
Mom's Toxin Therapy(warning)


I love my Mom to death. But she's a real piece of work. She's absolutely stunning. She's about 5' 10" with wavy blonde hair that encircles a long, slender face and flows across her shoulders and down her back, with big, beautiful blue eyes. She has curves that give the guys a hard on just thinking about them! 38DD-28-36 with long, tan legs that reach clear to heaven. And she's not shy about showing any of it off. She's constantly wearing low-cut tops. And, in the summer, you can be sure to find her in her Daisy Duke cut offs. She's got a smile that lights up a room and a laugh that's contagious.

As my buddies and I grew older, the guys were always pointing out how hot my mom was and, the older we got, the more graphic the details got about what they'd like to do to and with my mom. I was always, like, "Dude, that's my mom!" They couldn't believe I never looked at her in that way. They were right. The older I got, the more I fantasized about having those 38s wrapped around my cock. But I couldn't let them know that.

She's also dumber than a bag of hammers. Don't get me wrong, like I said, I love her to death. But facts are facts. Ask her who the President of the United States is. She wouldn't have a clue. We told her she needed to have the air in the tires changed when she had the oil changed. She actually asked them to do it. She's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. But dim as a burnt out light bulb.

One day my buddies and I were in the basement shooting pool. We were home for the summer break between our Sophomore and Junior years in college. Mom came bouncing down the stairs with a tray full of glasses and a pitcher of lemonade. She was dressed in her normal attire, a pair of blue jean short shorts and a red halter. She didn't give it a second thought she was surrounded by a bunch of guys with raging hormones. The pool game came to a screeching halt.

"Hey, guys! Sorry to interrupt. I thought you might like something to drink." She leaned over and placed the tray on the coffee table, giving those of us who were fortunate enough to have the right angle a clean shot down her top.

"No problem, Mrs. A!" Steve piped up. "We're always glad to see you." We all knew he wanted to see more of her.

"Yeah, Mrs. A, you can interrupt us anytime," Matt added.

"You boys are so sweet. Mark, you have the nicest friends!"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at them with a crooked smile. "Yeah, they're okay." We all laughed with plenty jabs to my arms and chest with a few "screw you, man!" thrown in.

Dave piped up. "Hey, Mrs. A, Mark tells us you're a pretty good pool player."

She grinned. "Yeah, I'm not bad." Truth was, she was awful. But Dad and I would always tell her what a great player she was. We'd let her beat us on a pretty regular basis, then laugh when she left the room.

Dave nodded at Steve. "Steve's a pretty good player. You two should play each other."

Actually, Steve was a shark. He had emptied more than one person's wallet shooting pool in the bars and pool halls around the college.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said. "It wouldn't be fair to Steve." It would be a blood bath.

Mom ignored me. "Is that so, Steve?"

Steve shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "Yeah, I'm okay, I guess. I don't know if I'd be a match for you, though, from what I hear." He knew he would mop the floor with her because I told them about what Dad and I would do.

"Well, how about it, Steve? I'll try not to embarrass you in front of your friends," she said with a big smile. I buried my face in my hands.

Steve shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, what the heck?" Unbeknownst to the rest of us, he had already formulated a plan for my dimwitted mother.

After just a couple of shots, Steve knew he was going to have to work at losing this one. He flubbed easy shots. He even knocked in a few of her balls "by accident". In the end, it was close, but Mom won.

She was beaming. "Good game!"

Steve nodded. "It was. You're a good player, Mrs. A. How about best 2 out of 3?"

"Sure! Rack 'em up!" All anybody could think about was her rack.

The second game went much like the first game, with Steve struggling to keep it close before he finally sank the eight ball to take the win.

"Wow! You are good, Steve! That was fun!"

"It was fun," Steve said. "But it's the best 2 out of 3. Whoever wins this last game is the winner, right?" Mom nodded. "How about we make it interesting?"

My immediate thought was Uh oh!

"Oooooo! What'd you have in mind?" Mom asked with excitement.

Steve scratched his chin. "Hmmmmm, I dunno. Ummmmm, how about $1,000?"

