

The location that he had chosen was in a semi busy part of the marketplace in the middle districts. There was a empty house nearby there that was previously owned by a murderer, no one had bought it since because of their legacy. The Hildegard's hadn't searched there, in fact it wasn't even on the list a potential lead.

It was only mentioned in passing to a different lead. The reason on why it wasn't on the list was because it would be in a area constantly monitored by mages. Mages would of course be able to feel the Aura of the item.

Breaking away from his thoughts Jack arrived at the Hildegard's and rang the bell. Answering the door was a butler clearly unfazed by the site of Jack.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Jack just shook his head, (and this is why I don't take the door)

Emitting a fire form his finger he looked at the butler, "I'm here to help with the investigation"

Seeing that Jack was a mage the butler quickly changed his attitude and let him in. The butler politely lead him to an office all to familiar to Jack. The inside of Daniels office was much different than when Jack had left it. The book case that had hidden the emblem was now completely removed. There was also a lot of furniture shifted around as well as a new lamp sitting on the desk.

Jack walked right up to Daniel, "Do you have a city map that you don't mind me drawing on?"

Stunned by his sudden approach Daniel simply mumbled "Yeah"

"That's great I need to use it real quick I think I may have found a lead!"

Intrigued by Jack's enthusiasm Daniel prompted Jamar to grab a map for him. Daniel then stood up out of his chair and looked out the window.

"I'm impressed Mr. Axter, we have been looking for the thief for many days. Not to mention with some of the greater detective minds helping us, and now you have claimed to found a solid lead after only 2 days."

"You honor me to much Mr. Hildegard, without the brilliant and thorough investigation of you team I would have never been able to produce such results. I also realized that there was a crucial flaw in your thinking."

Hearing this Daniel slightly turned his head to face Jack, "Oh? Pray tell what is this 'crucial' flaw?"

"You were constantly thinking on 'who' did it and what there motive would be for doing so. But you never asked 'how' they did it. By thinking on how they did it we can then use sequential thinking to arrive at where they might be now."

Daniel was about to say something in return but was cut off by the entrance of Jamar along with several other men, with the map Jack had requested. Laying it out on the now clear desk, Jack took out a pencil pointing the tip at the Hildegard's residence.

"Okay, let's start off with the theft. It obviously took place in here the office correct?"


"Alright let's think about how some one would get into the office. Gentlemen?"

One person spoke up, "Magic?"

"*sigh* what kind of magic could they have used?"


Silence took over the room as most of the investigators where not knowledgeable about magic. Jack had been looking at Jamar hoping that at least he would catch on to what Jack was saying, but alas no one responded.

"Either wind magic for flight, or spatial magic. Both of which require an incredibly high amount of mana to utilize making it very easy to detect. So we can rule out the intruder being a mage. What other options would someone have to get from the ground to up here?"


Again silence filled the room, (No wonder these guys barely found anything useful. "Greatest detective minds" my ass!)

Just as Jack was about to answer another man spoke up, "Climbing?"


Jack was a bit too proud of the man coming to a easy conclusion, startling Daniel and Jamar who were leaning over his shoulder.

"Now tell me, how many Nobles or Upper-class citizens know how to climb that well?"

"None that I know of sir"

"Exactly that means we can cross off suspects that are from higher residential areas. Now.."

As Jack was going to continue Jamar suddenly bellowed, "And anyone within the lower districts would be to weak to climb the wall effectively, let alone take out one of the guards!"

Seeing all the gazes of shock form everyone in the room Jamar scratched his nose sheepishly, "Sorry I got excited"

Recovering from his shock Jack shook his head before contiuning.

"Jamar is correct, this means that we can lower it down to somewhere in the middle districts. Once I had gotten to this point I was stumped for a while, but after giving it more thought I realized that I could narrow it down more."

Jack paused intentionally for suspense, seeing that everyone was thoroughly invested into what he was saying he spoke again.

"Why would the thief take the emblem in the first place? I'll tell you why, to send a message."

One of the men turned to Jack confused, "What do you mean by that?"

"The thief wouldn't have left Forgemire, as the power of the emblem significantly weakens when it is apart from the blood line that owns the emblem. We also know that they haven't sold it, meaning that they took it to make a fool out of us."

"But why would they do that?"

"I don't know powerful people are bound to make enemies along the way, but what I do know is that if you want to send a message, you'll make yourself be known. They probably put it in an area with a large amount of crowds so when you did find it, it would sting having it be right under your noses."

Daniel interrupted Jack, "Just get on with it where do you think it is?"

Jack smiled, "Arlington Manor"


Reginald walked briskly down the street trying to remain calm. The expansion of the Cast brand was going well, and he was now going for one of there bigger targets. He did not want to fail this possible partnership because it would mean serious loses in profit. Straightening his clothes for the fourth time Reginald stepped into the building.

Nearly 3 hours later Reginald walked out of the store with a victorious glean in his eye. Walking a couple blocks he turned a corner and jumped up in the air pumping his fist.


(Not only did that go well they were willing to give 15% more than we were demanding!)

While Reginald was still celebrating he started to notice something was off about his surroundings. It was too quiet, being the middle of the afternoon this portion of Forgemire should be bustling with activity. But there was far to little movement and people about.

With the feeling of a hockey-puck appearing in his stomach Reginald started to walk quickly back toward his home. But as he continued down the street his sense of danger was steadily increasing, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

(Fuck, I don't want to die I'm too young!)

Increasing his pace to a jog Reginald decided to turn through an alley to get to his destination quicker. But as he got a couple steps into the alley he heard his footsteps hit water.

(That's odd there shouldn't be any puddles, it hasn't rained in about a week.)

Looking down at his feet the feeling on the back of his neck increased ten fold as his pupils dilated. It was not water that he had stepped in, it was blood. After seeing this Reginald's nose was hit by a wave of an awful smell, a smell familiar to a battle veteran or assassin, the smell of a dead body. Reginald's eyes blurred as he looked slightly ahead, he saw a body that was barely recognizable as human.

It's neck was twisted in several directions while it's legs and arms were bent in unnatural angles, their intestines were sitting out on their chest almost as if on display. Their spine was taken out and put perpendicular with the rest of the body, at the top of the spine was persons scalp blowing in the wind.

Reginald keeled over and vomited at the sight not believing his eyes. Standing up shakily Reginald quickly ran out of the alley way hollering and screaming.



Elsewhere in a abandoned building in Forgemire, "The first step of the awakening has gone according to plan my liege"

A robed figure spoke out in a voice as gruff as sand paper to a closed door.

"...Good.... Proceed with the dissention"

"Yes my liege"

The robed figure stood up from their kneeling position and turned around.

"Hehehe... Forgemire you will be blessed with the dissention of the almighty"
