
Complete Mastery and Vacation to Earth

Over three months has passed since Orion unlocked his super sayian state, and he has been working a lot to master it completely. It took Goku and Gohan roughly about a year to master it, but he wanted to master it as soon as he could. For the entire three months, he had been trying to maintain the form throughout the entire day, everyday, without powering down to base. He had a little trouble at first, but he eventually started to get a better understanding of how to maintain the form. Soon he was walking, talking, eating, training, cooking, bathing and sleeping with his super sayian form active. He had also made some progress with both gine and martha. They hadn't become super sayians as yet due to not having a proper trigger, but he planned to fix that soon enough with a little illusion. They had however unlocked their false super sayian state, it was unlocked due to their frustration of not being able to hit orion during their spars and they transformed without even realizing it.

Orion: "Ok Mia, show me my mastery of SSJ."

[DING!!! Host Mastery of Super Sayian is 98%]

Almost there, I just need to have a small sparring session then it will be done. Let me call mom and gine real quick.

Orion: "Mom, Gine, can you come here real quick?"

They were really near by so they were here in about a minute. They were already in their training clothes.... perfect.

Orion: "I want another spar, but this time use your false super sayian form. Go all out and hold nothing back."

They didn't even respond, they immediately powered up to their false super sayian forms. They have actually gotten a bit stronger over the course of 3 months.

Orion: 'Mia show me their stats'


Name: Martha (Mother)

Age: 34

Race: Sayian

Bloodline: Elite- Class Sayian

Battle Power: 4,462,000... False Super Sayian: 111,550,000

Lifespan: 126

Body State: Healthy


Name: Gine

Age: 33

Race: Sayian

Bloodline: Elite- Class Sayian

Battle Power: 4,429,000...False Super Sayian: 110,725,000

Lifespan: 128

Body State: Healthy

They were really starting to get powerful, they almost rivaled frieza in his final form at 100%. They dashed towards me, and wasted no time in sending punches my way but I easily block them and kicked gine away while throwing martha over my shoulder in the opposite direction. Gine sent multiple ki blasts at me but I just started swatting them away with my right hand. Martha tried to sneak attack me, but I teleported behind her and kicked her away. Gine rushed towards me and tried to kick me in the back, but I had sensed her coming and moved out of the way before she could hit me. The fight had continued on for about 15 minutes until I heard a familiar sound in my head.

[DING!!! Super sayian form mastery is at 100%]

Oh God finally, I immediately stopped them from attacking me, calling the fight off. Now that I had finally mastered super sayian, I could now go to Earth while in super sayian and just simply suppress my battle power.

Orion: "Mom, Gine, we are going to Earth. We have been here training for so long and we haven't gotten any time to just relax, so we are gonna go to Earth to relax."

Gine: "That sounds like a wonderful idea, both me and martha were actually talking about wanting a day to just relax and enjoy life. It also presents an opportunity for me to take Kakarotta back with me."

Ahh shit, that's not what I wanna hear. I have to somehow convince Gine that leaving Goku, or whatever her name is, to stay on Earth was the best bet for now. Thank you infinite knowledge of creating random bullshit.

Orion: "Gine, I don't think that's a good idea."

Gine: "Why wouldn't that be a good idea Orion?"

Orion: "Well firstly, what if she got raised by a family on Earth?.....You coming and taking her away after 4 years of being missing will not be good for her. And secondly, we will be travelling the Universe after our little Vacation, we can't bring her as it would be really dangerous to carry her. We might never know what could happen so it's best we leave her on Planet Earth for now."

Martha: "I hate to admit it Gine but Orion is right. It's too dangerous for her, we can go for her when she is old enough and she can defend herself properly."

Gine: "Fine, but I have to at least get to see my baby."

As Gine finished saying that, she started pouting and god damn it was so cute. Gine was stunningly beautiful and seeing her pout made he want to hug her and kiss her... ok maybe I'm overreacting but the point is that it was cute.

Orion: "Ok lets go then."

After packing some clothes and food into the spaceship, we were off to planet Earth. It was a five day trip and most of the time was spent talking and eating. While on the way to planet earth, I had told them that I had planned to go to the far reaches of the universe to look for fights. Even sayians with a kind heart had the urge to battle strong opponents, and that curse fell on me as well. I wanted someone who could push me to my limits. I knew that Beerus would fit that role very well, but I was no where at his level so I wanted to look through the universe for strong opponents. They had both agreed and we had set a the time right after vacation was finished to go out in seek of a proper challenge. Upon entering earth's atmosphere, I turned the cloaking device on and lowered my battle power to that of a normal human. Martha and Gine followed swiftly. We landed close by West city. After exiting the spaceship, which I put in my inventory, I told them to wait on me as I went into some trees. I made three shadow clones. One to check for Kakarotta's location, one to check on Bulma and the final one to check on Chichi. I had to know just how broken the timeline was and this would help me getting my answer. After they all had left, I returned to the two female sayians.

