
32 (2)

After jumping off Katsuya Naruto and his clones broke up and each went their own way. For the most part the clones helped any wounded Konoha Shinobi they found and healed their injuries. If they could not fully heal the injured Shinobi, then the clones would stabilize them and carry them to the hospital where they could be treated by someone who could.

After a while one of Naruto clones arrived at the Inuzuka Clan compound, where it found an injured Inuzuka girl. Who looked to be no more than eight years old and was holding a small grey pup in her arms, trying to protect it from the Oto-nin, who had cornered them against a large wooden fence.

Standing in front of the injured girl and her pup and growling at the Oto Shinobi was a Kurimaru.

In an attempt to defend the injured girl, Kurimaru leapt forward and tried to bite the masked Shinobi's leg. But instead was easily kicked aside by the man and sent flying into the wall next to the girl.

"Out of the way you mangy mutt!"

"Kurimaru!" cried the girl when she saw what happened to the poor brave pup.

Seeing this, the Naruto clone quickly raced forward and yelled, "Get away from them you bastard!"

When the Oto-nin turned to the sound of the clone's voice, he saw the clone leap into the air and kick him right into the face, sending him right through the wooden wall, knocking him out instantly.

Once the enemy Shinobi was knocked out the clone turned to the young Inuzuka girl, who was staring at him with a mixture of shock and awe.

"Are you okay?" the clone asked, as he looked down at young girl, who was still in shock and could only nod.

Seeing that girl was okay, the clone quickly went over to the hurt Kurimaru and used the Shōsen Jutsu (Mystical PalmTechnique) to heal the injured pup.

When the clone had finished treating Kurimaru and the small dog saw the Naruto clone, it quickly leapt up and started licking the clone's face.

"Hahahahaha…okay stop it Kurimaru…hahaha…I'm happy to see you too."

After a few minutes the small pup final relented and stop licking the Naruto clone, allow it to go over to the young Inuzuka girl and use his Shōsen Jutsu to heal her.

Once the girl injury was treated, the clone spoke to her, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Hai…" said the girl with a nod, "Thank you for saving Arisu-chan and me, as well as Kurimaru when he tried to protect us from the man."

After the girls thanked him, her grey dog began to bark, indicating it was thanking him as well.

"Not a problem, I was happy to help, Kurimaru and me are friends, isn't that right boy" said the Naruto clone as he looked down at the small half wolf, who barked in agreement.

As soon as the Naruto clone was certain the girl was ok he decided to head to Kiba's house and stay there until the battle was over, making sure that the girl and the two dogs stayed safe.

-Outside the Stadium-

As the battle in the village raged, the Godaime Mizukage Terumī Mei was busy dealing with several Suna and Oto Shinobi. Who dared to attack her, using her Yōton (Lava Release) and her Futton (Boil Release) Bloodline limits to eliminate the enemy Shinobi.

After dealing with the majority of the enemy Shinobi inside the arena, the Mizukage decided to move outside around the arena.

Not far from the female Kage, Mei's Bodyguard Ao, was also busy fighting several enemy Shinobi. But made sure he never strayed too far from his village leader and that she was always within eyesight of him, ensuring that should she be endanger he could get to her quickly to help.

After knocking out an Oto-nin with a surprisingly strong kick, the Mizukage caught the glint of a Kunai flying through the air from her right.

Acting fast the female Kage ducked under the flying projectile, which embedded itself into a nearby stone wall.

But just when the female Mizukage turned to where the Kunai came from, she noticed that tied to the end of the Kunai was an exploded note, which exploded moments after the Kunai hit the wall.

With no time to waste, Mei jumped forward and avoided the large blast with little harm. The only exception being a slight dizzy, this was caused when a small piece of debris hit the side of her head.

As the Mizukage tried to steady herself, the Suna Shinobi, who had thrown the Kunai and exploding note, decided to take advantage of female Kage's dizziness.

After preforming several hand-seals, the Suna Shinobi fired a powerful stream of Wind from his mouth and sent it towards Mei.

By the time the Godaime Mizukage steadied herself and saw the approaching Wind attack, she realized it was too late to avoid or block the attack and braced herself.

"Mizukage-sama!" Ao cried, when he saw Mei in trouble and raced towards her.

But just when the attack was about to hit her, a large dome made out of wood erupted from the ground around her, and protected her from the Wind attack.

Surprised by the sudden appearance of the wooden dome, the Suna Shinobi failed to notice the large wooden tentacles that appeared out of the ground underneath him, where he was quickly restrained by them, before he could do anything.

"Mizukage-sama are you alright?" asked a concern Ao who appeared in front of the dome.

"Yes I'm fine Ao" replied Mei, who appeared out from behind the wooden dome.

"Who did this?" Ao asked as he looked at the wooden dome and then to the captured Suna-nin who struggled futilely against his binds.

"I believe that would be obvious Ao, given how we only know of one person capable of doing something like this" answered a smiling Mei before pointing towards a nearby rooftop.

Looking in the direction that the Godaime Mizukage was pointing to, the Head of the Hunter-nin division saw one Senju Naruto standing on the rooftop. After a brief smile and wave to them, he disappeared in a whirl of leaves.

"That kid again" muttered Ao raising his left eyebrow.

"Hmph, it seems that I am now the one indebted to him" commented Mei with an amused smile while at the same time thinking, "I always did like a man who had good timing."

-Inside the Stadium Stands-

After knocking out another Oto Shinobi with a hard punch to the gut, Kakashi took the Kunai the man had in his hand and threw it at another Oto-nin, who was trying to run away, and hit him in the back of the neck, killing him instantly.

As soon he had dealt with the man, Kakashi saw a third Oto-nin racing towards him and took out a Kunai from his pouch. After which the two Shinobi disappeared in a blur and clashed with one another for an instant before reappearing at opposite ends.

Shortly after reappearing a large slash appeared on the Oto Shinobi's stomach where he then fell to the ground dead.

At the same time not far from Kakashi, Gai was finishing of a Suna Shinobi, who he had knocked out with a strong hit to the back of the head.

With the Suna-nin knocked out Gai then signalled over another Suna Shinobi who was standing a few feet away from him.

Taking Gai's challenge the Suna Shinobi raced forward, but was quickly defeated by the bushy eye browed man. Who dealt a powerful kick to the young man's stomach and then spun around and delivered an equally powerful upward kick to an Oto-nin's chin, knocking him out instantly.

"I believe that was the last of them" said Shizune who suddenly appeared next to the green clad man.

"Looks like it" replied Kakashi, who made his way over to them along with Kurenai and Anko.

Soon after the five Jonin and joined up, they heard a familiar voice call out to them, "Shizune-nee, everyone!"

When the group turned they were surprised to see a dirty, tired Naruto running towards them carrying a miniature version of Katsuya on his shoulder.

"Naruto! What are you doing here, I thought I sent you to help Sasuke and stop Sabaku no Gaara (Gaara of the Sand Waterfall/Desert)" said Kakashi.

"I beat him, and we capture him along with his brother and sister."

When Anko heard this, the former student of Orochimaru was naturally surprised by it. "Damn, in just one day, he took on and defeated the Prodigy of the Hyuga Clan, the Kazekage's daughter and two jinchūriki…and he's still standing! He's got amazing stamina, that's for sure…which will probably come in pretty hand once he gets older and starts dating."

"Where are they?" Kurenai asked.

"I left them with Sai and Sasuke, I went on ahead with Katsuya here."

"Hai" said the miniature Katsuya, "After the battle with Shukaku and Sabaku no Gaara, I offered to bring Naruto-done to Konoha and help in the defence of the village."

"Shukaku?!" repeated Shizune in surprise, "Naruto, explain exactly what happened."

For the next few minutes Naruto gave the five Jonin the same run down of the events between Gaara and him, as he did Ibiki and the two ANBU. When he finished telling them what happened, all five Jonin were amazed by what Naruto had done.

"Well done Naruto-kun, truly you embody the flames of youth, to accomplish so much in just one day" said Gai loudly. Who then smiled at the young blonde, causing his teeth to gleam brightly, making Naruto wonder once again if the jumpsuit wearing man bleached his teeth.

