
The First Born

Hao Xuan looked everywhere but could find no trace of Jin Wang. Exasperated, he traced his steps and went back out where he was met by a group of children not too far from the entrance. They were playing some sort of a game with rocks, tossing them from one spot to another on one foot.

With a smile and candies in hand, Hao Xuan walked up to them. To any adult he would seem like the most suspicious person, creeping around kids, offering them sweets. Thankfully, no such adult was nearby.

"Hey kids, you want some chocolate? The biggest piece goes to the one who can answer my question," he said waving a bar of it around in front of his face. But the reaction he was expecting didn't come. All of the children looked at him with the same confused expression until he realized why.

None of them had any idea what chocolate was.