Mom gasped. "$1,000?!" She took a deep breath. "Oh, honey, I don't want to take your money." It was all we could do not laugh at the comment. "Tell you what, how about this? When I win, you can do some yard work for me that I've been pestering Mark and his father to do forever." She shot me a glance. "And, if you win - which you won't - I'll do whatever you want me to do. For one hour, I'm yours."

Every guy in the room was suddenly pitching a tent in their pants and asking themselves why hadn't they challenged her to a game of pool.

A wicked grin spread across Steve's face. "Whatever I want you to do?"

"Sure. Anything." Mom was completely oblivious to how a young man's mind worked. "I'll even let you break," she said confidently.

Steve grabbed the wooden rack and shook his head. "No no no, ladies first. I insist."

Mom giggled and grabbed her pool cue. "Such a gentlemen. Let's see how much of a gentleman you are when you're working in the yard."

One of Mom's solids shot off into the corner pocket on the break. She looked at Steve with a smile. "Uh oh, you might be in trouble," she said playfully.

Steve smiled back. "Might be."

Mom missed her follow up shot. It would be the last shot she would take. Steve ran the table.

Mom was stunned. "I...I...wow!"

Steve shrugged his shoulders. "Guess I got lucky, huh?"

"I'll say!" She paused. "Well, you won fair and square. A bet's a bet. What do you want me to do? Make you some cookies? Wash your clothes? College boys always have clothes that need to be washed."

Steve chuckled. "No, nothing like that. Tell you what, you've been so good to the guys and I, how about we do something for you that will in turn help us?"

Where's he going with this? I thought.

"Oh? Like what?"

Steve scratched his chin. He knew exactly what he wanted from the moment he asked for the match. "How about this? How about you let us give you a full body massage?"

"You give me a massage?! How is that me doing something for you?"

"Knowing that we're doing something nice for you would make us feel better about ourselves. Right guys?" We all nodded our heads. "Part of our sports program is taking a semester of how to treat injuries and relieve stress. A big part of that is massage, deep tissue massage. Deep...deep tissue massage. We'll massage you in places you've never had massaged before."

"Hmmmm, a full body massage does sound good. So what's the catch?"

"No catch. Well, I mean, you have to be naked, but that's not really a catch, that's just part of getting a good massage."


"You can't have a good massage with clothes on, right? Trust me, we won't even notice it. We'll be concentrating on your massage." We all tried to muffle laughs. "It'll be good practice for us, too. You'd really be doing us a favor. So what do you say?"

"Well, that is true, you can't get a good massage with your clothes on." She thought about it. "Okay, if it'll help you boys out, I'll do it. I'm busy today. How about tomorrow afternoon?"

The following afternoon, the four of us were gathered in the basement, anxiously waiting for the moment for Mom to appear. We tried to play pool but couldn't maintain our concentration. Then we heard footsteps slowly coming down the stairs.

Soon an obviously apprehensive mother appeared. She was wearing a short blue bathroom and looking at the ground. Her cheeks were red.

Steve was the first to speak up. "Oh good! You're here. Come on over here so we can get started."


"You're nervous. There's nothing to be nervous about, I promise. In an hour you're going to feel like you've never felt before, I promise. So let's get this robe off of you and see what we're dealing with here."

Steve grabbed the robe at her shoulders and tenderly tugged on it. Mom reluctantly released her grip and allowed the fluffy material fall away from her.

We all stood in silence for a moment. She was even more stunning naked! A dark, even tan covered her from head to toe. Her breasts were full and round and had won the battle with gravity. Her pussy was freshly shaved with the exception of a small strip of blonde just above it. She stood there, obviously embarrassed, slightly crossing her legs and covering her breasts.

Steve touched her shoulder. "Wow! You are tense! Dave, why don't you come over and massage her shoulders?"

"On it!" Dave said as he jumped up and quickly moved behind her.

He placed both hands on her shoulders and began to massage them. Her skin was soft and warm. "Holy cow, Mrs. A, you need to relax! Being this tense can cause serious physical ailments."

"Really? I'll...I'll try. Mmmmm, that does feel nice, though."

