
Chapter 26

(A/N Notes: Author-san after writing two chapters, one on Monday and the other on Tuesday this week: I sleep

Author-san at the same week playing Stellaris instead of writing:Real sh*t?)

Back to Yuriko before the cut to Takeru

"Prez. Yuriko-san!"

"Prez. Nanami-san!"


Yuriko who was called by two different got confused

"Ah! If it isn't Himari-san"

"Don't act like we are close!"

"... Okay?... Then, prez. Ishii-san, what a coincidence to find you here"

"Yeah, it's really a surprise to find you here, so how about we have a challenge?"

"She wants to play with you"


Himari was acting like usual, but Sara with there her act fell flat down

"I see, then you're more than welcome to join us, Ishii-san"

"W, well... If you insist on having me, I suppose I can spend some time with you"

Himari tried to act high and mighty as her cheeks turned slightly red, making both Yuriko and Sara pat her head


As the girls were having a nice time talking, Daichi was still trying to call the attention of Yuriko

"Hm? Prez. Yuriko-san?"

"*Sigh*... What?"

And when he finally managed to get her attention, she responded with an annoyed face and cold voice, making everyone near her feel a subtle cold in the middle of the summer heat

"Ah!... Hmmm... Well... Ahahaha... W, what a pleasant surprise to find you here"

"Only for you"

"... Ah... I see... *Scratch the back of his head* I, I'll have a, a walk s, somewhere else"

"Okay, and please don't come near here again"

"... Okay... ... ..."

Yuriko said her last line in a good mood, only depressing Daichi even more. While the girls were slightly spooked by Yuriko acting like that, something that Aki and Ayano never saw before

"Hmmm? Yu-chan... Who was that guy?"

"A pervert, an idiot, and someone I don't want to talk about"

"O, okay..."

Aki and Ayano didn't want to try their luck, so they just decided to not press any further about that

"Anyway, is there anything you want to play specifically Ishii-san?"

"Huh? Ah! N, no..."

"I see, then how about..."

Without any other ideas, the girls decided to go with Yuriko's idea, and they all played with each other in the sea, until it was half an hour for lunchtime

"See ya, you three"

"S, see ya"

"*Nods* See you some other time, you two"

" "See ya!" "

Yuriko, Aki, and Ayano went to where Yuriko left their stuff, while Himari and Sara went back to their friends

"Nee, Himari-chan... Why didn't you tell me that Nanami-san was like that!?"

"Eh!? But I told you that she was like that!"

"No, you told me that she was a beautiful girl, not a perfect prince!"

"W, well, she's a girl"

Sara couldn't help but feel charmed by Yuriko natural prince acting

"Ishii-san sure is cute"

"Yeah, why didn't you tell us about her, Yu-chan?"

"You two never asked me about it"

"But how could we ask about her!?"

"You two could just have asked if I knew a cute girl"

" "... Touché" "

Aki and Ayano didn't have an argument to talk back to Yuriko, when they reached the bag, Yuriko took out three towels, and they all went to the showers to remove the sand and sea water from their bodies

"Hey, there, cutie"

And while Aki and Ayano were under the showers two men tried to woo Yuriko who was waiting for them outside the shower box

"Sorry, I'm currently busy"

"Don't say that, the day is still young"

One of the men tried to touch her on the shoulder, but she reacted quickly and gave the man an armlock, sending him face into the scorching sand

"Gah! It hurts!"

Then Yuriko let go of the man arm and asked them

"So? What were you two talking about?"

" "N, nothing" "

The two men quickly gave up and left

"Haa... Why does this always happens whenever we come to the beach?" (A/N Notes: Why indeed)

"You can use it now, Yu-chan. Hmm? Did something happen?"

"No, here's a towel Aya-chan"


And Yuriko went into the shower box to take a quick shower

Half an hour later

"Phew! Nothing is better than a good and proper shower after coming back from the beach"

"Yeah, you're completely right, there's nothing better than that"

Aki who was the last one to take a bath said so, as she left the bathroom and dried her hair with a towel, while Ayano agreed with her as she dried her hair with a hairdryer

"So, do you two want to have something specific for lunch or anything is fine for you two?"

"Anything is fine"


Yuriko who had already taken a bath and changed herself was wearing a small short and a large t-shirt, with her usual ponytail

" "..." "

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, it's just that we never get used to your way of dressing during summer, especially whenever we come here, that if we had to say it's kind of... Sloppy?"

"Yeah, don't you worry, that people will think you're only wearing a shirt?"

"Well, it doesn't make me feel hot and it's comfy"

"... Meh, whatever, if you're fine with it, we won't say anything else about it"

After that, Aki and Ayano dressed up and they all left to have lunch at some nearby restaurant

"How about this one?"

"Hmm... Yeah, looks good for me, Ayano?"

"Yes, it does look good"

The three decided on the Italian restaurant they saw as they walked down the street, and so they entered the place

"Welcome, table for three?"

"Thank you, and yes, a table for three please, my good lady"

"O, of course. P, please, follow me"

The waitress took them to a table

"Welcome, how can I help you today?"

"Yes, a table for two, please"

" " "!" " "

The three heard a familiar male voice, making them turn their faces to see, and they saw Takeru, even though he was with different hair color, accompanied by a woman, who was clearly Akari

"Got it, please follow me"

"Thanks... ! Ah!"

" " "Ah!" " "

Takeru noticed Yuriko and her friends

"... I thought you weren't coming to the beach"

"Well... Some things happened that forced me to and my sister to come"

"I see..."

They were somewhat awkward at seeing each other, then Takeru noticed the way Yuriko was dressed

"... ... ... I, I see, that you like dressing up like that in summer too" *Looks to the side with his cheeks slightly red*

"Huh? What do you mean?... !... ... ..."

And then Yuriko remembered what Ayano told her in their inn room, making her go silent for a brief moment

"Y, y, you got it wrong! I, I'm wearing small shorts too!" *Eyes spinning and blushing*

"Eh! Ah! I, I know!... Y, you aren't that type of person to dress up like that"

"Eh!... Aah... Y, Yes, you're right"

" "..." "

"W, well... See you some other time, Yuriko-san"

"Y, yes... Likewise... Takeru-kun"

They went to their respective tables and had lunch. After lunch, they returned to their inn rooms and Yuriko screamed her lungs out on her pillow out of embarrassment as she cried a little too, also from embarrassment

(A/N Notes: My first Empire at Stellaris: Just some good-alligned empire for tutorial

My second Empire: Socialism in space, with another socialist in space as an ally, with a relic world right around the corner, and marauders, and the infinity machine

My third Empire: The same as the second one but in different situations and in Ironman *Bam bam bambambam banananananam*)

Next game: Pacifist democratic oligarchs capitalist guilds, because money is stronger than war, especially when you can profit from wars of other Xenos

Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts