
A Cousin's Reunion Pt.4


"What happened?" I asked, watching her face turn sad.

"Your kids should be back any time, they went down to get some lunch." She answered evasively.

"Where's Evelyn?" I asked.

"Michael... There was an accident. A truck came across the median. She didn't make it," she said softly, leaning across the side rail of the bed to hold me as the reality set in.

As it turned out, I missed my dad's funeral, and was in a wheel chair with two broken legs for my wife's. As much as my kids helped, the next few weeks were horrible. I spent all my time sitting and staring out the window, unable to truly deal with the pain I had inside me. I had everyone concerned, not the least of which was my kids. One of them was there constantly, trying to attend to my needs, even though I rarely asked for anything. I had no desire to try to do anything, and just sat, staring out the window or watching old movies on tv. My world as I knew it had just been turned upside down. You never truly know how much you love a person until they're not there anymore. There are so many important little things that you take for granted, a little kiss on the cheek, a hug, a smile, sharing a meal... all these little things you do on a daily basis, you don't realize how important they are until they're gone.

No, I'm not the first one to lose a spouse. But like most that do, I was devastated. Compounding matters were my two broken legs. I couldn't even lose myself in routine tasks because of them. I couldn't work, I couldn't hardly do anything for myself. I even had to be helped on and off the toilet of all things. It wasn't long before I had turned into a sullen angry man, and closed out everyone. My kids took turns at first, staying with me to help. It quickly became clear that wasn't going to work and they hired me a live-in assistant. Kind of a cross between a helper and a nurse. She was a nice woman, and I got used to her seeing me naked, well except for the two casts on my legs.

Twelve weeks after the accident the doctors took the casts off. Not that I could walk. That would take weeks of therapy, not something that made me particularly happy. As much as I insisted, my live in nurse refused to let me take a shower, instead helping me into the tub to take a bath. I hate baths.

"Michael. You can't balance well enough to take a shower!" Amanda, my live in nurse, argued.

"I don't care. I hate baths. Baths are for babies." I argued back. "It's been two damn weeks. When are you going to let me take a fucking shower?" I asked angrily.

"You can take a fucking shower when you fucking learn to stand on your own two fucking feet!" She snapped angrily. "You want to play fucking games with me and be angry, I can play them too! So just fucking get used to it!"

I was stunned. I suppose I shouldn't have been, but I was. As angry and difficult I'd been the last two months, I'd never heard or seen her be angry. "Sorry." I said quietly.

"You should be. You're not an invalid. You're going to have to learn to use your legs again and that takes time. Your muscles are weak, but you can still use them. Just give it time," she said in her normally sweet voice.

"Fine," I answered. "But can I PLEASE take a shower? I hate baths!" I practically pleaded as she wheeled me into the bathroom.

"Alright. I'll help you take a shower. Since you're asking nicely for a change," she said with a smile. "Especially since it's the first thing you've asked for nicely since I've gotten here."

"Have I been that much of an ass?" I asked quietly.

"Frankly, you've been pretty much of an asshole!" she said before turning and smiling at me. "But I can also understand why. Now I'll help you stand up and you can undress yourself if you think you're strong enough to stand in the shower."

"Yeah. I can." I said, pushing myself up out of the chair, with her help, and standing unsteadily. She balanced me as I pulled my t-shirt off and then pushed my shorts and briefs down. She held me with one arm around my waist while I wrapped an arm around her shoulders as I stepped out of my shorts, then helped me sit back down in the chair.

"Now. You sit tight. I'll be right back," she said with her usual cheerful smile. She walked out of the bathroom and disappeared down the hall, coming back a couple short minutes later carrying two towels and, much to my surprise, completely naked. "What? You didn't expect me to let you stand in the shower alone, now did you?" She said as I stared at her petite little body. I'd never seen her in anything but the variety of hospital type scrubs, which really didn't flatter the curves she had. Her chest wasn't large, maybe a small C cup, with oblong areola and round pink nipples in the center of each quickly puckering areola. Her body was firm and muscular, which didn't surprise me, and her waist was thin, flaring smoothly out into shapely hips and a firm looking tush. She had a neatly trimmed blond bush that matched the color of her short cropped hair. She ignored my starting as she bent over in the tub to adjust the water, her full round pussy lips sticking out at me between her legs, the slightest amount of her delicate inner lips peeking out at me teasingly. "Well, haven't seen that before," she said as she straightened up and stood in front of me, looking down at my lap.

I looked down and saw my cock, rock hard for the first time since the accident, jutting up lewdly from my lap at her. "Oh...sorry." I mumbled sheepishly, feeling my cheeks warm slightly.

"Oh don't be. It's kind of a compliment. Besides, it means that for a change you were thinking of something good instead of just looking at the negative," she answered with a smile. "Now, let's be careful we don't poke an eye out with that thing," she said as she bent over and reached for my sides, sliding her hands up my sides to my armpits to help me stand up. I pushed off the chair to my feet, and stood for a second, swaying as I caught my balance, my hard cock pressing against her stomach as she stepped closer to me. She wrapped her arms around me for a moment to help me balance, pressing her bare body to mine in the process. "Now, we're going to step into the shower one foot at a time. You step then I'll step, okay?"

"Uh huh." I answered, reaching for the wall of the tub/shower. I stepped one foot over the side of the tub and the two of us moved more into the shower than out, her foot quickly lifting over the side to help me balance.

"Other foot now," she said, as she stood waiting for me to move my other foot over the side of the tub. I stepped carefully, not wanting to upset my balance too much. With her arms still tightly wrapped around me, pulling me tightly to her body, her rock hard nipples pressing against my chest and my cock trapped between us, she stepped her other foot into the tub and gently turned us so that I was under the water cascading from the shower head. "Okay. Now I have to let loose of you for a minute. Are you ready?"

"Uh huh." I answered, using one hand on soap dish in the shower wall for balance as she loosened her arms and stepped back from me. She turned herself and pulled the shower curtain closed and then turned to face me again, the bottle of old spice liquid soap in her hand. She reached past me for one of the fluffy shower things and squeezed soap on it, turning her back to me as she put the soap back down. I wasn't about to move or I'd lose my balance, but I wasn't going to complain when, bent over the way she was, her ass accidently pressed against my jutting hardon. My engorged head slid momentarily along her full pussy lips and between her legs before she stood back up.