"Now, let's take a look at these breasts," Steve said with a smirk. Mom jumped at his first touch. "Hang on, hang on. Just relax," he said in a soothing tone while he groped one breast, then the other. "Wow, these are heavy! Do you have back aches?"

"Well, uhh, yes, sometimes," she said quietly while she enjoyed her shoulder rub.

"I'll bet! If these aren't massaged properly and on a regular basis they can cause all kinds of back issues! Let's get you over here so you can rest on this table." Steve led her over to an old, small dining room table, on which she sat down.

She noticed Matt holding a large black object. "What...what's that?" she asked, nodding in his direction.

"Oh, that?" Steve replied while he continued to grope her. "That's something we use for our internal massage therapy in your vaginal region. We'll get to that in a minute." It was a thick, veiny 12" dildo.

I piped up. "You know, Mom, it looks like you have a lot of toxin build up. Let's see if we can't get rid of some of that."

"Toxins? I have toxins?!"

"We all have toxins, Mom," I said as I got to her side. "Some more than others." I cupped her breast. "And it feels like you've got a lot of toxins!"

"Oh dear! How do we get rid of them?!"

I chuckled. "Just relax. We've all received training in this. Let's see if we can get you prepped."

I began to flick at her nipple with my tongue. Soon, both of her nipples were pointed and firm.

"Good work, Mark!" Steve said, still with a handful of tit. "I think she's prepped for toxin removal."

I smiled back at him. "I believe you're correct." In seconds I was sucking on her teat like a newborn. My tongue ran circles around her enlarged nipple when it wasn't flicking at it.

"Oh God!" she moaned. "Just be, mmmmm, gentle, honey. My, uh, mmmmm, nipples are really sensitive. I don't want to, you know, mmmmm, have this turn into something, uh, sexual. This is a healing process, right, not sexual."

"Exactly!" Steve said. "Are you feeling like you're being healed, Mrs. A?"

"Oh yes! It...it...it feels wonderful!"

"Good, good. There's nothing sexual about this, it's all proven medical science." Steve winked at me with a smirk. "Now, if you just happen to be so inclined as to reach orgasm, then so be it. It's perfectly normal." He paused. "Let me help you with those toxins, Mark," he said. "Mark has more training in this than I do. I can use the practice. So, let's see. You grab the breast firmly, like so. Gently squeeze. Yep, that's it. Then take the nipple into your mouth like this."

"Oh God!" she moaned.

"I think I've gotten her shoulders nice and relaxed. But those breasts! I think we need to work on those some more," Dave said as he reached around and grabbed what little bare flesh was still exposed and began kneading it. "There, how does that feel, Mrs. A?"

Her eyes were closed. Her head leaned back into Dave. "Oh God, it feels wonderful," she purred.

Dave looked at Matt. "Okay, Matt, I think we're ready for some internal massage."

Her head snapped up as Matt approached with his huge probe. "Are...are...are you sure? It's so big! It'll split me in half!"

"We need something large so we can massage the deepest parts of you, Mrs. A," Matt said in a comforting tone. "There may be some discomfort at first, but that will go away quickly. If it doesn't, let me know. It means the toxin build up is really, really deep." He knelt between her legs. Her cunt lips were swollen and glistening. "Yeah, I think she's ready. I don't think we'll be needing any lubricant."

She shivered at the initial cold touch of the black rubber to her hot slit. Her worry quickly dissolved when the head of the beast slipped through her velvety folds. The constant attention to her sensitive nipples and breasts drew her attention away as even more of the black rubber disappeared inside her. Without so much as a whimper, Matt soon had the entire length buried inside her.

Matt fucked her hole with the black phallus while Steve, Dave, and I pawed and licked at her fleshy mounds. It wasn't very long before her hands were wrapped around the back of Steve and I's head and her hips were bucking back into Matt's pokes.

"Oh God! Oh God! I...I..."

Steve removed her nipple from his mouth. "It's okay, Mrs. A. Let it go, let it all go. If you cum we'll know we're doing a good job."

"Yes! Yes! You're doing great! Oh God! Oh God! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

Her body exploded with an orgasm. Matt had to work harder and harder at fucking her with the black impaler because her muscles were spasming so hard around it. She pulled Steve and I's faces into her so hard we were afraid we might suffocate.

While her body jerked in ecstasy, Dave was removing his clothes behind her. When her moaning quieted, Matt's pace slowed down considerably. Steve and I broke away from her tingling nipples.

Dave spoke up. "I think it's time for her protein injection, don't you?"

"Absolutely!" Steve said. "Mrs. A, now that we've completed the first step, let's move on to the next step in the process. Here, let me help you lie down."

Steve and I placed our hands on her back and lowered her down until she was flat on her back. She was startled to see a naked Dave standing behind her head. His rock hard rod bounced just above her face.

"Wait! What?!"

"Mrs. A, it's time for the next step," Steve said trying to comfort her. "Didn't you feel great after the first procedure?"

"Well, yeah. It...it was wonderful."

"Okay then. This is the next step. We're all going to give you multiple injections of protein. It's well known that a young man's sperm contains the most potent, effective source of the toxin eating protein. But I'm sure you knew that already, right, Mrs. A?"

She nodded her head slightly. "Oh, well, uh, sure. Everybody knows that." We all smiled at each other. "So...you want me to give Dave a blowjob?"

Steve shook his head. "No no, nothing so vulgar as that." He looked at me with a huge grin. He had to pause to keep from laughing. He regained his composure. "Dave is simply going to administer the dosage orally while I give you a vaginal injection. Now, if you want to simulate a blowjob and if your, uh, vaginal area should happen to react to my injection, then that's great."

"C'mon, Mom, trust us."

She nodded her head. "Yes. Yes, of course. Okay, let's proceed then."

Her head fell back off the table and her mouth opened. Without hesitation, Dave slipped his swollen head past her lips and into her face. The tip slammed against the back of her mouth. She gave a loud groan when Steve rammed his fat needle into her still quivering cunt.

Dave grabbed the back of her head and began to fuck her face with gusto while Steve pummeled her pussy. Matt and I went back to work on her massive melons that were still tingling.

Suddenly Dave gave a loud groan. "Oh fuuuuuuuuck!" I looked down to see Mom's throat distorted into the shape of Dave's thick post while his balls bounced off the bridge of her nose. She had taken him down her throat!

"Well done, Mom! Way to go!"

"Oh yes, that will greatly aid in the potency of the injection," Steve panted.

It wasn't long before Mom's body tightened again. Once again, she wrapped her arms around mine and Dave's heads and pulled us in. Her muffled moans bounced off the basement walls.

Steve had a firm grip on her hips. "Jesus Christ! Her cunt is clamping down on me like a vise grip!"

"Fuck me, man! She sucks dick like a pro!" Dave announced.

"Mmmmfffffff! Ffffffff! Ggggggggg!" came the gargled moans from my mother while her body spasmed on the table with a second orgasm.

"Fuck, dude! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" Dave yelled as his thrusts started to stutter. He looked down at my mom. "Take it all, bitch! Drink it all!"

Sweat was rolling off Steve's face. "What...what...grrrrrrr, what he meant was, drink it alllllll for the most effffff-ective treatment!"

Dave gave one last thrust into Mom's face and held it there. Each throb of his manhood in her throat shot a fresh load of thick, salty protein into her body. Her eyes began to water. She coughed and gagged while her body begged for air. Bubbles of oxygen and cum began to bubble out from the seal of her lips on his shaft.

Dave finally, mercifully pulled his still hard pole out of her face. He slapped it on her chin several times, shooting droplets across her throat.

"Fuck me," he panted as he stepped away.

Steve began to throw his hips into her body with a vengeance.

"Here comes another injection! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuck!"

Mom looked at him with fuck-me eyes. "That's right, baby! Give it to me! Give me that injection! Give it to me good!"

She felt her love hole filling with Steve's warmth. His body shivered after one final thrust. When he pulled back it was like pulling a plug. A stream of white seeped out her slit and raced down the crack of her ass and across her brown hole.

"That..that...that was wonderful," she panted. "Are we done?"

I shook my head. "Oh heck no! Mom, you're full of toxins. We've just started. You want to get rid of those toxins, don't you?"

