

(A/N: let me be honest with you, for some reason yesterday night Webnovel decided it was a good time to stop working. Thus, while I did write another three chapters yesterday night, I was unable to post them. In conclusion....


"Rina, can we gain more speed?" Asked Will as he sat at the head of the ship looking towards the black rocky shores and pristine white beach a long distance away. "It seems that we will be intercepted by Sir Leviathan in any moment now."

An ear splitting roar erupted very near his vicinity as if to prove his point.

"Sorry Will but I'm doing the best I can," answered Rina as beads of sweat started dripping from her face. "I'm getting close to running out of mana."

"I see..." said Will as he gave a quick glance behind him only to face forward once more a second later. "What are the chances of survival in our current situation, Rina?"

"Rina hates math so she doesn't know!" Yelled Rina before tilting her head sideways as though she was deep in thought. "However, they should be quite low."

"Just as I figured," sighed Will as he sent the terrified four passengers an unwilling look. "I guess it's time for it to rain, don't you think?"

"Yes! Let's let the rain have some fun!"

"She is totally gonna find out my real identity... I'm so screwed," muttered Will with a sigh as he slowly took off his backpack and gloves. "Oh well, whatever happens will happen. Rina! Unfurl the sails!"

"Aye aye captain!"

"Wait a minute," hesitated the female knight captain. "Didn't you say that you don't have sails on this ship?"

Will shrugged. "Not necessarily, you asked me where the sails on my ship were. I said that we didn't need them. Just because I don't need sails doesn't mean that I don't have sails. It's like having a healing potion when you are perfectly healthy. It's an emergency backup plan."

"I don't understand."

"You will see," replied Will as he looked up to the sky. Black clouds started to rumble and cover up the clear sky and a faint trace of blowing wind could be felt across his skin. An electric tinge was starting permeate through the air like a brewing storm.

"Rina, where are the sails?" Asked Will as he jumped down from the head of the ship and made his way to the steering wheel.

"Almost ready sir, I just need a little more time! You already know that I can't really handle strong pressure. It's hard for me to maintain form for a long amount of time!"

"All we need is a few seconds," said Will as he aimed the boat towards the shore. "Can you do that, Rina?"

"Of course!" Said Rina. "I am going to be the future spirit queen after all!"

"Great," said Will as he stared into the sky with an electrifying grin. "You know what to do as well right, Rain?"

The sky rumbled in agreement as a flash of lightning struck the sea a short distance away.

"Alrighty then! Rina! The forecast is looking stormy with a chance of lighting and strong winds! Unfurl the sails!"

"Yessir!" Said Rina as she glowed a spectacular blue and grew into the size of a normal small child. Water started to gather around her body and twirl around her like a heavenly garment of water before a magnificent flash blinded the world for a single moment.

When the world regained it's sight, a magnificent blue sail made of rippling water covered the empty mast of Will's ship, like a vertical wave.

"W- what in the world!" Stammered the female knights and Sarah (the two other knights as well) at the sight of the beautiful blue sail.

"Hurry up Will!" Yelled child form Rina as the azure glow around her grew stronger. "The Leviathan is coming!"

"Then let it come!" said Will with maniacal laughter as the sky started to darken and growl like a hungry mythical beast. Forks of lightning decorated the black clouds like flashing lights and would strike.

"W-wait a minute!" Screamed Sarah as she stared at the black sky with wide eyes. "Th-this sky! Th-this power! I-It can't be!"

Will let out an exhilarated smile as he gave Sarah the widest grin he had ever mustered before saying, "Hey Sarah, I've heard that electrifying meat will make it more tender. Did you know that?"

"Y-you! Th-those eyes!" Sarah said as her eyes went even wider than before. "B-but you should be dead!"

"However, I've always wondered... how lightning cooked leviathans would taste like, don't you agree?" Said Will as he let go of the steering wheel and glanced at the leviathan who was close enough to destroy the boat in a few seconds.

He saw its gleaming yellow eyes with pupils that narrowed into slits like a sharks, whitish blue scales that decorated the undersides of its body like holy garments and deep blue scales like divine armor. He saw the diamond like jagged teeth which were like a rack of legendary class swords and a body that was long and fierce like a riptide.

Will gave a small salute to the leviathan and cheerfully said, "sorry miss leviathan but it seems that I have a rendezvous with the shore. We shall meet again!"

The leviathan only roared louder in response and lunged forwards at an even quicker pace, nearly biting off the back end of the ship.

"Hold on everyone!" Shouted Will as he let out a cheery laugh and grabbed onto the steering wheel and stared into the sky, "And enjoy the light show!"

"Light show!?"

Before anyone could ask why they should expect a light show, the world erupted into a blinding fury of echoing booms and eruptions as ten thousand rivers of sea splitting lightning bolts fell into the sea behind them which generated a shockwave of air that caught onto the seawater sail, blasting the ship forwards at an incredible speed.

The last thing that could be heard was the ear splitting roar of pain and the crackle of lightning.