"Are you being naughty?" she asked with a smile as she turned to face me again.

"Nope. Clearly accidental." I said, blushing again as she rubbed the ruffilly shower sponge to raise a lather.

"Too bad," she said with a grin as she began to rub the sponge around my chest, soaping my body. "If you were it would have meant you were feeling stronger."

"I didn't know sex was part of a home health nurse's duties." I said honestly.

"Oh, it's not. But then getting into a shower naked with your patient isn't usually part of the job either. But since I've seen you naked bunches of times, I didn't think you'd mind me being naked."

"Oh, trust me, I don't mind." I admitted as her hands worked the lather down to my hard cock and began to gently wash it, making it twitch as her hand stroked the length of the shaft.

"You know. I wouldn't mind helping, if you want some relief for that," she said softly.

"Are you suggesting sex?"

"No silly! I'm suggesting that I could stroke you with my hands to give you some relief for that," she said with a wry look. "Men. Always thinking of sex."

"Kinda hard not to when you're standing in a shower naked with an extremely sexy looking woman." I said.

She handed me the soapy sponge and grinned. "Extremely sexy looking huh? Now that is a compliment. Why don't you put one of those hands to good use?" She said as she wrapped both hands around my cock and started stroking my soapy shaft. I reached up to her chest and gently soaped the front of her body, using the sponge to tease around each firm round breast and rock hard nipple. I heard her moan softly as she stroked my cock and tossed the sponge to the shower floor, putting my bare hand on her firm tit and gently massaging it, my thumb stroking back and forth across it. "You have gentle hands." She cooed softly as she stroked me, one hand sliding slowly up and down my shaft, the other rolling around and over my engorged head.

"I think I'm going to come." I grunted as I teased her nipple.


"Oh yeah." I grunted as she moved her hands so both of them were stroking my cock, aimed up between us.

"OHHH!" She exclaimed in surprise as a gush of cum lanced from the tip of my head, up between us, landing on her firm round tit. Again and again I grunted, trying to hold my balance as my cock spouted more and more cum onto her tits and stomach, finally reduced to a drool as she slowed her strokes. "My, that was strong, wasn't it?"

"I guess." I chuckled as I watched my cum sliding and dripping off her tits. "I think you need a rinse."

"I will once you're out and sitting again," she said.

"No. I don't think so." I said, reaching both hands around her and pulling her to me, her cum covered tits pressed to my chest. I pulled her back as I stepped gingerly backward, letting the water cascade over her and run down between us as I let go of her and slipped both hands between us to stroke her stomach and tits, cleaning off the cum.

"Well, thank you," she said with a smile.

"I'm not done yet." I answered, sliding one hand down to her blond bush and gently stroking one finger between her legs along her wet lips. "I can help you with that, if you want." I said almost teasingly.

"Oh? Since when does a patient play with the nurse's pussy?

"When the nurse lays in bed at night and fingers herself to climax." I said quietly. "You moan louder than you realize." I said as she blushed brightly.

"I didn't know you could hear."

"I could." I answered simply, pressing my finger up between her lips and stroking it gently across her hard clit. "You know, you could move your legs apart some and make this easier."

"Uh uh," she said, her eyes closing as my strokes teased her clit and my other hand pinched and pulled her nipple. "Oh god," she whispered after a couple minutes of my strokes, my finger sliding along her pubic bone and across her rock hard clit. I felt her legs start to tremble and her breathing grow more ragged with each passing moment until she suddenly jerked hard, her whole body convulsing momentarily and her legs pressing together to try and trap my finger between them. "Oh god," she whispered again, her eyes opening and looking at me almost curiously. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I answered. "But I think I better sit down again."

"Oh yeah. Definitely!" She said, quickly reaching past me to turn off the water. She pushed the shower curtain back and then stepped tightly to me again, her arms wrapping around me. "Now. Out the same way as in," she said quietly.

"Sure." I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" She asked after we stepped out onto the bathroom rug.

"In and out. You tell me." I said with another chuckle as she stepped back to dry me.

"Let's get you sitting down again," she said, quickly putting a towel on the wheelchair and then standing back up to me. She pulled me tightly to her, her still hard nipples pressing against my chest as she turned me, leaning over to help balance me as I sat back into the chair. I moved my hands from the arms of the chair up to both her perky little tits, and squeezed them gently as she used the second towel to dry me off.

"You keep that up and you're going to get all hot and bothered again," she whispered to me.

"Too late." I answered quietly as her hands rubbed the towel down to my lap and my again hardening cock.

"Goodness. I should say," she whispered, her hands gently toweling my growing hardon.

"You know, a cock does a much better job than a finger." I whispered to her, my thumbs stroking back and forth across her nipples.

"I bet it does." She answered. "I'm surprised though. Why the sudden change? I think this is the first time you've been really nice to me."

"I'm sorry. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself."

"I can understand that," she said, moving her drying down to my legs as she squatted in front of me. "You've had a lot of loss all at one time."

"Too much." I said sadly, thinking of my wife and all the things I missed.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to spoil your good mood," she said quietly as she knelt in front of me, looking up at me. "Part of our job is your mental health as well as your physical health. For a while there you were more...normal, than I've seen you since I started here. I'd like to think that I can get you back to that and be there much more. Especially since I know now just how gentle and sweet you can be."

"I guess I've been pretty self-absorbed." I answered her.

"A bit." She admitted. "Can I ask you something personal?"

"Yeah, I suppose." I answered with a shrug.

"Who's Julie?"

"Julie? Why do you ask?"

"You've been having some really bad dreams and I've been coming in and just stroking your hair and chest to calm you. Sometimes as you calm down you call out her name. Is she someone important in your life?"

"She was once, really important. Not so much now though." I said quietly.

"I doubt that's true. If you're calling her name she's still important to you." Amanda said sweetly. "Now, let's get some fresh clothes for you. We have to get your therapy done yet."

"Sure." I answered her as she stood up and pushed me out into the bedroom. She wheeled me toward the dresser and then locked the wheels of the chair again.