"Oh! Well, uh, yes, of course."

Steve nodded at Matt. "Matt, I think it's time for a deeper breast tissue massage, don't you?"

"I could agree more!" Matt replied with excitement. He promptly climbed over Mom and straddled her. His cock landed between her breasts with a thud.

"Are...are...are you going to tit fuck me?" she asked quizzically.

Matt shook his head as he wrapped her soft flesh around his throbbing member. "Well, it's kind of the same thing, only this will give a much more stimulating massage to your breast tissue. And then we'll finish with a protein injection."

She nodded her head. "Oh! Of course. That sounds wonderful."

I slid in above her. My fat, long cock waved above her face. "And I'll be giving you another oral injection as well."

A horrified look crossed her face. "You mean you're...you're...you're going to stick your...thing in my mouth?!"

"Just relax, Mom. This isn't anything sexual. It's all in the name of science. Okay?" I winked at a grinning Steve.

She took a deep breath. "Yes. Yes. Of course. Okay."

"Ready?" I asked. She hesitantly nodded her head. I looked at Matt's face just inches from mine. "Okay, let's do this."

Quickly, my pole was stuffed down her throat and Matt was humping her tits like a cheap whore's cunt. His hands had a firm grip on her fun bags and my balls slapped against her forehead.

Steve and Dave were on either side of her hips. Steve was holding a thick, purple vibrator with bumps all around it. He held it up and smiled at the rest of us. "I think it's time for more vaginal massage."

She didn't resist Steve and Dave pulling her legs apart. Her hips jumped at the first touch of the new massage tool. She gave a muffled groan when the thick, bumpy tip slipped through her swollen gash. Steve continued to slide it in until only the handle was visible. A dull whir could be heard when he flipped the switch, bringing the vibrator to full song. Almost instantly, Mom's hips lifted off the table and she gave a long, loud squeal.

Dave knelt down. "You know, she hasn't had any anal massage yet," he said grinning up at Steve.

"That's true!" he said as he slid and twisted the vibrating cylinder. "I think it's time to warm her up for the probing she'll be getting shortly."

Dave slid his fingers into the crack of her toned ass. He felt a quiver when his fingertip touched her cum-slickened rosebud. She was so distracting from the other stimulation she was receiving, she only gave a slight groan when his long finger slipped past her sphincter until it was knuckle deep.

"Fuck, Mom! You suck dick like a whore! Goddamn!" I exclaimed while I pumped her throat full of muscle.

Dave looked up at Steve. His lips curled into a wicked grin. "Watch this." He stuffed two long, fat fingers into her ass.

Her body started to tremble. Her claws raked down Matt's back leaving streaks of red. Her hips lifted off the table.

"That's right, Mrs. A, cum for us! Show us how you cum again!" Steve cheered while he twisted the purple dagger in her gash.

Her muscles tensed. Her muffled moans grew louder. Her hips were thrusting into Steve's hand. Two locomotives raced up her thighs and crashed where her thighs meet.

"Fuck, Mom! I'm gonna cum! You're gonna make me cum!" I grabbed her head so I didn't snap it off at the neck. My head flew back. My chest puffed out. "Gggggaaaaaaaa!"

Dana Allen felt her own son's spunk shoot down the back of her throat while her own snatch continued to contract.. She gulped and gulped. So much cum! I can't take it all! Streams of white escaped through the seal of her lips and ran down her cheeks into her long, blonde hair.

I gave several more pumps into her face before I pulled out. I slapped my beef stick on her chin, sending more droplets of cum across her throat.

Matt pulled out from the comfort of her ample cleavage. "Come on, Mrs. A, open wide! Take another load of protein! Come on, open wide!"

"Oh yeah, baby! Give it to me! I want it! Give it to me!" she cried out.

Matt stroked his stick hard and fast. He aimed at her open mouth. "Uhhhhhhh fuck!"

A rope of white shot into her mouth. Her head snapped back with surprise. His target having moved, his second shot splashed under her chin and spread across under it. He pulled her head up and stuffed his pulsing prick into her hungry mouth. He pumped her face while she hung onto his thighs tightly.

