
Messing up his plan

If Jake was asked why he kept pulling silly pranks just so he could spend time with a girl who he slept with some months ago, I'm sure he wouldn't be able to provide a proper answer. All he knew was, he liked being around Jade, her very presence felt like a soothing balm to him.

His attraction to Jade was something he couldn't explain to himself. He couldn't label the feelings he had towards her. Whether it was lust, crush, like or anything that a guy would feel towards a girl, Jake really didn't know. All he was sure of was that this lady sitted right in front of him was an enigma he hasn't ecountered before.

It's indeed true that humans are attracted to mysterious things. Things they haven't seen before and things they couldn't understand. This was the typical case for Jake.

The more he tried to solve this little problem that was challenging him, the more he realized he couldn't understand it at all.