"So, shall we stand up again?"

"I suppose." I said, pushing myself up out of the chair as she reached to help steady me. I looked down at her as she opened the drawer and pulled out a pair of my boxer briefs.

"Let's start with these," she said, turning toward me and looking up at me, finding me staring down into her eyes.

I reached for the underwear and took them from her hand, tossing them onto the bed before reaching out to her. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her breasts to me as I slowly turned us so my back was to the bed. I reached my hands down to her firm ass and lifted her, falling back onto the bed as I did so, her legs and arms trying to catch us.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a frown as she held herself over me on her hands and knees, my hands still on her firm ass.

"Returning the favor." I said softly, pulling her down toward my hardening cock and pressing it against her still wet pussy lips.

She drew in a breath and held herself in place, not moving to help but also not moving away. She closed her eyes and allowed me to stroke my hardening cock along her wet lips with my hips, my hands squeezing and pulling her cute little ass down farther.

"We shouldn't do this," she whispered softly.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked her in an equally soft whisper.

"No." She answered.

"Good. I don't either." I said, sliding one hand down from her ass to my cock, lifting it and rubbing my fat head against her wet pussy lips. I spread her lips with my head and teased the tip into the opening of her tunnel. I moved both hands to her hips and half pushed, half encouraged her to push back against me, her pussy expanding around my mushroom head until finally it slipped into her.

"Oh god," she moaned softly. "Sooooo big!"

"So tight." I grunted softly, as she started to rock on her knees, slowly stroking her incredibly tight pussy on and off my shaft. As she rocked more and more of my cock became lubricated with her juices and she was soon stroking nearly all of me into her, my head banging gently with each stroke against her cervix and the end of her sexy tunnel.

"God you feel good," she moaned as she rocked, my hands sliding up from her firm ass to her tits, cupping each one and gently squeezing and kneading them as she pushed both of us closer to climax.

"Gonna come again." I grunted all too soon, really wanting to last a lot longer.

"That's good. Just let it go!" she cooed. "It's been a long time for you, so that's to be expected."

"I'd prefer you came too." I grunted, sliding one hand down between us and finding her clit with one finger.

"Don't worry about me. You just enjoy what you're feeling." She gasped as my finger stroked across her exposed clit. "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!" she squealed in surprise. "Ohhhhhhhhh my god yes!"

"I take it you like this?" I groaned as my own climax inched even closer, my body barely able to contain the load waiting for release.

"Ohhhhh god yes. Ohhhhhh fuck fuck," she moaned just before my body jerked, a huge gush of cum lancing up into her pussy. "FUCK!" She cried loudly as her whole body suddenly dissolved into little shudders and trembles, her pussy jammed hard on my jerking and spurting cock. She held herself above me, looking down at me and panting as her body slowly stilled. "God, that was good," she whispered.

"For me too." I answered.

"Is this a new form of physical therapy?" She asked with a giggle. "Cuz if it is, I'm all for it."

"I guess it could be." I answered with a smile. "It's definitely emotional therapy."

"So it would seem," she said as she started to move off of me.

"Don't." I said, reaching up to her back and pulling her down toward me. "I'd really enjoy it if you'd cuddle with me for a while."

"Alright." She answered, lowering herself to lay on top of me, her firm tits trapped between us. I reached for her head and gently pulled her face down to mine, starting a soft kiss that she quickly took over, sensuously kissing me for long minutes before pulling her mouth away breathlessly, her hot breath mixing with mine as she held her lips only millimeters from mine. "Fuck, you turn me on!" She whispered.

We spent most of the rest of the day in bed together, getting up only to eat, Amanda agreeing to remain naked the rest of the day. Much to my surprise, I managed to get it up three more times before "bed time", each time both of us getting off together. When the lights went out for the night, instead of hearing her in her bed fingering herself, she was snuggled against me comfortably, sexually sated for what, she said, was the first time in a couple years.

That day changed our dynamic completely. While I still had rough days, emotionally, she found ways to draw me back out of them, usually using her body in various ways to tease me and take my mind from what was dragging me down. She'd taken to not wearing a bra under her scrubs and her panties, which started out as relatively conservative, quickly changed to sexy little lace panties or thong panties. She was always ready to flash me anything I asked for, usually with her sexy little giggle that told me she was having fun. Our nights were spent together, with our lovemaking changing over time as I became stronger so that I was taking the more active role. Not that she didn't still enjoy riding on me, which she did frequently, but she also enjoyed being in front of or under me while I stroked powerfully into her. When she thought I was strong enough she took me shopping with her.

"What are we shopping for?" I asked as she drove us across town.

"You'll see," she said with a suppressed grin.

I stayed quiet, but curious as we pulled into a small shopping center, and then in front of a little boutique. I pulled my coat on against the misty April weather and followed her from the car into the store. She began wandering around the racks, looking at what was on display, every item I'd seen since I came in some kind of lacy, sexy, satiny, form fitting or flat erotic outfit ranging from what I assumed were dresses to skimpy alluring lingerie.

"May I help you?" a middle aged woman asked, as she walked up, her blue sleeveless dress forming snugly to an obviously curvaceous body, the skin tight dress revealing not a single panty or bra strap outline, making me instantly wonder if she had anything on under the dress.

"Not yet. I'd like to browse a little," she said with a smile. "I want to get something really special for my boyfriend."

The woman looked from Amanda, clearly WAY younger than I was, back to me, trying to decide if I was boyfriend or something else completely. "I see. Well, do you want something on the more daring side? Or more traditional?"

"Oh definitely daring!" Amanda answered with a smile. "Michael LOVES it when I push the boundaries." She answered, looking over to me, confirming for the sales clerk that I was indeed the boyfriend.

"Well, let me suggest these over here then," she said, leading the way toward the rear of the store. She stopped at a rack of little panties of various styles, all of them some form of crotchless panty, some little more than a few strips of lace, others full bikini panties that were missing portions of the back and crotch. Amanda picked two pairs before moving on to the next rack the sales woman said she might like. This rack contained a number of little outfits that were cupless bras, completely sheer, mesh or some combination of the three.