Orion: "Ok this is the schedule that I had prepared.... Food first, then some fun at a place I saw earlier, then some more food, then we can watch a movie, then we can have some more food which will be dinner and dessert, then we can call it a day."

They both started giggling at me for some reason..... women are such weird creatures, regardless of race.

We made our way to the nearest restaurant, and we ordered so much food that the staff had to put two tables together to hold all the food. Money wasn't an issue because with Mia I just secretly bought a small piece of 24 carat gold and gave it as payment. With that done, we had a massive feast in the restaurant while others looked on in shock as to how we could finish that much food. After we finished our meal and left, I went to a bank to exchange a very small piece of 24 carat Gold for some money. I received quite a lot of money. I didn't even bother checking it as I was basically infinitely rich with Mia by my side.

I payed for the three of us as we entered the amusement park that I had seen before landing the ship. We had a lot of fun together, and we also had a lot of snacks... can't forget about the snacks. We went on the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, the merry go round and even the haunted house. I had to stop martha and gine from destroying the haunted house with their ki blasts multiple times. It was kinda funny seeing their reactions, they had an embarrassed blush on their faces for a while. Soon we went to one of the restaurants close by and had lunch. It was the same as this morning, only difference with me paying with cash this time instead of gold. Afterwards, I then led them to a cinema.

Orion: "Ok what do you guys wanna watch. There is Death Wars 2, Final Strike, and Darling stay Forever?"

Both: "Darling stay Forever."

Orion: "Are you sure?"

Both: "Yes."

Orion: "Well ok if you guys say so. I would like to have 3 tickets for Darling stay Forever please?"

After buying the tickets and a ton of snacks, we went inside to watch the movie. They were both really interested in the movie while I was dying of boredom. The movie was just about a Yandere girl who makes a boy fall in love with her by stalking him and finding about what he loves and doesn't love. The boy dies in a car accident and she decides to kill herself because she wants to be with her lover. It was so stupid, but I turned to my left I had to stare at the two sayians who were bawling their eyeballs out. How the hell was this emotional? It took all my willpower not to start laughing at them. After we had left, we found yet another restaurant so that we could eat dinner with a little dessert. After we had our meal, we left and started walking. Suddenly I was hit with the memories of my clones. The first clone had found where Grandpa Gohan lived with Kakarotta, so now I knew exactly where she was. I looked through the memories of clones 2 and 3 and was very surprised with what I saw. Both Bulma and Chichi were females as their counterpart in the original canon. But that didn't make any sense, how was Gohan, Trunks and Goten gonna be born?..... What the hell is going on?... Ignoring everything I just thought, I turned to Gine.

Orion: "I found where Kakarotta lives, would you like to see her now?"

Gine: "Yes I would love to."

Orion: 'Mia buy and integrate instant transmission please'

[DING!!! Instant Transmission Purchased]

[DING!!! Instant Transmission Integrated]

The knowledge of how to use the technique appeared in my head so I grabbed both their hand and put my index and middle finger to my forehead, sensed Kakarotta's energy signature and teleported just outside of Grandpa Gohan's house. We slowly walked up to a window where we all saw grandpa gohan playing a with some stuffed toys with little kakarotta. Gine had tears in her eyes when she saw her child for the first time after 4 years, martha upon seeing this started hugging gine. I looked towards gine and she nodded her head, I touched martha since she was holding on to gine and teleported us to small clearing.

Orion: "How do you feel now Gine?"

Gine: "I feel a lot better now, knowing that my baby girl is in good hands. One day I will come back and get her when she is old enough."

With that being said, I pulled the spaceship out of my inventory and we went inside and I started it up and set the destination for a distant galaxy, it was time to set out into the universe and we were all ready. Soon the spaceship blasted off and within seconds we were no longer on planet earth. Ok let me check my status.

[ Host Status]

Name: Orion

Age: 10

Race: Sayian/Dragon God

Bloodlines: Ancient Sayian, Legendary Super Sayian, Elite Sayian, Dragon God (Great Red), Indra Otsutsuki, Lightning Dragon Slayer

Battle Power: 12,847,000,000 , Full Powered Super Sayian: 2,055,520,000,000 (160x) {The multiplier on super sayian is different from the multiplier on mastered or full powered super sayian. This is due to mastered super sayian being super sayian form but pushed to it's utmost limit. It has a power multiplier even greater than super sayian grade 3}

Lifespan: Infinite

Body State: Healthy

System Points: Incalculable

[ Ki Techniques]

Ki Control (AA), Ki Sense (S), Ki Blast, Kamehameha Wave, Instant Transmission

[ Chakra Techniques]

Shadow Clone Jutsu, Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu, Inferno Style: Kagutsuchi

[ Transformations]

Sayian :Ikari (20x) , Ozaru (20x), False Super Sayian (50x), Full Powered Super Sayian (160x)

Dragon God : Humanoid Dragon (25x), Dragon God Form (100x), True Dragon God Form (250x)

Lightning Dragon Slayer: Red Lightning Dragon Mode (15x)

[Due to host being an ancient sayian and a legendary super sayian, all sayian transformations are 2x stronger]

[ Magic Techniques]

Concept of the Dreams and Illusion

Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic :Lightning Dragon's Roar, Raging Bolt, Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd, Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist, Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist, Lightning Dragon's Jaw, Roaring Thunder, Raiko: Red Lightning.