"Naruto how were you able do all that after you battled with Nii Yugito?" Shizune asked. "Don't tell you used another food pill!"

"Eh, actually I took two" Naruto said guiltily.

"TWO!" shouted Shizune in disbelief causing the blonde boy to cringe slightly at his surrogate sister's loud voice. "Naruto, you know how dangerous it to take multiple food pills in short periods of time!"

"Looks Shizune-nee we can worry about me later, I came here because I want to know what going on with Ka-chan, Ero-Sennin and Jiji."

"They are still battling inside the barrier, from what we have heard they holding his their own against the Orochimaru, Shodai, and the Nidaime Hokage-samas" answered Kakashi. Who then went on to explain in more detail after seeing the confused look on Naruto's face when he heard that the Shodai and Nidaime Hokages fighting against Tsunade and the others.

When Kakashi finishing explaining what happened, the young blonde gashed his teeth at how Orochimaru revived his ancestors and were using them as weapons against his family.

"Damn that bastard!" Naruto thought angrily.

"Why hasn't anyone gone to help them, hasn't anyone broken through the barrier?"

"No, the barrier is impenetrable the ANBU have already tried" explained Kakashi.

"If that's the case, then there's only one way to help" thought Naruto.

"Katsuya-chan I'm going to need you help again" Naruto said as he turned to the miniature Slug clone, who just nodded. After which the blonde took off down the stands.

"Naruto, where do you think you going?" Shizune yelled.

"To help Kaa-chan and the others" answered Naruto.

Before Shizune or any of the others could even stop the blonde boy, he disappeared in a puff of smoke along with the Katsuya clone.

-Inside the Barrier-

As the battle inside the village raged and slowly turned to Konoha's favour the battle against Orochimaru and the revived Hokages was going in the opposite direction.

Although the Sandaime Hokage, Tsuande and Jiraiya were able to hold their own, they were slowly being worn down by the two Hokages. Who unlike them did not feel pain or tired and had an unlimited Chakra.

During the battle when the Shodai Hokage used the Genjutsu: Kokuangyou no Jutsu (Illusionary technique: Bringer-of-Darkness Technique) to cover the space inside the barrier in darkness. The Sandaime and the others were forced on the defensive, where they stood back to back to one another and defended themselves from the various assaults from the two Hokages. But after a little while Tsunade was finally able to use her advance skill in Genjutsu to break the Shodai's Genjutsu, allowing them to see their adversaries.

Soon afterwards the two Sannin and their former sensei were able to isolate the Nidiame Hokage, from his brother the Shodai. Who was kept at bay by Tsunade, allowing the Sandaime to capture the Nidaime using his Kongō Rōheki (Vajra Prison Wall), which in turn allowed Jiraiya to prepare an Fūinjutsu (Sealing technique) to seal the former Hokage away.

But before the Jiraiya could complete the sealing, Orochimaru, who had realized what the two were doing, intervened and prevented the Nidaime from being sealed away. After which he temporarily disabled Hiruzen with several of his Snakes and freed the Nidaime from the Kongō Rōheki using the Kusanagi no Tsurugi (Grass Cutting Sword), allowing the brother of the Shodai to attack Jiraiya.

As the battle continued to rage on, the Sandaime's age finally began to show, where the old man was beginning to tire, forcing Tsunade and Jiraiya to stay close and defend him.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!" cried the Nidaime Hokage, who used his high Water affinity to create massive Water Dragon from the moisture in the air.

As the large Water Dragon moved closer, Tsunade step forward and used her monster-like strength to destroy the Water Dragon with a single punch.

But as soon as she had destroyed the Water Dragon, Tsunade suddenly found herself bound by wooden binds, created by her grandfather from his outstretched right hand, leaving her vulnerable to attack from the Nidaime, who fired another powerful Water attack.

Before the attack could hit, Jiraiya used his Hari Jizō (Needle Jizō) technique to extent his hair and pulled Tsunade free from the wooden binds and next to him, just before Tobirama's attack them.

When the Water attack ended, the two former Hokages saw that both Sannin and their teacher were unharmed thanks to Jiraiya's hair, which had protected them all from the Water attack.

After the Water attacked ended, Jiraiya the used his Hari Jigoku (Needle Hell) technique to fire multiple hardened needle-like hairs at the two deceased Hokages, forcing them to jump further back to avoid the needle-like hair.

Once Hokages and fallen back, Jiraiya had his hair revert back to its original form. But no sooner had he done this, Orochimaru appeared behind them and attempted to stab his former best friend in the back with the Kusanagi no Tsurugi.

But before the sword could stab Gama Sennin, the Sandaime had Enma extend backwards, hitting the Hebi Sennin right in the chest and sending him crashing into a nearby tree.

"Thanks Sensei, I owe you one."

"No need to thank me Jiraiya…pant, pant…it's the least I could do…pant, pant…after all the trouble I've caused you and Tsunade" replied the Sandaime as he tried to catch his breath. "I've really become a pathetic old man."

Seeing the state that his old teacher was in Jiraiya knew he needed to do something, otherwise they were all finished.

"Tsunade, Sensei, I hate to ask this of both of you, but can you both hold off Orochimaru and the Hokages for a few minutes for me."

"Jiraiya do you plan to do what I think you plan to do?" asked Tsunade realizing what Jiraiya was thinking.

Nodding to this Jiraiya simply said "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Very well Jiraiya, we'll buy you as much time as we can" the Sandaime replied as he slowly lifted himself you.

At the same time, after crashing into the large tree, Orochimaru manoeuvred himself around his former comrades to join up with the two Senju brothers.

After joining up with the two late Hokages, Orochimaru noticed that Jiraiya had pulled back, while the Sandaime and Tsunade positioned themselves forward, and had taken up defensive stances.

Seeing this Orochimaru quickly realized what his former team-mate was up to "SSSooo, Jiriaya-kun is planning to use his Sage mode. If he were to succeed, it would make things even more troublesome."

Wasting no time Orochimaru quickly ordered the Shodai and the Nidaime to attack.

- Enter Naruto Shippuden OST 1 Denkousekka (Lightning Speed) -

As soon as Orochimaru gave the order the two Hokages raced forward and split up in an attempt to outflank Sarutobi and Tsunade.

The Nidaime was the first to attack, where he fired several high speed Water blasts at Jiraiya, who was busy trying to gather natural energy and needed to stay perfectly still.

Before the Water blasts could hit Jiraiya, the Sandaime intervened and used Enma to skilfully block the Water attacks. After which he then had Enma extend forward and hit his former teacher square in the chest, sending him flying into the barrier, and causing him to burst into flames.

At the same time at the opposite end of the battlefield Tsunade was busy defending herself again her grandfather the Shodai Hokage. After blocking her grandfather's path to Jiraiya, Tsunade entered into a fierce Taijutsu battle.

As the fight continued, the Shodai proved to be a difficult opponent for his granddaughter to face, even though she had the advantage in strength. He had the advantage is skill and fighting experience given the countless battles he fought during the Great Shinobi Clan Wars, the founding of Konoha and the First Great Shinobi World War.

It was made even more difficult when Hashirama used his Moku Bunshin no Jutsu (Wood Clone Technique) to create three more copies of himself and had them attack Tsunade.

When the Shodai and the three clones attacked, Tsunade was pushed entirely on the defensive where she did her best to avoid and block all their punches and kicks. It was only thanks to her enhance training, that allowed her to keep up and avoid her grandfather and his clones attacks.

Using her enhance strength, Tsunade was able to keep Hashirama and his clones at bay, but it was not without cost, where she received a slight wound on her left side from one of his Mokuton attacks.

Seeing that Tsunade was wounded, the Shodai and his clones decided to attack all at once in the hope of overwhelming the blonde woman.

Realizing what they were doing, Tsunade immediately smashed her fist onto the rooftop, creating a large cloud of dust and a large hole in the roof in the path of the former Senju Clan head and his clones, forcing them to break up into pairs.