She chose several outfits from this rack, including one that professed to be a lace bra and panty set, but looked more like an assortment of wide lace ribbons attached to satin ribbons. The picture attached to the package showed the lace strips covering the model's crotch and breasts, all tied in place with the lace straps tied in bows. Yeah, that would definitely be fun to unwrap!

The third rack contained hanger after hanger of sexy teddys and what the sales girl called a baby doll, ranging from lace to mesh to sheer, some with and some without garters built in, all making me horny as hell as the two of them held the outfits up against their bodies.

"I have to try this one on!" Amanda said, holding up a completely sheer black baby doll that looked to me kind of like a sheer, extremely short dress. The sales girl agreed and led us to the far corner of the store where there were several dressing rooms with curtained doors. Amanda disappeared into one and emerged a couple short minutes later wearing the sexy outfit with a pair of black lace crotchless panties. "How would you like to wake up with me wearing this in the morning?" She asked seductively.

"I doubt you'd make it to morning wearing that." I said with a chuckle.


"Uh huh. I'd be too busy trying to have sex with you for it to stay on too long." I answered still grinning at the sight of her standing in the back of the store practically nude.

"Oh really? Well, the whole point of the panties is so you can have sex without taking them off," she said as she stepped toward me, putting one arm around my neck to pull my lips down to kiss her while her other hand wormed its way into the sweatpants I was still wearing after physical therapy, wrapping around my hard cock.

"Careful you don't start something you can't finish." I whispered as she broke the kiss, my hands teasing up and down her mostly bare back.

"Who says I am. And who says I'd want you to stop!" She whispered back, sliding her hands to my jacket and pushing it off. "You are way too dressed for what I have in mind!" She said huskily, reaching my t-shirt and pulling it up my body. "Come on. Arms up sexy!"

"Sure." I answered, shaking my head at her sudden boldness. She pulled my t-shirt off and tossed it over the bar of the closest rack and then moved her hands down, pushing both of them down into my sweat pants to grab my hard cock.

"You keep playing with that and I might have to fuck you right here." I muttered as she moved one hand to push my sweat pants down in front and hook them under my balls so she was able to use both hands to gently stroke my hard cock.

"Maybe I want you to. How about it? Wanna fuck my hot body right here?" She whispered. "All you have to do is turn me around and bend me over, lover. You can shove right into me I'm already so wet!"

I looked around for the sales woman and saw her back at the checkout near the front of the store and grinned. "That what you want?"

"You love it when I push the boundaries. How's this for pushing?" She breathed, moving one hand from my cock to push the back of my sweats down until they slid down to my ankles, leaving me naked from the ankles up. With a grin she turned us around so she was on the front of the store side of me and turned herself around to face and bent over, reaching her hands out for two racks, pushing her ass out at me.

I couldn't believe she was doing this, standing, facing the big glass windows in an outfit that was just short of nude, asking me to fuck her. If anyone walked in the door of the store they would have a perfect view of her body, bent over, facing them as I stood behind her. I didn't consider it too long before I rubbed my cock up and down her wet lips, pressing into her between the lacy halves of the crotchless panties.

She moaned softly as I pushed deep into her and started stroking, trying not to be obvious, but at the same time trying to stroke fully in and out of her pussy. "Ohhhhh fuck yes," she moaned quietly as I plunged in and out of her sopping wet pussy, my own arousal growing quickly, but apparently not as quickly as Amanda. I'd had plenty of opportunity to learn her motions, and the way she was rocking her hips and trying to push back at me with each stroke, I knew that she was incredibly close to climax already. "Fuck fuck fuck!" She moaned loudly, drawing the attention of the sales woman, who frowned slightly and started walking back toward us.

"The sales woman is coming." I said, stopping my strokes and standing with my cock inside her.

"I don't care. Keep going. I'm almost fucking there!" She moaned, letting go of one rack and reaching for my hip to try and force me to stroke into her again.

I started stroking again, hoping to get her off before the sales woman, making her way back to us, made it far enough to see me fucking her. I stroked in and out of her quickly, feeling her pussy make the first few clenches it always did right before she climaxed. "YES!" She blurted loudly, quickly covering her mouth as her body jerked and shuddered.

"Young lady, you can't do that in here," she said sternly as she walked over to us. "And you sir, should certainly know better!"

Amanda pulled off of my cock, turning around to look at the sales woman's clearly upset face. "Can I talk to you?" She asked the sales woman sweetly, stepping past me and hooking her arm in the arm of the sales woman and coaxing her to walk away from me and my still hanging out cock. I watched them move a few racks down while I pulled my pants back up, covering my hardon as the two talked. I have no idea what was said as they conversed in very hushed tones, but the sales woman looked back at me several times before turning and walking back toward me.

"My name is Elaine, and I think I have just what you're looking for," she said, hooking her arm in mine and turning me to walk down between the racks. "It can be so hard to pick just the perfect thing with so many sexy and sensual goodies. Believe me, I've tried," she said with a laugh. "Given the situation I suppose I can overlook that little indiscretion," she said with a smile.

"The situation?" I asked.

"Oh you don't have to be coy with me. I'm more than happy to try to help," she said, patting my hand. "Now. I think this is exactly what we need," she said pulling a hanger from the rack and holding out a purple corset that had little straps for stockings hanging down. She pulled me back along the racks the way we came until she came to a shelf, handed me the hanger with the corset on it, and then reached onto the shelf and pulled a package off before pulling me back along to the dressing rooms. I expected her to hand the items to Amanda, but instead she led me right into one of the changing rooms, the largest of the three, and pushed the curtain closed behind us.

"Now, just relax and watch," she said with a smile, letting go of my arm and reaching for the hem of the dress. She tugged the hem up, slowly rolling the material up her body, the dress turning itself inside out as she lifted it, each inch exposing more and more bare skin, until she pulled it up over her head, leaving her standing in nothing but a pair of high heels, her easily C cup tits hanging free and her completely shaved pussy on display, a significant amount of her flowery inner lips protruding down between her legs. She stepped closer to me and pushed me back so I had to sit on the bench along the back of the small cubicle. With a grin she stepped out of her shoes, dropping her height by at least four inches.

