
Love Promises

"Jake, there's something I want to talk to you about" Jade said after staying quiet for some time. Jake felt his brain shut down the moment Jade said that.

He remembered when Dan had said, those where the words women used when they wanted to break up a relationship. Jade was truly going to leave him now wasn't she?

He didn't know what to say, do or feel at the moment. But one thing he was sure of, was that he wasn't going to let her leave him. Not a chance!

"Jade can you come down stairs in ten minutes?" Jake asked, as he jerked up to his feet.

"Why?" Jade was surprised. Was he going to come over right now? She didn't want to talk about it now, since they were both at work. What about his work? Was he just going to leave that and come down here?

Jake paused his actions when he heard her question. She didn't want to see him too? Was it that bad?
