
Chapter 9

(A/N Notes: I'm struggling on making new drafts, why? Well, blame Mihoyo for releasing Genshin Impact)

After having lunch, Yuriko and Takeru watched a movie in a theater, and after watching the movie, they decided to go back home as they chatted along the way

"Today, was a very enjoyable day"

"Yeah, it was enjoyable"

"And how are your studies for the upcoming tests?"

"I'll just cram everything on the day before each test"

"... You're joking, right?"



Yuriko just kept looking at him with her usual smile, and after thinking a little, she had decided on what to do

"Takeru-kun, from tomorrow onward we'll be studying together for the tests"

"...Huh... You don't really-"


Takeru for some reason felt that his life was in danger if he wrongly answered Yuriko

"... Okay..."

"Great! Then let's meet in the library after school, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am"

"Why the sudden polite tone?"

"... Slip of tongue"

And they kept walking, but when they arrived at their apartments, they found two guys doing a reverse tug of war



"... Onii-san... What are you doing?"

"Huh!? Yuriko-chan! Where were you?"


Yuriko's brother let it go of Takeru's brother as he turned to face her, making Hideo fall face down to the floor

"Me? I was on a date with Takeru-kun over here"

She went behind Takeru and placed her hands on his on the shoulders, as she inclined to the side to show her head as she said that

"I see, nice to meet ya, Takeru-kun. I'm Hayato, the onii-san of this prince-like girl"


Takeru didn't answer him, because right now he was pulling back some of his unwanted childhood memories as he squinted his eyes while looking at him

"... Is he always like this?"


"By the way, you are going out with him!?"


Hayato grabbed his sister's shoulders as he said that with a surprised tone and face, and because of him suddenly doing that even made Yuriko turn surprised and slightly embarrassed

"I'm so happy for you, you who only has two friends, because everyone else kept-"

"Onii-san, please shut up"


She made him stop talking

"*Sigh* I'm not going out with Takeru-kun, he's just a friend of mine"

"Ah! I see...Well, I'm still happy that you finally got another friend"

"Thanks... Takeru-kun? Are you okay?"

Yuriko got slightly worried that Takeru was still thinking about something, but then he came back to reality

"AH! I remember you! You're that self-proclaimed the Grand sorcerer of the eternal white flame of the gods!"

Takeru said so as he imitated Hayato's dark past signature pose



"Whaaaaaa?" *just got up*

Hayato felt his stomach being pierced as Takeru brought back his dark past in front of his sister, while both Yuriko and Hideo were confused about that

"H, how do y, you know t, that name?"

"What do you mean how? You would always say that cringe title and then go to blabbering some weird stuff while doing stupid poses in the playground together with my stupid brother over here"

"... What are say-... Wait... It can't be... You're from that time!?"

Flashback start

When Hideo and Hayato were suffering from chunnibyou in high school

"Muahahahaha! I see that you fool has really decided to come here again, Grand sorcerer of the eternal white flame of the gods"

Young Hideo was standing imposingly on top of a park bench while in front of young Hayato, they were both using lame costumes and lame masks that hid their faces from each other

"You may have won yesterday battle, but the war is still raging, and today I shall avenge my defeat, Black mage of the icy eye of destruction"

"Kukuku... Hehehehe... Ahahahahahahaha!!! You think you can defeat the combined forces of me and my subjects?"

"What subjects?"

"These subjects"

And young Hideo pointed to two bratty figures, a boy and a girl

"Huhuhuhu! Where are my manners? I am the Red witch of calamity, the one who will bring your doom White sorcerer"

"Kuh! Such power!"

"... What are you all doing?"

Young Takeru was looking at his two siblings, Hideo and his older sister, who were acting like idiots in front of another boy who was also acting like an idiot, with a confused look. And since his two siblings had always acted like idiots when he was born, he ended up becoming the more responsible one

Takeru's older sister most striking feature was her natural red hair with a single stroke of blonde hair and black eyes, while his brother Hideo had a dark brown hair that could be mistaken as black while having a black left eye and a blue right eye

"Enough of chatting! White flames of purgatory!"

Hayato wasted no time to attack Hideo with a magical spell (imagination), but Hideo easily waved his attack away and jumped down (slowly went down) from his high ground (the park bench) that he was standing on, and launched his own attack

"Ice spikes of destruction"

Hideo calmly attacked Hayato with his own magical attack (imagination), but Hayato managed to dodge it in time, only for him to be attacked by a magical attack (imagination) from Akari, Takeru's older sister

"Flames of destruction"

"White shield!"

Hayato managed to defend from her attack right on time, but Hideo immediately sent another magical attack on him. While all that happened, Takeru was sitting on another of the park benches as he watched the three say weird lines as they made weird poses together with shitty acting without them moving from their initial spots, and they kept on that for quite a while, until Hideo got tired of that stalemate

"Kukukukuku! Looks like I'll need to use my secret weapon"


Hideo then picked up his magical staff (slingshot), and began invoking a powerful magic attack with it (pulling a rock in his slingshot), while Akari suppressed Hayato with her attacks, and when Hideo launched his attack (released the rock), Hayato managed to cooly bend backward (lost balance and fell on his butt) from Hideo's attack,


"... *Watching a trail of ants* ... *Looks up to check on his siblings* Guagh!"

Takeru, who had looked up right before getting hit, managed to see Hideo holding a slingshot, was hit dead-on the forehead by the rock making him fall off the bench on his back. Hideo and Akari stopped moving as they looked at the horrible situation that Hideo just created with expressions filled with fear, Hayato who turned confused looked at the direction that Takeru was, and he became equally scared


A hand grabbed the top of the bench, and a sideways figure of the head appeared from behind the bench, and a single topaz eye that appeared to be shining in pure anger from the shadowed face


"Aaaaahh... Aaaaaaahhh..."

And an equally angry voice called for Hideo, as Takeru turned to face him with trails of blood running down his face from where he was hit in the forehead, as he held the rock that had hit him and thrown back at Hideo, but he missed it and hit the tree behind Hideo, making the rock shatter on the impact, while he slowly passed over the bench and approached his older brother



And the scene of a 16-year-old boy fleeing while crying from an angry 6-year-old kid unfolded in the park, all the while Hayato and Akari were too scared to do anything

(A/N Notes: I'll release two more chapters somewhere else)


Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts