

Sakura Empire, Nagato and the others had an emergency meeting with Ironblood also joined them. The meeting is completely obvious, it was about Orochi and Kaga.

"So, are you saying that Kaga and Akagi betrayal us?", asked Hyuuga to Prinz Eugen. "It's nonsense! There is no way Kaga and Akagi are working together with sirens!"

"You can said anything you want", said Prinz Eugen. "But, it's still the truth."

"Silence!!", shouted Hiryuu. "We're in front of Nagato-sama. Please respect her!"

The meeting is kinda heat up as they don't believe Akagi and Kaga are bold enough to betray Sakura Empire.

"Either Kaga and Akagi are betraying us are not the problem here", said Nagato. "Kaga disobeyed my order and leaving Sakura Empire with her. Orochi is indeed a strong ship and we can't let her go that easily."

Orochi is a massive ship and has enormous firepower alone. Not to mention, Orochi is capable to control mass-produced sirens. If Orochi fall to enemies' hand, it will be disaster.

"Who you get that information, Prinz Eugen?", asked Nagato.

"From that human, the commander of Azur Lane", said Prinz Eugen while smiling.

"What a surprise, so you knew from the enemies", said Hyuuga sarcastic. "Then, there is no reason for us to believe you anymore!"

"Silence!!", shouted Hiryuu.

The other girls can only watched as this situation progress. They didn't dare enough to intervene with the argument.

"What are we supposed to do, Nagato-sama?", asked Takao.

"You should knew what to do, Takao", said Nagato. "You're already met him several times. You can figured up by yourself."

"I think we should believe him", said Takao. "He isn't a person that we should ignore. He already shows us his capabilities and rejecting him isn't a good choice."

"Good, now put that aside, we still have to do something about Kaga", said Nagato. "Did that human said anything else, Prinz Eugen?"

"I don't know", said Prinz Eugen. "But, considering his personality, he will coming to that ship immediately."

"We cannot let that human solves our problem", said Nagato. "It's up to us to overcome this situation. Kaga is still part of Sakura Empire and we can't let outsider do our job."

Nagato believes that Kay is probably right about Kaga and Akagi. However, she can't ignore Orochi that still wandering around.

"We will have our fleet ready to go", said Nagato. "We will finishing our problems with our hands. We don't need that human to help us."

"We already to receive your order, Nagato-sama!", shouted them.

As Nagato commands, several shipgirls have been tasked to pursuit Orochi and find Kaga. The girls are Takao, Atago, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Haruna, Hiei, Yukikaze and Yuudachi. The others fleet will following them later.

"Please bring us a good news, Souryuu", said Nagato. "As a flagship for this mission, may the sacred tree guide you."

"As you wish, Nagato-sama", said Souryuu. "I will not let you down."

"The others will protect Sakura Empire!", said Nagato. "Don't ever let your guard down, the enemies still within us."

While Nagato are busy giving order for this mission, Prinz Eugen slowly walked away with other Ironblood girls.

"So, we have to wait here, Eugen?", asked Z1. "That's pretty boring and I really want some actions."

"It's not just you", said Prinz Eugen. "Nimi is probably enjoying herself at Azur Lane while I stuck with this tsundere girl."

"Who you called 'tsundere girl', Eugen!", shouted Admiral Hipper. "You already spent some time with him so put your head up and don't messing around."

"Yeah...yeah, I'm just joking", said Prinz Eugen while chuckling.

"So, did that commander don't said anything", asked Z1. "That's rare."

Prinz Eugen shook her head, a sign that Kay already planning to pursuit Orochi. She already guessed that Kay might able to see Orochi started to operate by Mr. Eagle.

"He already moving out from Azur Lane and his destination is obviously to locate Orochi", said Prinz Eugen. "The bird that following us already gone and maybe it's following Orochi."

"So, what we gonna do, Eugen?", asked Admiral Hipper. "Standing here and do nothing?"

"He said that he needs us to stay here", said Prinz Eugen. "Therefore, be a good girl and obeys his order. We already show our trust to him."


On the top of Orochi, Kaga is standing alone. With her mind is already messed up, she doesn't know either her choices are right. To be specific, she doesn't care anymore.

She wants blood in her hands and she is desperate to kill someone in order to satisfy herself.


'Who's there!!", shouted Kaga as she heard someone clapping. "Show yourself!!"

"Don't be liked that Kaga", said someone with familiar voice. "You're already done a fantastic job to bring Orochi here."

Upon hearing that voice, Kaga feels very surprised because she knew that voice.

"Akagi-neesama? Is that you?", asked Kaga. "But, I thought you're still missing."