When the four Hashirama's broke up, two of the wood clones stood close to one another; while the dust cloud surrounded them, knowing that if they broke up they would be vulnerable to a sneak attack. But their caution soon proved to their undoing when they sensed a presence above them and saw Tsunade falling down towards them while preforming a powerful axe kick.

Acting fast, the two wooden clones separated, narrowly avoiding the deadly axe kick, which created another large hole in the roof.

After avoiding Tsunade's attack, one of wood clones attempted a strong side kick from Tsunade's left. But instead was caught by the Slug Princess who then swung him into the second clone. Who tried to attack her from the opposite side.

When the two clones crashed into each other, Tsunade immediately jumped away and activated the exploding notes she had planted on the first clone when she caught his kick and destroyed them both.

But no sooner had she destroyed the two clones, the real Shodai Hokage appeared and hit her in her wounded side with a strong spinning kick, sending her crashing onto the roof tiles.

With the intent on finishing her off, the last wood clone appeared above Tsunade and preformed it's in own falling axe kick down on her head. But before the attack could make contact, Tsunade flipped backwards onto her feet at the last second, and preformed a supercharged reverse heel kick, right into the side of the clones head, destroying it instantly.

- End Naruto Shippuden OST 1 Denkousekka (Lightning Speed) -

"Impressive Tsunade-chan, you've indeed become quite strong. "But it seems that you're now nearing your limit" said the founder of Konoha. Who could see that Tsunade was sweating and panting heavily and was bleeding baldly in her side, and would not last for too much longer without treatment.

"I'm not dead yet!" the woman replied stubbornly, while at the same time thinking, "Come on Jiraiya, how much more time do you need? I don't know how much longer I can hold him back?"

When Tsunade glance back at her team-mate, she saw Orochimaru moving towards Jiraiya at high speed, intending to impale their former team-mate with Kusanagi no Tsurugi.

"Jiraiya look out!" cried Tsunade before she was force to move away, when the Shodai took advantage of her distraction.

Seeing Orochimaru heading for him Jiraiya prepared to move, but before he could, the Sandaime intervened and slammed his former student in the side of his head with a forward kick, sending him tumbling across the ground.

"Jiraiya focus on gather your energy, leave Orochimaru to me."

Nodding to his teacher, Jiraiya then quickly closed his eyes again and continued to gather more natural energy.

"You'll pay for that old man" Orochimaru hissed as he slowly stood up and pointed his sword at the old Hokage.

"You're welcome to try my foolish student" the Sandaime replied as he took a standard Bojutsu stance.

"Incredible…What a battle" mutter one of the ANBU as he watched the Sandaime battle Orochimaru and Tsunade fight the Shodai Hokage.

"Indeed, they are far above us, but I fear the Hokage-sama is nearing his limit, since he his barely keeping Orochumaru at bay" spoke the ANBU Commander.

"What is Jiraiya-sama doing, why is he just standing there?" asked another ANBU.

"I do not know" the ANBU Commander replied, "…But if the Hokage-sama and Tsunade-sama are going to such an extent to protect him, it must be important."

"Maybe he is gathering Chakra for some sort of Jutsu" said the first ANBU.

"Perhaps" answered the ANBU commander, "…But for now all we can do is wait, and hope that it works."

As the fight between the Sandaime and Orochimaru continued, the Snake Sennin jumped away from his old sensei and used his Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands) technique to fire several dozen Snakes at the Sandaime. Who quickly began to spin Enma around and high speed to destroy the snakes.

But no sooner had he dealt with the Sanke he suddenly heard Jiraiya shout "Sensei above you!"

When Sarutobi looked up, he saw Orochimaru in mid-air above him, attempting to stab him with his sword.

Acting fast, Sarutobi quickly stab Enma into the ground and had him extend forward, allowing him to escape Orochimaru's sneak attack without any injury.

-Enter Naruto Shippuden OST 2 - Rising Dragon-

Orochimaru on the other hand was not so fortunate, as the Sandaime left a surprise for his former pupil in the form of an exploding note, which he left behind just before he had Enma propel him away.

"Shit!" cursed Orochimaru as he tried to jump away but was caught in the blast slightly and injured in his left shoulder.

But before he could even assess his injuries, the wind was taken right out of him when he was hit right in the chest by Enma in his pole form. After which Sarutobi had him extend forward again, knowing that the Snake Sennin would be unable to avoid the attack while he was in mid-air.

But just when the Sandaime though he had his fallen student, "Orochimaru" exploded in a puff of smoke, revealing he had replaced himself with a Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone).

"How foolish do you think I am sensei!" cried Orochimaru who was racing towards the Old Hokage from behind, with his sword forward.

"Damn it" cried the Sandaime as he turned around and tried to block Orochimaru's stab with Enma, but was sent flying back by the force of the attack.

After sending the Sandaime crashing across the rooftop, Orochimaru followed up his assault by throwing several kunai with exploding notes tide to them, and detonated them as soon as they stabbed the roof tiles around the Sandaime Hokage.

Who fortunately was able to avoid the explosion by using Enma extending pole technique to propel him up onto a large nearby tree.

But when his feet touched the truck of the tree, Orochimaru unleashed another assault on the Hokage by summoning several Snakes from his sleeves and having them spit acid at the Sandaime. Who was forced to manoeuvre around the large tree to avoid the deadly venom spit, which melted anything it touched.

Eventually Orochimaru was able to hit the Sandaime in the leg with his Snakes venom, after which he then launched the Snakes at his wounded teacher, which then latched onto his neck and bit him.

Seeing this Orochimaru smirked, believing he had finally killed his old teacher. But his smirk disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, when he saw the "Sandaime" explode into a puff of smoke, revealing he had replaced himself with a Kage Bunshin.

Realizing he had been tricked, Orochimaru immediately looked around for his teacher and quickly found him, standing above him on a large branch of another tree, where he then spat out a massive stream of fire, which hit the Snake Sennin dead on.

- End Naruto Shippuden OST 2 - Rising Dragon-

"Saruobi you fool, you can't be using Kage Bunshin, in your state, your not as young as you were, your just wasting you strength!" yelled Enma after the Sandaime ended his attack.

"I'm, fine just don't worry about me…pant, pant" answered the tired Sartuobi, who was sweating and breathing even harder than he did before.

After fire from his attack died down, the Sandaime quickly jumped down next to the spot where he hit Orochimaru. But instead of seeing his corpse all he found was a burnt skin, which turned to ash the moment he touched it.

"Damnit, he escaped!" Hiruzen thought angrily and started to look for any sign of his fallen pupil. But before he could begin his search Sarutobi's attention was caught by the sudden appearance of his other pupil Tsunade. Who landed next to him in a small heap, covered in cuts and dire blood and small pieces of wood sticking out of her arms and legs, not to mention the nasty wound on her side.

"Tsunade are you all right?!" a worried Sarutobi asked as he kneeled down to his only female student.

"Not exactly" Tsunade replied as she slowly got back up onto her feet with the help of her old teacher.

Once Tsunade was back on her feet the two Konoha Shinobi saw the Shodai Hokage appeared in front of them.

"Damn it, I just need a little more time" thought Jiraiya, as he watched Tsunade and the Sandaime prepare to fight the Shodai Hokage.

As the battle progressed the Sandaime and Tsunade found it difficult to keep up with the Shodai, due to their injuries and weariness from battling for so long and hard.

It got even worse for the two when Orochimaru joined the fight, where he succeeded in wounding the Sandaime in his right arm with a slash from the Kusanagi no Tsurugi.

But as bad as things were, it was nothing compared to when the restored Nidaime Hokage appeared and fired a giant Water Dragon at Jiraiya. Who could not move since he was still gathering energy and was hit dead on by the Water attack and slammed into the large tree behind him.

"Jiraiya!" cried the Sandaime and Tsunade together, who could do nothing to help, since they had their hands full with Orochimaru and the Shodai Hokage.

"Kukukuku…that's one down" Orochimaru thought with a sickening smirk,.