Still smiling at me, she lifted one foot, resting it on my hard cock inside my sweat pants, as she unfolded what turned out to be purple stockings. She stood in front of me, her foot gently teasing my cock as she rolled one of the stockings into a doughnut, and then lifted her foot off my crotch and pulled the material over her foot. She pressed her foot into my crotch and leaned down to grab my hands. She lifted them to her ankle and used her hands to stroke mine up her legs, unrolling the stocking inch by inch up her leg until my hands were stroking the very top of the stocking and her thigh, my fingers only inches from her pussy. She handed me the other stocking, moving the other foot to my crotch as she coaxed me to roll the stocking as she had the first one. When I had it sufficiently rolled, she lifted her foot and let me put the stocking on it, setting her foot back on my cock while I slowly unrolled the stocking up her other leg.

I was about to pull my hands away, the stocking rolled all the way to the top of her thigh, when her hands captured mine. "Don't be in a rush," she cooed softly, pulling my hand toward her pussy and gently teasing my fingers across her dripping wet lips. "Now the bustier," she said, moving her foot and turning around to face away from me. "Just reach around me with it." She coaxed quietly, standing with her bare back and ass toward me. She lifted her arms, waiting for me to stand up and put the bustier around her body.

What the hell? I thought as I unclipped the material from the hanger and stood up behind her. I reached around her with the material in one hand, stretching the other around to grasp it and gently lay it across her stomach. As I pulled the material around her, she lowered her arms, slipping her hands between us and finding my hardon through my sweat pants.

"It is big, isn't it?" she cooed softly as she let go of my cock while I worked on the zipper up the back of her bustier, and moved her hands to my sweat pants, pushing them down as far as she could reach, exposing my cock. She moved her hands back to my cock, teasing it with her finger tips as I finally zipped the purple material up. "Now, you need to fasten the stockings," she said with a grin, turning to face me, her tits now supported by the bustier. "The easiest way is to kneel down so you can see."

"Uh yeah. I guess." I answered a little nervously, unsure exactly what Amanda had told this woman. I knelt down in front of her and reached for the clip on one of the ribbons hanging down, trying to gently clip it to her silk stockings without ripping anything. It took me almost a full minute to figure out how the clip worked, after which she turned and showed me her ass to do the back one. She bent over, her feet about a foot apart, her pussy pushing out at me between her legs as she waited for me to clip the back of the stocking to the ribbon hanging down.

"You like what you see?" She asked as I worked on the clip.

"What's not to like?" I answered.

"Good. That's good. When you get done with that one, go ahead and clip the other while you're back there."

"Sure." I answered with a shrug, finishing one clip and then moving to the other.

"You don't have to be afraid to touch. Touch anything you want," she coaxed, clearly wanting me to play with her pussy.

I clipped the second stocking and then let my finger gently tease across her lips. For several seconds before she turned to face me, lifting her foot and resting it on the bench behind me so that her pussy was inches from my face. I reached up and clipped the stocking into the ribbon and looked up at her.

"Are you all turned on really good?" She asked softly, her hands moving to her tits. "She said you got really turned on with lingerie. I hope this helps."

"Oh yeah." I answered. "Definitely a turn on."

"Good, good! I want you as excited as possible, it'll help you try to climax," she said, sounding and looking quite nervous as she bent over and pulled my sweat pants back up.


"Uh huh. Your girlfriend explained it all to me. You know, I've owned this shop for twelve years and I've never done anything even remotely like this," she said as she pushed the dressing room curtain back, looked around quickly and then sort of tiptoed out, pulling me by the hand, as if she were sneaking down to peek at Santa or something. She led me across the store to a large rack that ran parallel to the front of the store, the rack of dresses the only thing between her half naked body and big plate glass windows. "I think this'll do perfect!" She said, squatting down on the floor in front of me. She reached for my sweats and pulled them down to my knees, freeing my rock hard cock. I watched her lick her lips briefly as she reached for my cock with both hands, wrapped them around it and then leaned her face toward me.

"Oh damn." I groaned as she closed her hot mouth around my engorged head and started to slowly bob her face on and off my shaft, her hands sliding on my shaft in time with her mouth. I looked around for Amanda, and saw her standing against the wall, watching the two of us, a finger pushed into her pussy through the panties.

After only two or three minutes sucking my rock hard cock, Elaine stood up, looked around nervously and then turned to face the store windows, grabbing the rack in front of her with both hands and bent over, pushing her ass out at me like Mandy had. "Go ahead. I'm ready," she said quietly, wiggling her ass at me.

"You want me to screw you?" I asked, still a bit confused.

"That's usually how it goes, right? I mean if you wanna come this way."

"Yeah, sure." I answered, stepping up closer to her. I rubbed my head up and down her wet pussy lips and then pushed into her, my saliva lubricated cock sliding easily into her already very wet tunnel. I held her hips and started stroking in and out of her, driving my cock into her over and over as the occasional person walked past the front of the store. I wondered if they didn't see or just didn't notice a couple fucking only a dozen feet from them, but it really didn't matter because I had no plans on stopping.

In and out I stroked, my mushroom head teasing the length of her tunnel as I stroked back until my head almost popped out before jamming quickly back in to bang against the end of her. Rhythmically I stroked for one, two then three minutes, her moans growing louder by the moment as her climax inched closer, as well as mine.

"I'm gonna come." I grunted when I really couldn't hold back any longer.

"Do it! That's it! DO IT!" She cried loudly as her legs started to tremble and her pussy started spasming around my rigid shaft. "OH GOD I'm COOOOOOMMMMMMIIIIINNNNGGGG!" She cried as my body jerked the first time, jamming my cock into her and almost tipping over the rack she was holding onto. My body bucked half a dozen times, each time squirting a powerful jet of cum deep into her pussy.

"Oh damn." I panted as I stood there, my cock twitching gently inside her, her pussy still occasionally clenching around my now softening shaft.

"Ohhhh that felt like it was hard." She panted as well.

"Oh yeah." I answered between breaths.

She pushed herself upright, pulling off my cock and turned to face me. "I guess now that we fucked it'd be alright to kiss you, wouldn't it?" She asked quietly, reaching one hand up to my neck and tentatively pulling her face toward mine. "I mean she wouldn't mind too much would she?"


"You're girlfriend."