System Bloodlines and Powers: True God Essence, Bael Power of Destruction, Lava Style Kekkei Genkai, Ancient Devil Bloodline: Lucifer [Highschool DXD], Royal Demon Bloodline [Seven Deadly Sins]

Dojutsu: Mangekyou Sharingan (Indra Otsutsuki Bloodline Enhanced), Dragon God's Eye

Noble Phantasms: Gates of Babylon

Inventory: Senzu beans x86, Super Dragon Ball Radar, Artificial Sacred Gear: Golden Spear of Fafnir, The Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

Orion: "Ok now that I'm in my room on the ship, integrate ancient devil bloodline and royal demon bloodline."

[DING!!! Integrating Ancient Devil Bloodline: Lucifer and Royal Demon Bloodline, Please prepare for pain]

Orion: "Oh not agAAAIIINNNN AAAHHHH!!!! DAMN ITT. It still hurts so much."

[DING!!! Ancient Devil Bloodline: Lucifer and Royal Demon Bloodline have been Integrated]

Orion: "You don't say?, let me see my status please?"

[ Host status]

Name: Orion

Age: 10

Race: Sayian/Dragon God/Ancient Devil/Royal Demon

Bloodlines: Ancient Sayian, Legendary Super Sayian, Elite Sayian, Dragon God (Great Red), Indra Otsutsuki, Lightning Dragon Slayer, Ancient Devil, Royal Demon

Battle Power: 13,983,000,000 , Full Powered Super Sayian: 2,237,280,000,000 (160x)

Lifespan: Infinite

Body State: Healthy

System Points: Incalculable

[ Ki Techniques]

Ki Control (AA), Ki Sense (S), Ki Blast, Kamehameha Wave, Instant Transmission

[ Chakra Techniques]

Shadow Clone Jutsu, Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu, Inferno Style: Kagutsuchi

[ Transformations]

Sayian :Ikari (20x) , Ozaru (20x), False Super Sayian (50x), Full Powered Super Sayian (160x)

Dragon God : Humanoid Dragon (25x), Dragon God Form (100x), True Dragon God Form (250x)

Lightning Dragon Slayer: Red Lightning Dragon Mode (15x)

Royal Demon: Demon Mark (5x), Assault Mode (25x), Shadow Form (50x), Demon King Mode (120x)

[Due to host being an ancient sayian and a legendary super sayian, all sayian transformations are 2x stronger]

[ Magic Techniques]

Concept of the Dreams and Illusion

Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic :Lightning Dragon's Roar, Raging Bolt, Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd, Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist, Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist, Lightning Dragon's Jaw, Roaring Thunder, Raiko: Red Lightning.

Ancient Devil Magic : Primordial Power of Darkness, Primordial power of Dark Light (Due to Lucifer bloodline), The Powers of All 72 Pillars of the Underworld.(DXD)

System Bloodlines and Powers: True God Essence, Bael Power of Destruction, Lava Style Kekkei Genkai

Dojutsu: Mangekyou Sharingan (Indra Otsutsuki Bloodline Enhanced), Dragon God's Eye

Noble Phantasms: Gates of Babylon

Inventory: Senzu beans x86, Super Dragon Ball Radar, Artificial Sacred Gear: Golden Spear of Fafnir, The Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

Ok my battle power had gone up again, and I now have Meliodas' demon forms, awesome. I felt something on my back so I turned around and saw 16 bat wings sticking out of my back. I guess this must be the Ancient Devil Bloodlines' doing. Focusing the feeling at my back, they folded and disappeared.

Orion: "Mia, why do I have 16 wings? I thought the maximum amount of wings a devil in DxD was 12 wings. Why do I have so much?"

[ Host was given Bloodline from the system, therefore Bloodline is even more pure than the Original Lucifer's Bloodline.]

Wow, that means I'm literally the only person who will have more than 12 devil wings, nice. As I lay down on my bed, I thought about when I eventually jump into a different anime. Will Martha and Gine Or anyone that I want to come be able to come as well? Or will they have to stay in the DBZ universe? This is a question that has to be answered in the future. I will just try to get some rest from the long day that I've had. Soon Orion felt his eyes get heavy and sleep finally overtook Orion.

Ok guys chapter 8 is here. I want to thank everyone for the support they have been showing me. I'm asking that you please give me a review, it would mean a lot to me. Also I actually found out that my story is actually getting really popular, thank you guys so much. Please enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment and tell me your thought

The_Wild_Trillcreators' thoughts