But no sooner had this smirk appeared, it disappear just as quickly when a massive blast of fire erupted from the large hole Jiraiya made in the tree, when the Nidaime's Water Dragon hit him, and hit the brother of the Shodai Hokage dead on, blasting him away.

After the blast, everyone's attention turned to the direction of where the blast came from and could hear voices talking from the hole inside the tree.

"Hey Kid, why'd always summon us ta annoyin' places like this?" said a female voice. "It's no wonder Bunta is always so ticked off with you!" (3)

"Ah don't be like that, Ma" said another voice which was clearly male. "Jiraiya-chan always has his reason for doin' it, besides…"

"For cryin' out loud, be quite, Pa!" said the female voice angrily.

"I know it's been a while, and I truly do apologize for meeting you both again in such a place, Ma, Pa" said Jiraiya.

"It's alright forget it, but still, kid…weren't ya complainin' that tha way this form affects yer face will chase away them dames?" said the male voice.

"Yeah well, like it or not, it's something I have to deal with. My opponents are Orochimaru the Shodai and Nidaime Hokage-sama's, whom Orochimaru revived and is controlling with the Edo Tensei (Impure World Reincarnation)."

"Orochimaru…? Edo Tensei…? And the Shodai and Nidaime Hokage-sama's…?... Are you serious Jiraiya-chan?" the male voice asked in surprise.

"I'm afraid so" replied Jiraiya.

"Well then I guess it can't be helped then" said the male voice.

Moments later Jiraiya finally emerged from the hole, allowing everyone to see him.

When Jiraiya emerged from the hole in the tree everyone could see that his appearance had changed. The lines on his face had become much thicker; taking over each side of his face. His nose had grown bigger and gained warts, and he had gained excess hair and toad-like eyes. But the most notable change to his appearance was the two small toads, who were wearing capes, fused to his shoulder, making it seem like he had three heads.

The first Toad on Jiraiya's right shoulder was green in colour and was clearly male, given his appearance. He had white hair styled in somewhat like a Mohawk, along with thick eyebrows and a small goatee.

The second Toad on Jiraiya's left shoulder was green underside with purple marking around her mouth and the back of her body. The top of her head looked as though she is wearing a hair net with hair-rollers underneath, giving her an 'old woman' look."

"You should really learn how t'use Sage Mode by yourself, Jiraiya-chan" said the male Toad.

"Sorry Pa, but when compared to you two, I have still have a long way to go. But for now can you lead me a hand with these three?"

"Hmph, well we can't very well go and leave you here t'fend for yourself" replied the female Toad.

"Heh, thanks Ma" replied Jiraiya with a smirk before he jumped out of the hole and down onto the tile roof, causing a small crater as he landed, surprising those around.

"So that's Jiraiya's Sage Mode?" Tsunade thought to herself when she saw her team-mates new appearance.

"It seems things have now become even more difficult" Orochimaru thought with a frown.

"Interesting" commented the Shodai Hokage, "Looks like Sarurobi's student can use Sage mode too."

"What's going on? What has happened? What are those Toads on Jiraiya-sama's head" asked one of the ANBU.

"I'm not certain…but I believe that is Jiraiya-sama's Sage Mode" answered the ANBU commander.

"Sage Mode?" repeated the second ANBU.

"Yes, I had heard stories about, but in honestly I did not know if they were true or not" replied the ANBU commander. "According to the stories, when in this form, Jiraiya's powerful is greatly magnified."

"Then there's a chance he could defeat Orochimaru and the Hokage-sama's" said the first ANBU.

"Perhaps, but it is too soon to tell."

After Jiraiya made his appearance in his new form, the Nidaime Hokage reappeared and re-joined Orochimaru and the Shodai Hokage.

Like his brother, Tobirama eyed Jiraiya's new form with interest.

"So that's yer old team-mate Orochimaru?" Ma remarked as she eyed the Snake Sennin carefully and could sense the dark malevolent aura coming from him.

"And those are indeed tha Shodai Hokage-sama an' tha Nidaime Hokage-sama" said Pa as he narrowed his eyes.

Shortly after Tsunade and Sarutobi made their way over to Jiraiya and stood next to the Toad Sennin.

"Heh, so this is the Sage Mode that you use to brag about so much…" commented Tsunade with a small smirk. "I just hope it was worth all the trouble we went through."

"Trust me hime, you will be in complete awe of my power, once I cut lose" replied Jiraiya with his own smirk before a serious look appeared.

"You and Sensei should step back, both of you have done more than enough…it's time I pulled my weight."

"Are you sure you can handle them both by yourself?" the Sandaime asked, not liking the idea of leaving Jiraiya to fight Orochimaru and the two Hokages by himself.

"He won't be alone, he'll have us!" Ma said with a confidant look, "Besides ya two are both too tired and injured ta keep up with us, ya'll just get in tha way."

"Ma's right, ya both need to rest for a bit an' treat you injuries while ya can, leave these three ta Jiraiya-chan an' us" said Pa.

Knowing that the two old Toad Sages were right, both Tsunade and Sarutobi jumped back to a safe spot, allowing Tsunade to treat their respected injuries.

At the same time, Jiraiya slowly walked over to Orochimaru and the two former Hokages, and stopped when they were only a few meters apart.

"So this is your Sage Mode?" commented Orochimaru in a mocking tone, "Well I must say Jiraiya-kun, it's a rather becoming look for you...kukukuku"

Ignoring his former friend's taunts, Jiraiya calmly stared at the three Shinobi, waiting to see which of them would make the first move.

"Geez, this just had to happen durin' our dinner time" grumbled Ma.

"Ma, instead of dinner, focus on tha enemy."

"Excuse me?!"

"Well I guess it's finally time for the main event" said Jiraiya as he slowly began to go into his introduction dance. "For now on, I'll switch from my Ninjutsu to my Senjutsu! Behold my angelic halo, shinning from the heavens above! The gallant Jira—Gauh!

"STOP YELLING INTO MY EAR, DANG IT!" shouted Ma and Pa together, as they punched Jiraiya in opposite cheeks, squishing his face together.

"Way is it that there is always someone ruining my poses?" Jiraiya thought sadly.

"Now, let's hurry up an' get this over with" an annoyed Ma said, "I need ta put the dinner on."

"Ma, could ya forget about dinner for the moment?" said an irritated Pa. "We gotta worry 'bout the two revived Hokages, they practically indestructible thanks to the Edo Tensei!"

"Shut your trap! I'm the one makin' the dinner every day! It's tough bein' a housewife these days, ye senile old fart!"

"What's tha hell's yer problem, woman?! I'm over here worryin' about ya and ya just just keep mouthin' off at me!"

"Now, who are the ones screaming in whose ear?" Jiraiya thought as he listened to the two old couple argue with one another, while shouting in both his ears.

At the same time, everyone who was watching the three Toad Sages all had large sweat drops on the back of their heads, and were unsure how to make the situation. Given how Ma and Pa had completely forgotten about the situation they were in and were too busy arguing with one another to care.

Having enough of the two old Toad's bickering, Orochimaru ordered the Nidaime Hokage to attack.

But just as the former Hokage had reached Jiraiya, he was sent flying back with incredible force and into a large tree directly behind Orochimaru, thanks to a strong kick from the Gama Sennin.

"Hmmm…Impressive" Orochimaru remarked, who was completely unfazed by what just happened.

"Now then, can we save your martial disputes for a later time and finish thing already?" Jiraiya asked, hoping that his two teachers wound turn their attention on their opponents.

"Hmph, I guess I'll just fry somethin' up then" Ma said before preforming a hand-seal. "Kid, you bring tha oil, Pa you brin' tha Wind!"

"Right!" said both male Toad Sages, who like Ma formed their own hand-seals and in hailed deeply. After which the three Toad Sages thought "Senpō: Goemon (Sage art: Goemon)!" where Pa spat out a large stream of Wind, which combined with the large stream of oil that Jiraiya spat out, and the large stream of fire from Ma. Combined together, the three techniques created a giant wave of boiling oil that encompassed the entire arena and enveloped Orochimaru and the Shodai Hokage.