Just as he finished shooting his load down her windpipe, Steve and Dave withdrew their inserted objects. Her body immediately missed them. Matt finally removed himself from her mouth and climbed off of her. The men all stood over her glistening body and admired their work.

"Are...are...are we done?" she panted.

"I dunno. Let me check," I said. Mom gasped when I grabbed a handful of her firm tits. Quickly, I was sucking hard on an erect nipple. "I dunno, Mom, I think there's still quite a bit of toxin build up. What do you guys think?"

Dave, Steve, and Matt all took quick turns sucking on her sensitive nipples. Her body trembled with the constant tongue lashing she was receiving.

Steve swiped his forearm across his face. "I think you're right, Mark." He looked down at Mom. "Your toxin build up is really bad, Mrs. A."

"Oh no! What should I do?!"

Steve thoughtfully scratched his head. "Well, there's a couple more things we can try. C'mon, let me help you up." Steve and I grabbed her arms and helped her onto wobbly legs. "C'mon over here, let's try this," he said as he led her over to the pool table. "Here, lean over. Stick your ass out so we can get a good look at this," he said smiling.

She did as told. She gripped the edge of the pool table and bent over. Even bent over, her fleshy orbs were still perfectly round. We took a moment to appreciate the tan, heart shaped ass that was before us.

Steve snapped his fingers. "Dammit! I forgot my lower torso toxin measuring device." He was grinning and had a glint in his eyes. "Matt, will you grab me a pool cue, please?" Our jaws nearly dropped.

Mom's head snapped around to look at Steve. "Pool cue?! What're you going to do with that?!" she asked in a panicked tone.

"It's okay, Mrs. A. I forgot to bring my measurement device today. But this will do. Trust me, it'll be fine," Steve said in a reassuring voice.

"O-o-okay," she stammered.

Matt handed the stick to Steve while we all watched intently. "Okay, let's see how we're doing here. Let's check your vaginal area first. Mrs. A, please spread your legs as far apart as you can."

Mom did exactly that. You could clearly see her velvety folds. They were swollen and pink. Mom gasped loudly when Steve first touched the fat end of the cue to her tender twat.

"Juuuuuust relax," Steve said quietly. We watched as the cane began to disappear into her snatch. It went in and in and in. He stopped when 9" had disappeared. "Mark, would you like to massage your mother's clitoris area," he asked with a grin.

"Absolutely!" I said as I slid in beside her.

I reached under her. Her raised kernel was easy to find.

"Oh God!" she moaned at the first flick to her angry clit.

Steve began to slowly slide the stake in and out of her split while I rubbed and pinched her excited bean. With each shove of the piece of wood, more of it disappeared. With each swat at her swollen clit her heart beat grew faster.

"Matt, Dave, how about you try to extract more toxins from her breasts?" Steve asked.

"Gladly!" Matt replied.

"Oh God! Please...please...oh God! Please be gentle. I...I...I don't know how much more I can take," she moaned as Matt and Dave situated themselves under her.

"Don't worry, Mrs. A., we've done this before," Dave said, choking back a laugh.

It was tough but worth it. Dave and Matt positioned themselves in such a way they could bring a nipple between their lips and flick their tongues at them.

Mom nearly levitated off the ground. "Oh shit! I...I...oh God!"

I pounded on her twitching button harder and faster. "It's okay, Mom, this is perfectly normal." Steve and I smiled at each other. By now, Mom was easily taking 12" of the pool cue in.

"Oh God! Oh God! I'm gonna...I'm gonna...Oh God! C-c-c-um again aaaahhhhhhh!"

Her body exploded while a stampede of thunder and lightning roared through her sexy body. We all continued to pump, slap, and suck our assigned pieces of flesh. Her entire body trembled from the blast of energy. She cursed the heavens and begged us not to stop.

She finally came down from her orgasmic high. "Oh my God! I...I...Did I just cum with a pool cue stuffed in my...my...my pussy?! Oh my God!"

"You're doing great, Mrs. A," Steve said in a cool, calm voice. Matt and Dave brought their naked bodies out from under her. I stopped slapping her button and Steve pulled the rod from her gap. "Let me check one more place," he said with a wicked grin. He touched the shiny wood to her winking brown eye.