"Given what we just did, I think she would find a kiss a minor issue." I answered her.

"Good," she said, pulling my face closer and pressing her full red lips against mine. We stood there, in full view of anyone who might walk by or walk into the store, kissing sensuously for several minutes before she pulled away. "Why don't you fix your pants while I go get dressed?" she whispered.

"Um. Sure." I answered.

She smiled at me and started back toward the back of the store. "And tell your girlfriend that if she promises to wear that outfit all the way home like that, that she can have it for free. Maybe even stop on the way home in a parking lot for some more fun?"

"Uh, maybe!" I answered as I watched her naked ass walk back toward the dressing rooms, my cum leaking down her legs as she walked.

I pulled my pants up and walked to where Amanda was standing, one hand still gently massaging one of her breasts as she stood there panting. "God that was a turn on, watching you fucking her like that." She breathed.

"Maybe you can explain what that was all about?"

"Well... I sorta told a story to try to keep her from calling the cops. I didn't expect her to do that though," she said, barely above a whisper.

"A story? Just what kind of a story?"

"I told her that your wife died some months ago and you hadn't been able to come since then. But that you had always been turned on by the risk of getting caught having sex in a public place, so we were doing it to try to get you to come again. How was I to know she'd feel sorry for you and try to help?" Amanda said, trying hard to suppress her giggling little laugh.

"Well, just for that, why don't you just wear that home? ONLY that!" I said firmly.

"It's awful chilly out there, but I might just do that. As long as you promise to fuck me again before we get home. I bet I can find a parking lot that will do!"

"I bet you can." I said, shaking my head.

It took us only a few more minutes to collect our clothes and walk out of the store. I felt pretty conspicuous walking next to Amanda, practically nude and attracting quite a few stares. We did stop on the way home and found that it was extremely difficult to have sex in a small car, but we managed. That particular outfit led to quite a few intense love making sessions over the next couple weeks.

Unfortunately, as I grew stronger it signaled that our time together this way was also coming to an end. She was going to have to make a decision in a very few days, to stay or to. I asked her to stay, but left it ultimately to her. She was half my age and had a whole career ahead of her while I was close to retirement. I really did NOT want her to go. I wasn't sure if she loved me, but I knew that I had grown very fond of her and I would have to say what I felt was definitely bordering on love. When we made love, even the most energetic session always turned sweet and gentle and soft at the end as we shared an emotional connection. I thought that might be enough. It might convince her to stay with me.

We spent our last day together naked, making love as many times as we could. She promised to come visit as often as she could, but we both knew that as a live-in she really didn't have many opportunities. I accepted that once again I had fallen in love with a person I wasn't able to be with. We kissed goodbye lovingly at her car before she drove off and mostly out of my life. We talked and called each other frequently that first few days, and then, as I suspected, the calls grew less frequent and text messages frequently went unanswered as the demands of whoever her new patient was overtook her life.

Again I was alone. I was back working, so I had something to keep me busy, but I was alone. About a million times I picked up my phone to call Julie, and then put it down again. If she wanted contact, she'd call or text. I hadn't seen her since the hospital. I'd asked the nurse giving me a sponge bath, how long she'd been there, and was told that Julie showed up the second day I was in the hospital and spent the bulk of every day and night sitting in that chair next to my bed until I woke up, disappearing the day after I awoke. I remembered little about my stay in that hospital, but I do remember our goodbye. A short hug, a kiss on the cheek and a "Take care of yourself". Then she was gone.

Spring sprung and the world was turning green again. The spring flowers coming up in the flower beds my wife planted were bright and cheerful but, in many ways for me, provided the opposite stimulus. They served to remind me of what I had lost, as so much did around the house. I was seriously considering moving to a new house, just to try and get away from the daily reminders of her.

I called Elaine, from the lingerie shop and we went out a few times, but there really wasn't a connection there. Oh the sex was good, including once in a movie theater. She seemed to think that the only way for me to climax was to do it practically in public, which was interesting, but I would have been just as content in my bedroom for now. My wife and I had a very active sex life, as did my short relationship with Amanda, but dating again just wasn't going over well. In retrospect I wasn't sure I'd really loved Amanda, or that she had loved me. But for both of us it was a mutually satisfying physical and emotional relationship. It served to help me heal, and for that I will always thank Amanda. But reality being what it was, she wouldn't have ever been happy being with me long term. I'd continue to age and soon be unable to provide that kind of sexual relationship, so it was just as well that she moved on. At least that's what I told myself half a dozen times a day when I thought about her.

Now I don't want you to think that just because my wife was gone that life was easy to go on with. She was my partner in life for so many years that every time I turned around I felt like I'd see her. Maybe that's why it was so hard to bring a date home for anything, including sex. I had a few times with people I'd met on one of the many dating sites, but for some reason, I always felt guilty afterwards. No, dates and sex were definitely better elsewhere. In fact, I was starting to seriously think that maybe living elsewhere would be a good thing for me to do. Sell the house and move. I don't know where to, but somewhere. Money wasn't a problem. The insurance paid off all the bills. All I had was the usual monthly stuff like electric and cable TV, and a few lingering bills for my long medical treatment.

I had to admit that after so long away from work, that I just didn't enjoy it the way I had before. After thirty years with the company I was eligible to retire. I could probably even afford it if I was carful with my expenses. It was definitely something to think about. Maybe I could find a place on a lake somewhere and spend my twilight years fishing and relaxing.

I pulled into the driveway and parked. It was easy to see the lake through the trees, even though it was the middle of the summer. The pine trees that had been so small when I was a child were now approaching a hundred feet tall, or so it felt, with trunks better than a foot across. I could see a few boats running up and down the lake as I stood next to the car, the boat hooked on behind, pointed at the lake almost as if it were eager to get back into the familiar waters. I would have liked to stand and look longer, but I had to get the car turned around in the tight confines and get out of the way of the truck that should be following behind any minute.

I climbed back in and after several attempts managed to get the boat and car turned around and parked with the boat trailer on the little road that ran past the garage, heading down to the landing. It was tempting to just go ahead and back all the way down and drop the boat in the water, but there was too much to do right now. That would have to wait.