At the same time, Tsunade and the Sandaime were forced to jump up into the trees for safety due to the boiling oil covering much of the rooftop.

"Damnit Jiraiya you idiot, don't forget we're here too!" Tsunade thought angrily as she and Sarutobi watch the boiling oil cover the rooftop and slowly start to burn the surrounding trees.

After a few minutes the level of the oil began to fall, due to the large holes Tsunade made in the roof when she was fighting the Shodai Hokage.

Once the boiling oil had all but gone, Jiraiya looked to see how much damage his attack caused. But too his surprise instead of seeing charred burnt bodies, like the Nidaime Hokage, he saw a large wooden dome, which had somehow withstood the attack.

"Shit, his Mokuton techniques are a lot stronger than I thought" Jiraiya commented, before jumping into the air and said "But's let's see how you do against this…Chōōdama Rasengan (Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Sphere)!" and created a giant Rasengan that was easily three times his own size.

But when the attack hit, instead of breaking, the wooden dome withstood the attack and actually pushed Jiraiya and his attack back.

"Impossible! How did it withstand Jiraiya's attack?" Tsunade said in shock, while treating the Sandaime.

Sarutobi on the other hand was not surprised that the Shodai's wooden dome had withstood and forced Jiraiya's Chōōdama Rasengan back. Before his death, the Shodai had once told Sarutobi about his final battle against Madara. Who had summoned the Kyubi in an attempt to overthrow Hashirama from his position as Hokage. During the battle, the Kyubi had used its Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), which Hashirama blocked and deflected with the very same defence. This was why it was no surprise to the Sandaime that the Shodai's Mokujōheki (Wood Locking Wall) was strong enough to not only block Jiraiya's attack, but also force it back, since the Rasengan was based on the Bijūdama.

After being forced back by the Shodai's wooden dome defence, Jiraiya flipped through the air and landed on a large tree branch.

"I don't believe it…I was once able to hollow out an entire mountain with that technique, and yet he threw it back at me like it was a beach ball" thought the Toad Sage with a stunned look.

Shortly after Jiraiya was thrown back, the Shodai lowered the wooden dome around him and Orochimaru, who had a large smirk on his face. "What one would expect from the man who once held the title of Kami no Shinobi."

As Jiraiya stared down at Orochimaru and the revived Shodai Hokage, Pa suddenly shouted, "Behind you!"

Heading the old Toad's warning, Jiraiya glanced back and saw the Nidaime Hokage appear behind him.

Acting quickly, Pa took out a smoke bomb from his robs and threw it, causing it to explode and create a large cloud of smoke.

Using the smoke as cover Jiraiya sneaked up behind the Nidaime Hokage and punched him right in the face, sending the former Hokage flying forward and crashing onto the tile roof below.

After seeing the Nidaime being sent flying out of the cloud of smoke, Orochimaru and the Shodai waited for Jiraiya to appear out of the smoke.

Knowing this, Jiraiya then sent out a small Toad summon to distract them, allowing him to sneak up behind them and use his Kebari Senbon (Hair Needle Senbon) technique to fire a barrage of Chakra enhanced hair strands.

But to his shock, the Shodai Hokage was somehow able to react in time to block the technique by creating a wooden wall in behind him and Orochimaru, protecting them from the hair needles.

"The Shodai Hokage-sama doesn't waste a single move, if he and Orochimaru had tried to dodge, I would've had them. Instead he created a wooden wall to shield an attack coming from behind… He really is a terrifying man."

"Jiraiya-chan, looka!" shouted Pa suddenly and pointed toward Tsunade, who was still treating the Sandaime.

When Jiraiya turned to Tsunade's and Sarutobi's direction, he saw the renewed Nidaime Hokage racing towards them.

"Damn it, Tsunade is too busy treating Sarutobi-sensei to defend herself in time" Jiraiya thought.

"Don't ca worry Jiraiya-chan, we'll deal with him" Ma said as she formed a single hand-seal and thought "Zessenbaku (Fighting Tongue Bind)!" and channelled her Senjutsu Chakra into her tongue, allowing it to grown to its maximum length, and fired it at the Nidaime Hokage.

Seeing her deceased ancestor racing towards her, Tsunade tried to move the Sandaime out of the way. But before the Nidaime could reach them, Ma's tongue appeared and wrapped itself around the former Hokage, restraining him and holding him in mid-air.

After capturing the Nidaime, Ma then had her tongue throw the late Hoage into the air, allowing Pa to hit him with his Zessenzan (Fighting Tongue Slash), splitting the former Senju Clan head in two. (4)

"Nice one" said Jiraiya before he was force to jump away to avoid a sword strike from Orochimaru.

But no sooner had he jumped up into the air, Orochimaru used his Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands) to fire several snakes at his former team-mate, which wrapped themselves around Jiraiya's left leg.

This then allowed Orochimaru to swing the Toad Sage around and into a tree.

Unfortunately though for the former Sannin, the attack did little damage to Jiraiya, who easily picked himself up after crashing into the large tree. Since thanks to the enhence durability of being in the Sage Mode, Jiraiya could fall on a bed of spikes and come out of it without so much as a scratch.

Realizing he needed to even the playing field, Jiraiya quickly made a shadow clone of himself and had it attacked the Shodai Hokage, while he dealt with Orochimaru.

After being created, Jiraiya's shadow clone quickly

started forming hand seals and thought "Katon: Dai Endan (Fire Style: Big Flame Bullet)!" before expelling a massive fire blast.

With no time to waste the Shodai Hokage used his Mokujōheki (Wood Locking Wall) to protect himself from the Fire blast. After which he then created several wooden tentacles underneath Jiraiya's clone and had them wrap themselves around him. But before they could fully bind the clone, it switched itself with a wooden log and escaped the binds. After which the clone used Yomi Numa (Swamp of the Underworld) to turn the tile roof underneath the Shodai's feet into mud, causing him to sink into it like quicksand.

Acting quickly the Shodai immediately formed a ram seal and channelled his Chakra underneath him, causing a large number of large wooden tentacles to form underneath him and lift him out of the miniature swamp.

Once he was free, the Shodai then had his wooden tentacles attack Jiraiya's clone. Who was force to jump around to avoid them, but was eventually hit by the late Hokage. Who appeared above him and kicked him hard in the side of the head, causing him to disappear.

As soon as he had dealt with Jiraiya's clone, the Shodai turned to the real Jiraiya who was busy fighting with Orochimaru.

For the most part of their fight Orochimaru struggled with holding Jiraiya off, given how his Sage Mode proved more formable than he had anticipated, where it not only increased his strength, durability and Ninjutsu. But also increased his speed, he was only just able to keep his former team-mate at bay by using the Kusanagi no Tsurugi. But he soon lost that advantage when Ma pulled the sword out of his hand with her long tongue, giving Jiraiya the chance to punch his former comrade.

Seeing the punch, Orochimaru quickly moved his head out of the way, but no sooner had he done this, he was sent flying away by a powerful hit and crashed into one of the nearby trees.

"How did that Jiraiya do that? I'm certain I avoided his hit, but he was still able to hit me?" Orochimaru thought in confusion, before Jiraiya appeared in front of him and prepared to deliver the final blow.

"This is where it heads Orochimaru!" said Jiraiya with a determined look. But before he could deal the fatal blow, the Toad Sage was sent flying sideways by a powerful kick from the Nidaime Hokage who suddenly reappeared next to Orochimaru.

Recovering quickly, Jiraiya prepared to attack, but before he could do anything, he heard Ma shout, "Jiraiya-chan look out!"

Looking up, Jiraiya saw the Shodai Hokage flying in the air, preparing to hit him.

"Damnit" thought Jiraiya, knowing he could not block or dodge this attack in time. But before the Shodai could hit him, he was sent flying by a double kick from Tsunade and the Sandaime, who now appeared next to Jiraiya.

"Looks like I owe both again…thanks."

"No thanks needed Jiraiya" replied Sarutobi.

"You sure your well enough to continue fighting old man?"

