
Switching job?

The next morning, Jian Yu found himself on his way to the mansion of Zero. Leaning back on the backseat of the car he was currently riding, Jian Yu scanned through the files once more, even when he had everything memorized, It was better to be safe than sorry. Since he was going to be a bodyguard, that means he had to stay for a couple of months. So...

Clothes. Check

MK25. Check

Dagger. Check

Silencer. Check

Memorized the data. Check

What else... what else...

Suppressant pill? Why did he bring it along again? Caution? What if his heat hit in an unexpected time? But it had been years since his first heat. Then again, always be prepared. Blame him from being a perfectionist, but that's how he was. 


Pausing outside the towering mansion, Jian Yu gazed up at the elegant building with no little trepidation. So this was where the Zeros lived. 

Tall windows glittered in the building face like the facets of a great jewel. Thick red curtains accompanied every window. The grounds he'd walked through to reach the building —all deep flowerbeds, lush lawns, and leafy trees. It was like the mansion was sitting in the middle of its own park.

To be honest, Jian Yu never expected things to be going as smoothly, as easily as how water flowed in the river. Right after he arrived at the mansion, he was welcomed with open arms, without much introduction as if they all had known who he was, given an exclusive room, and was directly told to be starting his job right away. 

It was just going smoothly, too smoothly!! He had expected some arguments between father and daughter, where the daughter wouldn't want a bodyguard, just because she was an Alpha. Arguing about how it hurts her alpha pride. Or maybe even made a fuss about him being beta, that he was not capable of doing the job, so he had to prove himself. You know, the normal stuff!

But no. Everything was just too bright and warm here that it seemed fishy. Lady Clementine as who she had introduced herself, was the only one with the stoic, indifferent face. The dominant scent she emitted almost had him pressed down to the ground. 

Right now, he was unpacking in his exclusive room. It was wide, huge even, much larger than his own tenement rental room. His room was only a fourth of this room, no, even the bathroom inside was bigger than his apartment. 

A king-size bed was placed in the middle of the room, with two wide windows on the right side. There were small tables, placed on both sides of his bed. A huge wardrobe and bathroom. Hell, don't even talk about the bathroom. It was magnificent. Living in this exclusive room made him feel rich. 

He folded his clothes in the wardrobe, and hung a few suits. Taking the butler uniform he was handed before, he went into the bathroom, planning on changing before starting the job. 

Splashing water to his face a couple of times, Jian Yu looked over himself from the mirror. A sight of a young man with silver hair and obsidian eyes stared back at him. He really did inherit his looks from his mother. 

'Mother... ' He smacked his face lightly. Now's not the time to think about that. Arrest whoever caused this, get the job done, then he could go back home. The faster the better. Be damn with the pretty room. 

A knock snapped him out of his thoughts. Taking a last look at himself, Jian Yu dusted off the imaginary dust from his suit and adjusted his tie before opening the door of his room. 

"Can I help you?"

A young maid, dressed in a usual maid outfit, an Omega, greeted him. "Young Lady requested your presence." 

"Understood." Jian Yu answered back. 

"I will escort you." The maid continued monotonously. 

'How expressionless,' Jian Yu thought solemnly. 

Where was that all warm welcome just a few moments ago. Was it all an act? Oh don't expect more, this was how work should be. Jian Yu felt like he had to put much hope on this job. 

The journey to the Lady's study room was awfully awkward. For Jian Yu, at least. Throwing a few questions about the household, the only response he got was a nod, or sometimes nothing at all. 

The workers here seemed to not give a damn about their master's safety, judging from how not the slightest bit worried in their eyes. Or even worse, were they all planning to kill the Zeros? Wasn't the one who was caught attempting to poison the Lady, a maid? Who had hired all the workers here?

Oh great, the first hour on the job, and he had to go jumping conclusions already. Let's investigate some more. 

He watched the omega knock on the door, before gesturing to him to stand in front of it. She gave him a slight bow before disappearing from his sight. 

Jian Yu tried not to fidget as he waited. A murmur of "come in" startled him out of his fidgeting. He straightened his suit, as usual, he gripped the handle of the door and let himself in. 

At the large desk before him sat a young lady who couldn't be more than a year or two older than himself. There was a roguish air about her, obviously trying to show everyone she's an Alpha not to mess with. It was in the sly quirk of her grin and the mischievous gleam in her eyes. 

The stoic image he had on her had completely vanished. Her tousled dark hair fell in a wavy that somehow managed to look wild and elegant at the same time. The most striking thing about her, however, was the complete confidence air which he carried himself—like someone who knew that she could have the entire world at her mercy if she so chose.

Her sharp, sapphire eyes looked Jian Yu up and down as he stood there awkwardly before the door, studying every inch of him with an intensity that made Jian Yu squirm. It felt like the woman was looking right through him, reaching deep inside his soul. Would she just throw Jian Yu out? Or do something worse? At least she wasn't spreading any alpha phenomenon. 

But it seemed his fears were unfounded as the woman waved for him to sit on the chair across from him. "Your name was Huang Jian Yu, right?"

He nodded, taking a seat.

The Alpha nodded thoughtfully. "So they send you here as my bodyguard?" She heaved a melodramatic sighed. "Told them I don't need protection, yet they requested a weak-looking beta to guard me?" Oh, it's here, it's here! The part where he's gonna be underestimated like the usual. 

Jian Yu had actually tuned almost all of the degrading facts about him being a beta. "-In any case, since you're here already, you might as well help as my assistant. Most of what I need from you will be to take care of things around the house and run errands-"

'Wait for what? Running errands?' Jian Yu panicked, he didn't sign up for this!

"-so that's what you're going to do here-" 

'What? What did she say?' Jian Yu panicked, even more, his tune off system was working too well at this moment. 

"-you don't want me complaining to your higher-ups about you neglecting your job right-" 

'what the hell? Arrogant prick!' His eyes bulged out. 'Are you blackmailing me?!' 

 "Now help me get my studies done so I can go to my friend's party tonight."

'What. The. Actual. Fuck.'

i think i'm gonna update once a week?

SleepyKolacreators' thoughts