I walked to the door of the house and unlocked the knob and deadbolt and stepped into the empty house. I walked around slowly, even my soft steps echoing off the bare walls. I walked to the curtain separating the laundry area from the hallway, the long bamboo slats tied together with strings woven around and between the slats leaving slight gaps between the half inch wide bamboo strips. The strings were starting to decay, but then after more than fifty years what would you expect. It still brought back so many memories. I had no intention of replacing it.

I heard the truck and walked back out, watching the huge orange moving van try in vain to get turned around and fit between the huge pine trees to back down the narrow drive. I'd warned them that it would be difficult, if not impossible, but they assured me that their drivers were the best and could get into anyplace. Well, this wasn't just anyplace, and no, he wasn't going to get into here unless I cut down half a dozen fifty plus year old pines. After much arguing and shouting between the driver and his assistant, they parked on the road and resigned themselves to hauling my belongings down the driveway by hand.

I guess you have to be careful what you wish for. I wanted a place on the lake. I just didn't know it was going to end up being THIS lake! My mom didn't want to stay here any longer, which I understood. Too many memories she said. Boy did I understand that! After much discussion with my brother and sister it was decided. I'd buy the place and keep it in the family.

My mom moved out only a few short weeks ago, now settled in a nice apartment in town less than fifteen miles away. It was a retirement kinda place, so she was already meeting many new people and making friends. I was glad to see her happy there.

I looked across at Julie's place, not having talked to her since the accident. I'd texted several times and called, only to have my calls unanswered. After several attempts I stopped trying, giving her the space I suspected she wanted. I hoped that my moving in wasn't going to cause problems. I still loved her, but I was also man enough to accept her unspoken request to not pursue the issue further.

It took the rest of the day to move my stuff into the house and another day unpacking enough for me to feel like I could survive. I had a bed, a kitchen, a living room, and lots and lots of boxes stacked everywhere. I needed a break, badly! And I couldn't think of a better way to take one than to put the boat in the water and take a little ride. I changed into my swim suit, launched the boat and climbed in. For a change I wasn't in a hurry. Not like when I head out fishing, wanting to get there and get started. It was middle of the day in the middle of the summer. Not really prime fishing time anyway. No, this was a leisurely cruise to just enjoy the day, watch the tubers and water skiers fly past and...well...relax!

It wasn't too long and I was making the long slow curve around the southern point that then opened up toward the lower dam. I couldn't help but remember Julie and I laying in the bow of this same boat, anchored right about here, watching fireworks whilst naked, after having our own fireworks. Yeah, it was a pleasant thought, and one that I realized, was vivid enough to cause a significant bulge in my suit. I wondered briefly how dating up here was going to be, if there were even any good looking available women in this neck of the woods.

I rolled the boat into a long slow turn, soon headed back the way I came, running across that same spot again. With a grin to myself, I untied my swim suit waistband and wiggled my suit down as I sat in the driver seat, feeling more than a little bit naughty driving the boat naked, bringing back memories of doing so with Julie. It made me want her hand in my lap, like it had been more than once in the past, but I resigned myself to that not happening again. I eased the boat up to the dock, not really caring if a passing boat saw me naked as I walked around the dock to tie up, and then headed up to the house, knowing that there wasn't anyone there to care if I was naked or not.

It was a long week. I was so used to having things to think about at work, even on vacation, that at the moment I was at a loss what to do. I always had things planned, or in the works, to deal with when I got back. Now retired, well, I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I looked around the property and started identifying tasks to do. The boat garage needed a new roof, the dock could stand some updating and repair, there were several trees that looked like they were on their last legs. Yeah, there was going to be plenty to do, I decided. That roof would be a good place to start!

Okay. I'll admit it right up front. I'm an idiot. Now that we got that out in the open... Just how big of an idiot do you have to be to shingle a roof on a July day? Apparently as big as I am. It was only ten in the morning and I had the back of the roof completely stripped down, along with me, down to only a pair of cargo pocket work shorts and my tool belt. I was ready to start laying paper and shingles, but the sun had cleared the tall pines and was beating mercilessly on me. No, it wasn't like a hundred degree Missouri day, but at eighty, it was DAMN hot in the sun. I climbed down off the roof, threw my tool belt on the picnic table and headed into the house to change into my swim suit.

"Now this is MUCH better!" I said out loud to myself as I lay back in the shallow water on the sandy point in front of Julie's place, letting the cool water soak away the heat I'd absorbed standing on the roof. "I gotta remember. I'm retired. I'm not supposed to work so hard."

As I lay there I couldn't help but think about how sexy Julie had been, laying in that yellow bikini on the deck, her skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat from the sun, the sound of the waves lapping the shore below her. Oh yeah, that was one hell of a view. In my mind I couldn't help but untie that yellow top and pull it off, exposing her big breasts and hard nipples. I looked around and thought for second about who might be able to see me, decided no one, and untied the string of my suit, pushing it down my legs to my knees before laying back again to float in the water. I grabbed my cock and started to slowly stroke myself under the water as my mind reached for the strings of the bikini bottom, and untied them, slipping the tiny bit of yellow off her pussy and letting it lay between her legs. I lowered myself down over her and gently kissed each hard nipple, working my kisses from breast to breast, sucking and kissing every inch of them before she reached between us for my cock with one hand, the other hand pulling on my ass with her fingers to pull me down toward her. In my mind I could feel my cock slipping into her, sliding into her hot wet tunnel, a moan escaping my lips as I imagined my cock sliding in and out of her incredibly sexy pussy, my engorged head teasing her closer to climax with each stroke.

I could hear her moan in my ear as I pumped myself in and out of her, driving my cock deep into her hot wet tunnel as I grew closer and closer to coming. I arched my back as I felt the tingle of climax start to spread through my body, my hips pushing up and lifting my cock out of the shallow water as my hand stroked up and over my head over and over again, my mind imagining her soft wet pussy. "FUCK!" I grunted loudly as the first shot of cum lanced up into the air, splattering on my own face. The second powerful shot hit my chest and the remaining half dozen landed on my chest and stomach before I pulled my hand from my own cock and used some lake water to wipe my face off. "God I needed that." I muttered as I rolled over in the water to rinse myself off.