"I will be fine Jiraiya, I have no intention of dying just let."

"Just try not to use too much of you Chakra sensei, I may be able to help heal your body, but I can't restore your Chakra reserves, which are already pretty low" warned Tsunade.

"Your concern in appreciated Tsunade, but I have no intention of leaving all the fighting to you and Jiraiya. This is my mistake and I intent to fix it, no matter the cost" the old Hokage replied stubbornly.

As the three Konoha-nins continue to speak to one another, the Shodai Hokage quickly moved over to Orochimaru and his brother. After which then Nidaime began forming hand-seals before yelling "Genjutsu: Kokuangyo no Jutsu (Illusion Technique: Bringer-of-Darkness Technique)!" causing the entire area to be once again encased in darkness.

"Shit, not this technique again" grumbled Jiraiya, where he, Tsunade and Sarutobi were force on the defensive, and went back to back with one another, making sure that Orochimaru or the former Hokages did not sneak up on them.

-Enter Naruto OST 3 Hokage Theme-

After taking up their positions next to one another, the Sandaime and his two former students waited and listened quietly for the sound of incoming any attacks, which soon came in the form of Shuriken

Hearing the sound of the spinning Shuriken the three Shinobi acted quickly using their quick reflexes, which they developed from years of battle, to deflect the flying Shuriken.

But as they were busy deflecting the projectiles, the Shodai and the Nidaime snuck up on the three Shinobi, where the Shodai punched the Sandaime in the stomach, sending him flying. After which the Nidaime came up behind both Tsunade and Jiraiya and kicked them in the back, sending them flying in opposite directions.

Recovering quickly, the three Konoha Shinobi landed on their feet and tried to defend themselves in the darkness, listening for any sounds.

Shortly after, they heard the sounds of feet racing toward each of them and were forced to defend themselves from different attack.

Like Jiraiya and the Sandaime, Tsunade fought furiously against her opponent. Who she soon realized was her grandfather, after getting stabbed in the leg by a wooden spear.

After breaking the spear and pulling it out of her leg, Tsunade pressed on with the fight, unwilling to give up the female Senju leapt into the air and attempted another falling axe kick. Only to miss when the Shodai took a step back and then preformed a leg swipe, which Tsunade avoided by jumping into the air and flipping over her grandfather.

Once her feet were back on the tiled rooftop, Tsunade made a series a lightning fast japs that were enhance with her super strength. But each and every single one of them were skilfully avoided or deflected by her grandfather. Who then tried to hit her with spinning backhand, but missed when she ducked under it and hit him with a powerful uppercut that nearly blew the Shodai's head off.

Realizing she had the advantage, Tsunade tried to finish it with one more punch to the stomach with her right arm. But before she could hit him, Tsunade suddenly found her right arm caught in the Shodai's wooden binds and thrown across the ground.

At the same time at other end of the field the dark field, the Sandaime was busy fighting Orochimaru, where he was eventually able to knock Orochimaru sword out of his hand.

Despite being disarmed by the Sandaime, Orochimaru continued mock the old Hokage as they fought.

"Do you really think you can win Sensei?" Orochimaru asked mockingly "This village is not only being attacked by my forces, but by the forces of Sunagakure. Your people… The Konoha Shinobi will all die, right down to the last woman and child, none will be spared! The destruction of Konoha will succeed!"

After saying this Orochimaru kicked the Sandaime in the stomach and started to laugh.

"That will never happen" spoke Sarutobi as he held his stomach in pain and used Enma as support. "As Hokage it is my duty to protect Konoha, like all those before me who had held the title of Hokage, I am the man who inherited the Will of Fire from the Shodai and the Nidaime Hokage…the will of Konoha. So, you cannot easily defeat us!"

"Fufufufu… What a load of dribble, it's nothing more than a bad joke!" said Orochimaru. "You are merely the temporary head of an organisation called Konoha…Even the carved stones faces will eventually weather away and decay."

"Hmph, if you really think that Orohimaru, then you are more of a fool than I realized" Sarutobi remarked with a painful smirk as he thought about all the different people in his village. "The village of Konoha is not just an organisation to me! Many Shinobi are born in this village every year, and they grow…like those before them they live, fight and die to protect this village. Even though many of them are not blood related…they all share the same will…and are a family."

"Heh, Then I will break you, its support, along with Jiraiya and Tsunade, and destroy the house you Konoha" retorted the Snake Sennin.

"Even if you kill me, the support will not be broken, not even if you somehow kill Tsunade and Jiraiya as well. A new Hokage will rise to stop you and he or she will have inherited the Will of Fire from me, which was passed down by those who held the title before me, just as the Yondaime Hokage did."

"Tsk, The Will of Fire, you still rambling about that...?" Orochimaru said with a sneer. "It's nothing but a fickle flame, that is on the verge of dying out along with this village

"You still do not understand…Orochimaru?" said the Sandaime. "You should not underestimate us or the Shinobi of our village! Like us they will fight you with their very lives to defend this village, and you have clearly forgotten what I have taught you. That when a Shinobi fights to protect something that is important to them, their true strength will appear…you will never succeed!"

Annoyed by his old Sensei continued defiance, Orochimaru went back on the attack.

Not far from them an injured Tsunade struggled to get up, holding her now bleeding arm and leg.

"Damnit" cursed Tsunade as she tried to form a hand seal to use a healing jutsu. But was forced down by a strong kick to the chest and was followed by someone placing their foot on her throat, nearly crushing it.

In an attempt force her late grandfather off her, Tsunade tried to grab his leg with her uninjured hand, but was stopped when the Shodai placed his other foot on her hand, nearly breaking it in the process.

"No, I can't die now…not like this!" Tsunade thought as tried to think of a way to free herself, since she couldn't use her injured arm.

"I am sorry Tsunade…please forgive me" said the Shodai sadly as he held a Kunai in the air and prepared to stab Tsunade in the head.

Knowing what was to come, Tsunade instinctive closed her eye, (ignoring that fact that she couldn't see to begin with) and silently prayed that her son would be safe and that Shizune and the others would be there for him.

But before the fatal blow could be dealt, the famed Senju Clan head was sent flying off his granddaughter by a powerful kick to the face that sent him crashing right into his brother. Who had been fighting Jiraiya and had inadvertently ended up being the Shodai's path when he was sent flying by the unknown person's kick.

- End Naruto OST 3 Hokage Theme-

After the Shodai crashed into the Nidaime Hokage, the Genjutsu immediately dispelled itself, allowing Tsunade and the others to see again.

At the same time, Tsunade slowly opened her eyes after feeling the Shodai getting off her.

Once her eyes fully opened, she saw the Genjutsu being lifted, allowing her to see who had saved her.

When she locked up to the person who had saved her, her eyes widened in shock when she saw a familiar mess of spikey blonde hair and an equally familiar long, short sleeve white coat with red flames on the edges.

At first upon seeing the person, Tsunade thought "Minato?!" But just as quickly as she thought this, reality caught up with her and she realized that she was in fact looking at her son Naruto. Who was staring angrily at his to ancestors, who were lying on top of one another.

"I don't care if you two are my ancestors, if either one of you tries to hurt my Kaa-chan again, I will put you both back into the ground…permanently!" Naruto said angrily as she started to crack his knuckles in a similar manner to his mother.

"The kid!" "Jiraiya thought in shock when he saw his godson. "What the blazes is he doing here?"

"Jiraiya-chan, who tha hell is that?!" Ma asked in surprise when she saw Naruto.

"That Tsunade's son Naruto!"

"Tsunade's son…? Then that mean he's…!" Ma said in surprise before she was stopped by her husband.

"Hush Ma, there no need for ya to say anymore, remember what Gamabunat told us."

At this the female Toad Sage just nodded, since Gamabunta had explained to them about Naruto along with why his full heritage needed to be kept secret.

After stopping his wife, Pa then turned to look at Naruto, who was still staring angrily at his late forefathers.

"Tha resemblance is uncanny between tha two, with tha exception of a few small differences, he's tha spitting image of his father" the old Toad Sage thought.

