
"HELP!!! "

*Next day*

I woke up feeling kind of weird. I think I slept on my hand cause it hurts real bad. I can't feel sad yet, I still have much to accomplish today. I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower, then I rushed down to Lily's room.

Knocking on her door, I heard the door click then she opened it.

Its been long since I saw her and she looks as beautiful as ever.

"Hey" I said

"Hello" she greeted me with a welcoming smile

"I hope I'm not interrupting or anything, I just wanted to see you about something"

"Okay sure, come in" then she opened the door wide and welcomed me in.

I don't know how but I think her room is much larger than an ordinary students own. But that's not what I want to talk about now.

"You have a really nice room" I said

"Thanks" she giggled obviously in love with her interior design

"Ok, I'm here to ask you something. Did Mr. George give you guys any Einstein riddle back when you were in grade 10?"

"Not that I know of no, In fact I've never heard of it. " she answered

"Oh, Ok what about the grade 12 students, do you know if he gave them anything like that? "

"I don't think so, no but I could ask some for you. Is the riddle really important?"

"Yes it is. It covers 30% of our CA so please help me" I pleaded

"I will see what I can do, but I can't promise anything because I don't know if any of the seniors have an idea on such thing. I'll do my best though" she smiled

"Thank you, I really appreciate " I said

"No problem" Then I walked out.

What do we do now...

I went for breakfast and then I explained everything to everyone.

"What are we supposed to do now " I sighed.

"I don't know but I started working on the riddle last night and I got no where" Sophia said

"Me too" Liam said.

"I mean why would he do this to us when we have upcoming exams to worry about? I want to graduate with good grades and he won't stop me" Nora said joining us at the table.

"What do you think we were talking about? " christian asked

"Mr George, the riddle, Duh" she answered

"What if I tell you that we were talking about how we were going to sell you and make some money" he said raising his brows. She faked shocked and then smacked him

"Don't be ridiculous"

"You guys won't sell me right?? " she said making the baby eyes

Laughing I answered her "We won't "

"That's good to know" then she started on her breakfast

"So how'd things go with Lily" she asked

"Not so good, she doesn't know and hasn't heard of any Einstein riddle before" I sighed.

"We still have this week, so I'm sure we will come up with something" Sophia said

"By the way where's kc? " I asked

"Probably overslept " Nora said

"How could she oversleep when she went to bed early" Maja said

"That's Kc for you" Liam said. I couldn't help but re-adjust my arms

"What's wrong katie?? " Liam asked me

"I slept on my arm, now it hurts" I answered

"So sorry, should I get some ice or something " what a gentle man

"Naa, thanks. I'll be fine" I smiled

I finished breakfast and left for classes, during English I couldn't concentrate, the pain was becoming unbearable... Thank god the bell rang, as I was about to leave miss Elena called me

"Katie please come here for a minute"

I walked over and joined her at her table.

"Are you ok? I'm asking because you didn't seem to be paying attention in class today" what a good woman, beautiful and caring with brains too.

"I'm sorry if it was that noticeable that I wasn't paying attention, its just that I think I slept on my arm and I think it needs ice. Maybe later I'll go and get them"

"Nonsense! We are going there right now" she scoffed wow! she's caring...

"Thank you very much ma'am but I won't be pardoned for coming late to my next class"

"Its alright, I could always write a statement that I made you late so let's hurry" she said getting up. I just nodded and followed her down to the kitchen

Retrieving the ice from one of the cooks I unbottened my sleeves and placed them on my arm... Ah.... That felt so good.

Miss Elena was beside me watching my every move. It wasn't wierd in any way, it felt comforting that she cared for me

"Thank you very much miss" I smiled

"No please, call me Elena and no problem " Elena that's nice.

"You students are very easy to read, you all have been down lately and I'm guessing its Mr. George's fault?" she raised her brows at me.

"Yes! how did you know?" I'm amazed she payed this much attention to us

"I hear things Katie. So tell me, what did Mr George do this time"

"Well, he gave us this ridiculous Einstein riddle and it carries 30% of our CA. Its been really frustrating because no matter how we put our heads into it, we can't figure out the answer"

"Einstein's riddle. It has something to do with who owns the fish right?"

"Exactly, I asked my senior about it and she knows nothing about it, never even heard of it " I sighed

"That would be because he hasn't given that riddle for sometime now. I was once his student so I understand how difficult he might be. Tell you what, I'm going to go through the teachers old stuff and I bet I can find some answers to that riddle. Although its been long since I graduated so I'm guessing the papers would be very old, but I guarantee I can find something for you. So how about it" she smiled

Wow that's great news " Thank you so very much Elena, that would be of great help to us! " oh I'm so happy.

"My pleasure, now take this and hurry back to class" she said giving me a paper

"Show it to your teacher, I'm sure they'll allow you to enter" I collected it and smiled

"Thank you so much Elena I'm grateful" I left the ice and ran to class, my arm was feeling much better.

Later at dinner I told the guys everything and they couldn't help but yelp for joy.

"Ok so all we have to do is wait for the paper right? " kc asked

"Exactly" I cheered

"Miss Elena is such a nice woman" Maja said

"Indeed she is.... " I smiled and munched on my apple. Today turned from bad to extremely best day ever!

That's how its always been in Grey high.

And that's it... If you are just joining us then i might as well repeat the release dates

Tuesday 10:am (GMT 08:00)

Thursday10:am (GMT 08:00)

Sunday 6:30pm(GMT 08:00)

If you want to reach me, then comment to catch my attention. I will surely respond. Have a great day❤

Lizbeth1214creators' thoughts