"Too bad it was wasted on the lake." I heard a female voice say from the water.

"Huh!?" I exclaimed in surprise, looking around and seeing a woman floating on a large foam pad not thirty feet from me.

"I said too bad it was wasted on the lake. Looked like you were enjoying yourself so I didn't want to interrupt," she said as she floated on the blue foam pad, filling out a rather conservative one piece bathing suit with a really significantly sized chest and other ample curves.

"Sorry. I didn't know anyone else was around." I apologized, wondering how I was going to get my suit pulled back up again without exposing myself again to her, which became more of an issue as she started paddling herself closer to me.

"You don't have to apologize. I certainly wasn't complaining. I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to lay there naked and jack off, but damn, it was good looking."

"I really didn't know anyone else was around." I said a bit shyly.

"I can tell. It's a week day. I wouldn't have expected to find too many people around the lake either, not like a weekend," she said as she paddled closer.

"Yeah. I was just cooling off a bit." I mumbled as she stopped paddling, floating only a half dozen feet from me as I lay face down in the water, propping myself up on my elbows.

"I haven't seen you around before, have I?" She asked, lifting her sunglasses to look at me with a pair of deep green eyes.

"No. Just moved in actually." I answered.

"Ohhhhh! You must be Michael! I heard that one of her kids was going to move in. I'm Lily. I live just over there," she said pointing behind her toward the house on the other side of Julie's place. "I guess we're going to be neighbors."

"Um. Hi." I said sheepishly. "Not the best way to meet your neighbors I guess." I said uncomfortably.

"Oh I don't know. I kinda enjoyed the view," she said with a soft laugh. "Of course, I don't think you're getting up any time soon, are you?"

"Well, not without figuring out how to get my suit pulled back up." I said with a frown.

"Oh? You mean that suit?" She asked pointing toward my dock. I looked over and saw my suit, which must have come off when I was jacking off, floating on the small waves toward the dock twenty or so feet away.

"OH damn!" I mumbled.

"That's okay. I'll get it. I was about ready to get wet again anyway," she said as she slid off the foam mat to stand in the barely knee deep water. She waded deeper and then swam over to my suit, grabbed it and swam back as gracefully as you can with one hand full of swim suit. "You know, this is a pretty interesting situation. I seem to have your swim suit and you have...well your birthday suit. I wonder if I should exploit this situation. I mean I wouldn't mind seeing you like that again, up close and all."

"You wouldn't really do that, would you?" I asked in shock.

She smiled and walked over by me and sat down in the water only a couple feet from me. "That all depends. Just exactly who were you undressing from what?" She asked softly, smiling sweetly at me but holding my swim suit on the other side of her so I couldn't easily get it.

I stayed silent, partly trying to figure out how to answer her without implicating Julie. "Just a friend wearing a bikini." I finally answered.

"Ahhh. That explains it. I heard you say you loved her big tits as you were stroking yourself. I guess you like big breasts?" She asked pretty bluntly.

"If you have to know. Yes. Now can I have my suit back?"

"I don't know. I suppose I could let you have it, if you stand up for me."

"You really wanna see me that bad?"

"Honey, I haven't seen naked cock in person in months. Of COURSE I wanna see it again! But that doesn't mean you have to put your suit on and leave," she said, reaching over and holding my suit out where I could reach it. I took the suit from her and then sighed. I hadn't had any sex in several weeks, and had no prospects. What the hell could it hurt to let her see me again? I rolled onto my back and lay there in the foot deep water, my cock completely exposed to her as she sat in the sand next to me. "Mmmmm nice. May I?" She asked as she reached for me and gently grasped my soft cock in her hand before I could even answer. She teased it gently as I lay there, surprised at just how forward she was being. "Nice. Very nice," she whispered as she stroked my hardening cock.

"So, do you plan on doing something with it? Or just teasing me hard again?"

"I haven't decided." She answered with a grin. "What if I did? Wanna do something with it that is?"

"I don't know. I don't hardly know you or anything."

"What's to know? We're neighbors, we're both currently unattached, we're both here and clearly both horny!" she said as her hand continued to stroke my shaft.

"Well, I suppose that covers the most immediate issues." I said, getting quite turned on again by her actions. "But if you plan on doing anything about it I think you should be as dressed as I am."

"That, sweetie, is in your hands. Feel free," she said with a smile, taking my swim suit from my hand and tossing it toward shore where it landed with a wet slap against the riprap.

"Well, okay, I will." I said, rolling on my side to reach up to her and gently slid the shoulder loops of her suit off her shoulders. "Just how big are these?" I asked as I gently tugged the suit down, peeling it down her very large breasts until both flopped out completely exposed, her big round areola puckered and her nipples rock hard.

"Thirty eight G!" She whispered as I leaned my face toward the closest tit and closed my lips around her rock hard nipple. I sucked it into my mouth along with a significant portion of her areola, teasing my tongue around and around the hard nub, drawing a gasp of pleasure from her. "Ohhhh my yesssss!" she sighed softly, her hand stroking my cock more gently and slowly as I let go of her nipple and began kissing my way across her chest to her other breast. She lay back in the water, holding herself up on one elbow while her other hand continued to stroke my cock. I spent several long slow minutes teasing first one and then the other, circling her nipples with my tongue and pulling them gently with my lips.

After some time I let my hand start pulling her suit down again, allowing her to lift herself to help me get it off her body. When I had it pushed to her thighs and almost her whole body exposed, she pulled her legs up and quickly stripped the suit down the rest of the way, tossing it toward shore next to mine. She put her legs down and spread them for me, allowing my hand under the water to tease her full fat lips, slipping easily into her heavily lubricated pussy.

"You are turned on." I whispered as I pulled my face from her breasts.

"Uh huh," she breathed raggedly as I stroked my finger up and down her pussy, dragging it across her clit. "So turned on." Came out as almost a moan.

I rolled over on top of her in the shallow water, sliding my cock between her legs as I held myself over her. She kept her hand on my cock and gently pulled me by it, guiding me toward her pussy until I felt my head press against her fat full pussy. She spread her legs wide and withdrew her hand, laying back in the water even father so she could use both hands on her knees, pulling her pussy even farther apart.