Pa and Ma had of course met Jiraiya's late student shortly after he made Jonin. Jiraiya had introduced the three in the hope that Minato would one day begin training as a Toad Sage and truly become Jiriaya's successor.

Sadly though that never happened since shortly after becoming Hokage, Konoha came under attack from the Kyuubi and Minato was force to sacrifice himself to protect Konoha.

At the same time Orochimaru and the Sandaime also stopped their fight when they saw Naruto kick the Shodai Hokage off Tsunade and into the Nidaime Hokage.

"Naruto-kun…but how did he get by the barrier?" the Sandaime thought in surprise.

"It seems Kabuto failed" Orochimaru thought with a small frown. "No matter, in fact this makes things easier, after I've done with these three; I can take Naruto-kun myself."

Seeing his former student was distracted with the arrival of Naruto, the Sandaime quickly took advantage of the situation and had Enma extend forward and hit the Snake Sennin in the stomach, sending the former Sannin crashing into one of the nearby trees.

Once Orochimaru had been dealt with, Sarutobi quickly leapt over to Naruto and Tsunade.

"What's fuck is going on? Who the hell is that brat?" said the red headed girl

"You need to calm down Tayuya and control your language" said the bulky teen. "As for that kid, I think that might be Senju Naruto, one of the potential vessels that Orochimaru-sama is after."

"I don't care who the hell he is, what I want to know is how the hell did he get in there?" said the white haired teen.

"Who knows, but I've got to admit, I like the kid's guts" remarked the four-armed Oto-nin with a small smirk.

"Is that Tsunade-sama son?" asked one of the ANBU shock.

"It can't be?" said the other ANBU in surprise

"It is, but how on earth was he able to bypass the barrier, when we couldn't?!" asked the ANBU Commander out loud.

"Naruto…? But, but how did you…what are you doing here?!" shouted a stunned Tsunade as she tried to stand up, but was stopped by the pain from her wounds.

Seeing this Naruto quickly went over to his mother and used Shōsen Jutsu (Mystic Palm technique) to heal her wounds.

"Don't move Kaa-chan, let me heal you."

"Forget about me, tell why you're here…better yet tell me how you even got here in the first place?" Tsunade asked urgently.

"That's what we would like to know as well?" asked Jiraiya who appeared next to the two blonde Senju's along with the Sandaime.

As he continued to heal his mother's injured, Naruto glanced up at the Toad Sage and was surprise at his godfather's new appearance, given how he hadn't really took notice of it until now. Given how he had been so focused on saving his mother.

"Eh Ero-sennin, what happened to your face, better yet why do you have three heads" Naruto joked as he fought hard not to laugh a little.

"We're not head's, we're revered Toad Sages!" yelled the two elder toads angrily

"This is my Toad Sage mode you daff brat…! And when the hell are you going to stop calling me by that name and start treating me with some respect!"

"The moment you stop peaking in on girls when they are bathing" retorted Naruto with cheeky smirk, which grew when Ma slapped Jiraiya on the back of the head for having so little respect for women.

Pa on the other hand chuckled slightly after hearing Naruto's nickname for Jiraiya, since he had to admit, it suited his old student perfectly.

Soon enough though the mood took a more serious matter and everyone had a sombre look.

"Now then perhaps you can tell us Naruto-kun how did you get inside the barrier?" Sarutobi asked.

"I got in by having Katsuya's clone use the Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Reverse Summoning Technique) to teleport me to the slugs home in the Shikkotsu Forest. From there she then used Kaa-chan link to summon us here" answered Naruto as finished healing his mother's leg and started on her arm. (5)

"Katsuya!" Tsunade said in surprise, after which she finally took notice of the small slug clone on Naruto's left shoulder.

"My apologies Tsunade-sama, Naruto-dono was quite insistent in coming here to help you" spoke the small Slug Clone.

At the same time Jiraiya, Sarutobi and the two Toad Sages had to silently compliment Naruto on coming up with such a clever way in bypassing the barrier.

"Kukukuku…Very clever Naruto-kun, you never cease to impress me" spoke Orochimaru who was now in front of the group and was joined by the Shodai and the Nidaime Hokage.

"Kaa-chan?" repeated the Shodai with a surprised look, before smiling, "Then that would make him my Great Grandson…! This is awesome, I have a Great Grandson!"

"So you had a son Tsunade?" spoke the Nidaime as he looked at Tsunade and then at Naruto. "It pleases me to know that our family's line still continues."

"He also has a pretty strong kick as well" the Shodai remarked with a smirk as he, "I can also tell from looking in his eyes that he has inherited my will, and that the Will of Fire burns strongly in him."

"I must say Naruto-kun, I'm rather surprised that you are here, I was certain that my people would have captured you by now."

"If you're referring to that traitor Kabuto-teme, he's a little busy with some friends of mine" Naruto spat angrily, before he started to smirk a little. "Also I think you should know that I've taken care of Gaara, so he won't be releasing Shukaku anytime soon."

Upon hearing this, a large frown appeared on Orochimaru face, since Gaara had been a major component to the destruction of Konoha.

Tsunade and the others on the other hand smiled at the news, as it gave them hope.

"Well done my boy" thought a smiling Sandaime, before he hunched over slightly in pain and held his side in pain from the broken ribs he received earlier from Orochimaru's kick. "Curse my frail old body."

Seeing the Sandaime hunching over, Tsunade quickly turned to Naruto, who had just finished healing her wounded arm.

"Naruto stay back and help Sarutobi-sensei, Jiraiya and I will hold back Orochimaru and the Hokage-sama's."

Nodding in understanding, Naruto quickly went over to his surrogate grandfather and helped him behind a large nearby tree, where he could heal him.

Under most circumstances Naruto would have argued with his mother, stating he wanted to help. But given how they were facing Orochimaru and the revived Shodai and Nidaime Hokages he knew that now was not the time to argue.

"Come on Jiji, I'll help you" said Naruto as he helped the old Hokage over to the tree.

"Thank you Naruto-kun and I'm sorry you have to carry me like this."

"Don't sweat it jiji."

Seeing Naruto taking his old sensei way, Orochimaru quickly ordered the Shodai and the Nidaime to attack and capture Naruto. But as the two Hokages raced towards the two, they were intercepted by Jiraiya and Tsunade. Who made sure that neither the deceased Hokages nor Orochimaru could get by them.

As the battle between the five Shinobi waged, Naruto was busy treating Sarutobi's internal injuries with the help of Katsuya's clone. Who had moved off Naruto and onto the Sandaime and supplied healing Chakra to the old man.

"You should not have come here Naruto-kun, this place is much too dangerous" said Sarutobi as he looked at the blonde boy.

"Tsk, like hell I couldn't, you guys are my family so there is no way I'm going to sit back and let anyone in my family be killed" replied Naruto as he focused on healing his surrogant grandfather and didn't bother to look up at the old Hokage.

Smiling kindly at the boy, in a way that only a grandfather could, the Sandaime was reminded of Shodai's earlier statement about how the Will of Fire burned strongly in Naruto.

"You're a good boy Naruto…just like your father" the Sandaime said as he panted Naruto gently on the head in a caring manner.

"Sarutobi, is this boy really Tsunade's son?!" Enma spoke, who was still in his staff form but opened one of his eyes to look at the two.

Knowing he could trust Enma, Sarutobi decided to tell his old friend the truth.

"Yes, Naruto is Tsunade's son…and he is also the Yondaime Hokages son."

"The Yondaime Hokage!" repeated Enma in shock, where his one visible eye widened in disbelief at the news, since it was surprising enough to hear that Tsunade had a child. But to hear that the Yondaime Hokage was the boy's father, it was more than the old Monkey could take.

Looking at Naruto again, the old monkey could indeed see the resemblance between the two.

"Yes I see I can't believe that I didn't see the resemblance between the two of them sooner" thought the Monkey king. With the exception of his nose, chin, ears, and his skin colour (which was lighter than the Yondaime), Naruto was almost an exact image of his father. The resemblance was highlighted even further with Naruto wearing the replica coat that his father wore.