That girl slowly walking towards Kaga, showing her full appearances. There is no mistake, it's indeed Akagi.

"What's wrong, Kaga?", asked Akagi. "Don't you want to hug your missing sister?"

"But, they said you're missing", said Kaga.

Observer suddenly shows up out of nowhere, with her wicked smile. Then, she said that she saved Akagi in the mirror sea.

"Consider this is as a part of agreement, Kaga", said Observer. "No need to thank me."

Observer slowly disappears, leaving Kaga with her sister, Akagi.

"I'm very sorry, Akagi-neesama", said Kaga while embracing Akagi. "I'm not strong enough to defeat Enterprise."

"Don't worry too much, Kaga", said Akagi. "I'm still alive and that's more than enough."

"Then, what are we supposed to do now?", asked Kaga. "With Orochi in our hands, Azur Lane can't interrupt our plans any longer."

"Calm down, Kaga", said Akagi. "There is no need to go Azur Lane anymore."

"What...what do you mean, Akagi-neesama?", asked Kaga.




Kaga and Akagi heard several loud screams, telling Kaga to surrender. The Sakura Empire fleet managed to locate Orochi and currently surrounded Orochi, prevent Kaga from escape.

"No need for you to do this , Kaga!", shouted Takao. "Please...don't force us to aim our weapon toward you. We still can talk."

Souryuu and Hiryuu already deployed their aircraft, making sure Kaga doesn't do anything that can harm the fleet. The other girls alread in guard, waiting for Souryuu's order.

"Please surrender, Kaga!", shouted Souryuu. "Nagato-sama can still forgives you if you surrender, right now! Don't force us to attack you!!"

"Wait! Isn't that...Akagi?", asked Atago as she saw Akagi on the top . "But, isn't she supposed to be missing?"

"Well, she indeed still missing", said Takao. "Remember what Kay said, someone already took her."

Akagi slowly walked away from Kaga, looking at the fleet. Then, she suddenly chuckling and laughing.

"There is no need for us to go to Azur Lane, Kaga", said Akagi. "Do you remember why we agreed with Observer?."

"For you, Akagi-neesama. For you to revive Amagi-neesama", said Kaga. "That's the only reason."

"I will do anything for Amagi-neesama", said Akagi. "However, a strong ship needs enormous amount of sacrifices."

"And these girls are appropriate to be sacrificed."


Orochi main gun suddenly armed at Sakura Empire fleet, it's preparing to attack these girls.

"Kaga! Akagi! What are you doing!", shouted Souryuu. "No...No...stop it. This isn't funny."

"Orochi main gun is targeting us!!", shouted Hiryuu. "All fleet prepare to engage!!"

The girls are panicking as they didn't expecting Kaga and Akagi will attacking them, their own allies.

"All fleet, aim at Orochi!!", shouted Souryuu. "Get your head up and prepare yourself."

"Why Kaga! Akagi!", shouted Takao.

"There is no use for you to stay alive", said Akagi. "Just give up and prepare to sacrifice yourself."




"You still can return if you want", said Kay. "I don't really care for Eagle Union to join me but if you want to mess with me, just give up."

"We're not retreating!!", shouted Washington. "And just to be clarified, Yorktown begged us to join this mission. If not, I don't even want to lift any of these legs."

Kay is currently with Azur Lane fleet for this mission. They are Belfast, Wales, Javelin, Ayanami, Lafffey, Z23, Shoukaku, Zuikaku, Essex, Shangri-La, North Carolina and Washington.

Eagle Union are supposed in lockdown and they are supposed unable to join this mission. However, Yorktown kept begging at Kay to allow these girls join him.

Essex and Shangri-La are definitely happy to join him and may be a good choice. However, North Carolina and Washington might seems odd.

"Alright, hopefully nothing will gone wrong", said Kay.

"Can you remind us again about the current plan, master?", asked Belfast.

"Yeah, why not", responded Kay. "If we follow the current plan, we only have to investigate Orochi. You're not allowed to engage until I say so."

"So, more liked a coward plan", said Washington. "Why I'm not suprised."

Royal Navy will remember that. They are unhappy when hearing Washington said that.

A few hours later, Kay and others are currently just a several miles from Orochi. And this is the same time as Sakura Empire found Orochi.


"That's not a good sound", said Kay as he heard several loud explosions. "Change of plan everyone. I will go there while you all secure the area."

"What! No, I will following you", said Washington.

"Well, good luck catching my speed", said Kay as he activates his element and went straight to that noises.





