
Rekindling Shadows: Apologies and Transformations

After sending Elena a voice message, Oliver drives back to the hotel. He kept pacing around the room while checking his phone every five minutes, hoping to receive any message or call from Elena. When his phone rang, he picked up the phone hastily.

“Elena,” Oliver said on the phone breathlessly.

“Hey, Oliver,” Elena’s voice came through, breathless and nervous, creating a momentary awkward silence.

“Um... Oliver, I was wondering if you’re free tonight?” Elena broke the silence, her own voice tinged with uncertainty.

“Yes,” Oliver replied, a hint of hesitation giving way to joy in his once-dull eyes.

“Then would you like to meet me tonight at Spice Fusion Restaurant? It’ll be my treat,” Elena asked, fingers fiddling with the lace on her dress.

“Sure,” Oliver responded enthusiastically.

“Cool then, I’ll see you there,” Elena said, a huge grin evident in her voice as she hung up and returned to the cafeteria.