"Oh shit!" she cried at the first touch.

"Just relax, Mrs. A. I just need to check."

"O-o-okay," she mumbled. Her head dipped when Steve pressed against her puckered hole. Her head snapped back when the fat end slipped past her sphincter. "Oh fuck!"

Steve slid it in until it could go no further. He pulled it back and slid it forward several more times. With each push a four-letter word left my mother's mouth. He finally pulled the pole out of her ass and threw it onto the table. Mom took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Has it been an hour yet?" she asked breathlessly.

I shook my head. "Nooooooo. It's only been about half an hour." It'd been more like an hour and a half.

"Oh God," she sighed.

The room was filled with rock hard cocks again. "You know guys, after that examination, I think she could use a couple more protein injections," Steve said.

"More?! Oh God!" Mom exclaimed.

"You really do have some big ol' tit...toxin build up, Mom. Good thing we caught it when we did!"

She nodded her head. "Yes, yes, good thing we caught it now," she said, exhausted.

"Mark, would you like to give your Mom an anal injection?"

"Yes sir!"

"Anal injection?! You're going to..."

"Relax, Mom. It's all in the name of science, remember?" I said with a big, toothy grin.

"Yes, right, okay. Okay," she sighed.

"Matt, why don't you slip in there and give her an oral injection?" Steve asked.


"What?! Another blowjob?!"

"It's not a blowjob, Mom! It's a protein injection!"

"And the more varied your injection sources are, the more successful they'll be," Steve chimed in. "There's absolutely nothing sexual about this, Mrs. A."

She lifted her arm and Matt slid in front of her. His ass was resting on the edge of the pool table. His tool was slapping her on the forehead.

"Here we go. Ready, Mom?" I touched the tip of my member to her gaped ass. She gasped. "Just relax, Mom. We need to get at those toxins. The more protein you've got attacking that toxin, the better you'll feel."

"Yes. Yes. I'll do my best."

She let out another gasp when the swollen head of my tool slipped past her sphincter. A long, animalistic growl accompanied the entire slide until I was balls deep.

"Jesus Christ you're tight, Mom! Doesn't Dad ever fuck you in the ass?"

She shook her head. "No! No! Never."

"Do you like how it feels? You like how a cock feels in your ass?"

"I do! It's been so long I'd forgotten how good a big, fat cock feels in my ass! I do!"

"That's good, Mom, because we're here to make you feel good. This is all about you. Right guys?"

"Oh yeah!" "Absolutely!" "We're here for you, Mrs. A! We're getting absolutely no pleasure out of this at all. This is all about you!"

"Oh God! Yes...yes...I...I...I appreciate that. I'm definitely feeeeeling, grrrrr, better!"

I tried not to laugh. "Good! Good! Okay, let's continue. Guys, you want to massage her tits...er, I mean, breasts, while Matt and I give her our injections?"

Mom yelped loudly when Steve and Dave roughly grabbed her round mounds of flesh. "Fuck! Oh my God! My nipples are so...mmmmm...sensitive! Oh my ggggfffffff!"

Before she could finish, Matt pulled her face in to his groin and buried his instrument into her throat. She gave a muffled bark the first time I pulled back and threw my hips forward. A loud yelp followed when I reached around and slapped her still spasming clit.

Her body was so revved up it wasn't long before her entire body began to twitch. Her tight little ass clamped down on my pumping rod like a vise grip. Her grip on the edge of the pool table was so hard I thought she was going to leave imprints. Her body backed into my thrusts while I continued to drum a steady beat on her toggle. She sucked and hummed around Matt's pole.

Two streams of hot electricity shot up from her toes, raced up her sexy legs, and smashed into her pussy like a grenade. Her squeals and moans echoed off the basements walls while the four of us continued to molest her body. Just as her body began to settle down, a second burst of energy blasted through her body, quickly followed by another. She'd experienced her first multiple orgasm in her life! And she wanted to feel it again!

Before she had finished her last orgasm, I grabbed her hips tight. "Oh fuck, Mom! Your tight little ass is gonna make me cum! I'm gonna fill your ass with cum! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuuuuuuck!"