"Our firepower are unable to hit Orochi!!", shouted Hiryuu. "We can't just constantly evades all its attacks."


Orochi is indeed a huge threat for Sakura Empire. Its power is overwhelming and the fleet is unable to handle it.

"I'm sorry, Atago", said Takao. "I think I'm done. I got a direct hit."

Atagi is watching Takao, who is badly injured. She probably unable to fight any longer. It isn't not only her, Haruna, Hiei and Yuudachi are injured.

A sign to retreat is given. However, it's too late. Orochi already finished load up the main guns and starting targeting the weaker girls.

"We have to leave now!", shouted Atago. "I will not leaving without you. The others please help, quickly!"


Takao suddenly pushed Atago away from here while she ready her swords.

"If you can come to me, then I will accept it", said Takao.




"Lightning Element, Time Zero", said Kay.



"What....you're", said Takao. "Well, you again. I don't whether I should happy or mad."

"Acting a hero is not suit you", said Kay. "Now, let me handle that thing."

Upon looking at Kay, Kaga becomes very furious and immediately going towards him. Her reason is only one, killing him.

"Now, go!!", shouted Kay. "You're just a burden if you stay here any longer."

Sakura Empire fleet keen to refuse but they don't have any choice. They need to retreat immediately.

"I'm very sorry", said Souryuu. "The reinforcements already on their way to help. I know you don't need it but please survive."

"Just go, would you", said Kay while slashing all the torpedoes and bombs that targeting them.

The girls left, leaving Kay alone.



Kay quickly slashes several torpedoes, leaving them to explode. He leaving no nonsense whatsoever. He flows his element to the sword and slashing toward Orochi.



A direct hit but not enough to destroy it. Kay starts to make the second attempt but he felt someone trying to attack him from his back.


Kaga, with furious expression attacks Kay several times. Unlike her, Kay is quite calm. He doesn't show the hostile toward her.

"What do you want, white fox", said Kay while making a single slash. "I don't have time to play with your games."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear anything from you!", shouted Kaga while attacking Kay. "I will kill you, human!!"


"This is gonna be a long day", said Kay. "Now, how can I fix this messes."



The other side, Azur Lane fleet is waiting for Kay to return. Most of them seems worried about him and consider to go towards him.

"Commander is taking too long", said Wales. "Should we go to his location?".

"Why? He told us to stay here", said Washington. "How about stay here and wait him since he doesn't need us."

"Now..now, Washington. Please control your emotion", said North Carolina. "He still our commander and we can't talk back about him."

After several of arguing, they decided to find Kay. They already secured the area and nothing that pick their interest except several loud explosions.

"Come on, Zuikaku", said Shoukaku while taking Zuikaku's hand. "Is there something wrong?".

"Nothing wrong, Shoukaku-nee", said Zuikaku. "It just...I have a bad feeling".

As they closing their distance, they manage to see Kay. But, it's definitely something they don't want to see.

"What in the world...", said Washington.


"That's our commander!", shouted Wales pointing at Kay which he is busy dealing with Kaga and Orochi.

"We need to help him!", shouted Zuikaku while moving towards Kay as quickly as she can..

"Wait! We just become his burden!", shouted Wales.

Zuikaku didn't listen and went straight to Kay, ignoring Kay and Wales warning. She appears to forget, how dangerous this situation is.

Zuikaku is only focused at Kay, ignoring the fact that Orochi is aiming its main guns toward her. Without wasting any chance, it starts firing at her.


"ZUIKAKU!!!", shouted Shoukaku.

Orochi main guns are dangerous. even one direct hit will immobile the targets, making them invulnerable and unable to fight anymore.

Zuikaku can't evade on time and just mere seconds for hitting her.


A lightning strike push her out of range. Kay managed to push her but it was too late for him to evade. Even slashing those thing don't anything much. As Zuikaku opens her eyes, she saw Kay, being hit directly by that attacks.


"Cough...cough...Are you alright, Zuikaku?", asked Kay.

Zuikaku tries to answer, but upon seeing Kay's condition, she starts screaming and immediately reaches him.

"No..no..I'm sorry", said Zuikaku.

The others girls react horribly as seeing him. His condition is worst than he got from Enterprise. Its blood everywhere but somehow he still alive, barely.

Zuikaku tries to hold Kay as he unable to stand. Her hands are full with blood, making her more worried and concerned.

"I kept...telling you", said Kay. "That I'm...not...liked you."

"Don't talk anymore, Kay", said Zuikaku as her tears fell down. "I'm sorry".

"Unlike..you...a single...torpedo...you can...survive...", said Kay. "But...I'm...not..you..."

