
Preparing for sister school

September 30th 2016

Location: Grey high dining hall

Time: 6:45 pm.

Miss Magarette signaled a student to come towards her

"Good evening miss Magarette" the student said

"Yes, a very good evening to you too. Now Mary, I want you go call someone for me her name is Katie Kent, a girl with red hair she's with her friends just check from tables 40 - 47 She'll be sitting on one of those tables when you see her tell her to report to my office immediately"

"Okay" the student said and quickly went to do as she was told. Mary was actually grateful because it was easy to spot Katie with her red hair when she got to table 40 so she quickly walked to table 43

"Hello, you must be Katie right?" Mary asked

"Yes I am"

"Okay, miss Magarette wants to see you in her office immediately" Mary said

"Is there a problem?" Katie asked confused