My hips bucked into her ass while I shot my load of hot, thick cum into it. Each thrust only drove Matt's shaft further down her throat. The feeling of her son shooting his load up her ass only extended the orgasm she was having. Our moans filled a room that was beginning to smell like sweat and sex.

"Holy fuck," I groaned when I pulled out of her ass. A thick stream of white started to run down the inside of her thighs.

"Next!" Steve shouted. He jumped up from the floor and, without hesitation, slammed his tool back into her wide open ass.

"Oooooggggggaaaaaa!" Mom cried at the new insertion into her long neglected valley.

Matt had his hands behind her head and was throwing his hips into her face hard and fast."Goddamn! Her throat is so fucking tight! I'm gonna fill it with cum! Ready, Mrs. A? Ready for my fucking cum?" Mom nodded her head best as she could and moaned approval. He gave one final push on her head. Her face buried into his stomach. "Fuck!"

Spurt after spurt of hot spunk emptied into her face. She could feel the mighty throbs of his veins pulse deep in her throat. His grip was relentless. Her eyes began to water. The room started to go dark. White jizz was escaping her mouth and streaking down Matt's contracting balls.

He finally released his grip. Mom's head popped up like it was on a tightly wound spring, gasping for air.

The sound of Steve's skin slapping hers was loud and clear. "How's that, Mrs. A? Are you feeling better? Huh? Do you like every hole getting fucked, hmmmm? Do you like every fucking hole stuffed with thick, hard cocks?" Steve growled.

"Oh God! Yes! I...I...I feel great! Don't stop! Oh my God, don't stop!" she cried out while her body rocked back and forth with each push of Steve's body.

"Who said anything about stopping...bitch?!" Steve hissed. He reached back and slapped her ass, leaving a visible red mark.

Her body jumped. "Oh fuck!" she barked.

"Time for another oral injection!" Dave said as he slid in front of her.

"Yes! Yes! More! I need more!" she announced just before Dave granted her wish.

This went on for two more hours. For two more hours we pummeled every hole she had. On the hard, carpeted floor. On the pool table. On the couch. The black dildo had found it's way back into her several times. Her ass and cunt were overflowing. Her mouth was sore and white. Almost her entire body had various amounts of thick, white jizz covering it.

When the four of us couldn't get it up anymore, we called it a day. We practically carried Mom's exhausted body to the couch in the basement and laid her on it.

We all hovered over her admiring our work.

Steve broke the silence. "How do you feel, Mrs. A?" he asked quietly.

"I...I..." She could barely speak.

"I know, I know," Steve said. "You did great."

"You were great, Mom!"

"You're probably going to be sore for a couple of days. That's to be expected with a, um, treatment this aggressive." He smiled at the rest of us. "Mark will keep an eye on you and give us updates."

"Or we could come over and check on your ourselves," Matt said enthusiastically. Mom nodded her head.

Over the next few days I asked Mom how she was feeling. It was always, "I think I am feeling better! I think it worked!" She never gave any indication she knew that there wasn't any treatment. She acted as if she didn't have a clue that all we did was gangbang her for over three hours.

Two weeks later the guys and I were shooting pool when we heard footsteps on the stairs. We all stared when Mom appeared at the bottom of the stairs. We wondered if she had finally figured it out. Her tiny pink bikini top looked as if it was about to lose the battle trying to rein in her 38DDs. Her shorts couldn't have possibly been any smaller.

Steve gulped. "Umm, hi, Mrs. A! So, uh, how are you feeling? Do you think we got rid of those, um, toxins?"

"Ummm, I think I feel better. No, I definitely feel better!" She put her hands on her hips and twisted at the waist. "How do I look? Can you still see the toxins?"

"Awesome!" "Great!" "You're beautiful, Mrs. A!"

She smiled. "You boys are too sweet."

I decided to test the waters. "I dunno, Mom. It looks to me like you've still got some toxin build up. I don't think we got it all."

She looked down and cupped her breasts. "You know, I was thinking the same thing." She looked at the four of us. "Do you think I need a second treatment?"