"Here Jiji you should take one of these you will probably need it" said Naruto as he took out and handed the Sandaime a food pill.

Grateful for the pick-me-up Sarutobi quickly took the small pill and after a few seconds could feel Chakra filling his body.

While Naruto continued to heal his surrogate grandfather, his attention soon diverted to his mother who shouted, "Sensei, Naruto watch out!"

Looking past the tree they were hiding behind, Naruto saw the Shodai, who had somehow gotten by Tsunade and Jiraiya and was racing towards them.

Before either Naruto or the Sandaime could do anything about it, the Shodai appeared in front of them and hit Sarutobi away.

"My apologies my young descendant, but I have no choice in the matter" said the Shodai as he grabbed Naruto by the neck and lifted him up into the air.

But no sooner had he done this, "Naruto" reverted into a wooden log revealing that the younger Senju had replaced himself.

Realizing what Naruto had done, Hashirama quickly scanned the field for the spikey hair blonde.

Within moments the Konoha founder found his young descendant, who was only a couple of meters away from him and spat out several large balls of Water.

With little time to waste, the former Senju Clan head skilfully evaded all of Naruto's Water balls and then formed a single hand-seal and extended his arm forward. After which then he yelled "Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu (Wood Release: Great Forest Technique)!" where his arm changed into a large tree and fired multiple wooden spears at Naruto, in an attempt to capture him.

Seeing the wooden spears heading for him and knowing he couldn't avoid them all. Naruto preformed three quick hand-seals and yelled "Mokuton: Mokujōheki!" creating a large wooden dome around himself, protecting him from the wooden spears.

Surprised by this, Hashirama was barely able to avoid the several wooden tentacles that erupted from the roof tiles underneath him.

Shortly after the Shodai avoided the wooden tentacles, Naruto had his wooden barrier recede, where he then saw his ancestor heading straight for him.

Acting quickly, Naruto formed several more hand-seals and fired several wooden projectiles from his hands, which the Shodai deflected with the metal plates on his arms. After which he raced up to Naruto and he kneed his granddaughter's son hard in the stomach, sending the young boy crashing into a tree.

But before the Shodai could act on what he had done, Naruto used his Banmuchi (Vine Whip) technique to fire several vines from his arm.

Seeing the vines, the Shodai easily sidestepped them and then grabbed hold of the long vines as they went by him and used them to pull Naruto over to him, where he kicked him again, causing the boy to fall to the ground.

"Oh this is great, you can use Mokuton too?!" said the Shodai, with a surprise and excited look. Before turning serious again as he kneeled down to pick Naruto up. "In fact it seems that your Mokuton limit is even more advanced than my own. It's increditable that you have learned to use it so well at your age."

"He might just be the one…and do what I could not" the former Hokage thought.

Unwilling to give up, Naruto brought his fist up and tried to hit his great grandfather with a super-charged fist to the face. But before his fist could hit the former Hokage, the Shodai caught Naruto's wrist and placed it in an arm lock, preventing the young blonde from moving.

But just when the Shodai thought he had captured Naruto suddenly heard a familiar female voice yell, "Get away from him!"

Before the Shodai could even turn to the direction of the voice, he was sent flying by a supercharged fist, which sent him through two trees and right into the barrier, causing him to burst into flames.

Once the Shodai was sent flying, Naruto quickly found himself being helped up by his mother.

"Naruto are you okay?" asked a worried Tsunade as she quickly looked over her son for any serious injuries.

"I'm fine Kaa-chan" assured Naruto.

"Good, now where's Katsuya's clone? Have her reverse summoning you back to the Shikkotsu Forest."

"I can't…!" replied Naruto, "She was on Jiji when the Shodai kicked him away."

"Damnit" Tsunade thought angrily, since she didn't want her son to be here since it was too dangerous. "Fine then, go fine somewhere to hide and stay there until it is safe."

After hearing this Naruto naturally wanted to argue with his mother, since he hated the idea of hiding while his family were fighting for their lives. But after his brief skirmish with his great grandfather, he became even more obvious to him that he was out of league here and that he would only get in the way.

"Okay I will"

"Good boy" replied Tsunade with a smile before kissing her son on the forehead and then taking off to help Jiraiya and the Sandaime. Who had just re-joined the battle.

Making his way up to the top of one of the trees, Naruto watched from his hiding spot as his family fought against Orochimaru and the Nidaime.

Despite being outnumber the fallen Sannin and the former Hokage were more than able to hold their own. But as the fight dragged on the Shodai Hokage reappeared, causing the battle to return to a three on three battle. His mother faced Orochimaru, Jiraiya went up against the Shodai and the Sandaime fought the Nidaime.

As the battle continued, the Sandaime tried to catch his old sensei off-guard by using Doryū Taiga (Earth Flow River) technique to turn the tiles underneath the Nidaime into a river of mud. This then caused the former Hokage to lose his balance, allowing the Sandaime throw a single shuriken at the Nidaime and use his Kage Bunshin Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Shuriken technique) to turn one shuriken into a thousand shuriken.

At the same time in a remarkable feat of speed and skill the Sandaime used a Katon Ninjutsu and blew it into the spinning projectiles, covering them in flames, increasing attacking power.

Unable to do anything the Nidaime just watched as the flaming projectiles shredded his body and caused it to burst into flames. But as soon as this happened, the "Nidaime" reverted into Water, revealing that he had replaced himself with a Water Clone.

Realizing he had been tricked the Sandaime started to scan the field for his opponent, but before he could finish looking around he heard Katsuya Clone, (who was on his shoulder), shout, "Hokage-sama above you!"

Looking up, Sarutobi saw the Nidaime fall toward him where his arm covered in a large amount of Water, in the shape of a spinning drill. (A)

Not wanting to be hit, the Sandaime quickly leaped back, and narrowly avoiding the attack, which created a large hole in the roof and caused the Water that made up the attack to fall into it, flooding the ground below.

After avoiding the deadly Water attack, the Sandaime immediately formed a new set of hand-seals and exhaled a large stream of fire from his mount.

Unafraid of the approaching Fire attack, the Nidaime formed five quick hand-seals and said "Jikūkan Ninjutsu: Tenkan (Space/time Ninja Technique: Divert)!" (B). He then raised the palm of his right hand up, which now had the symbol for "in" on it, and absorbed the Fire stream, (much to shock off the Sandaime and most of the others who saw this). After which he then raised his left palm up, which had the symbol for "out" on it, and released the Fire, which flew straight for the Sandaime, who could do nothing to avoid or block it.

But before the fire attack could hit, a large wooden dome appeared around the Sandaime and protected him from the fire attack.

Surprised by this, the Nidaime look around and soon saw Naruto standing up on the top of a large tree overlooking them.

Standing next to Naruto was also a clone that was busy preforming hand-seals for some sort of Jutsu.

"It seems Tsunade's son has inherited my brother's Mokuton powers" the Nidaime Hokage remarked, with a hit of surprise in his voice, since he did not think anyone other than his brother could perform Mokuton.

Moments later, Naruto had the wooden dome retreat back into the ground, revealing the Sandaime.

"It seems we own that boy our lives" commented Enma.

"It would seem so" replied Sarutobi, while he kept a close eye on his late teacher, who was eyeing Naruto. "I foolish forgot about the Nidaime Hokage-sama Tenkan technique."

As a former student of the Nidaime Hokage, Sarutobi was well aware that not only was the former Hokage a master without equal in Suiton Ninjutsu, but also a master in Jikūkan Ninjutsu.

The only person ever to surpass him in skill in Jikūkan Ninjutsu was Naruto's father the Yondaime Hokage. Who used his knowledge to create his fable Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique).

After cursing himself for his thoughtlessness, the Sandaime glanced up at Naruto, and like the Nidaime noticed that Naruto had created a Shadow clone, which was just finishing up preforming its hand-seals.

When the clone had finished its hand-seals, it started to gathered up the moisture from the surrounding air and plants, causing all the leaves and most of the top portion of the large tree to wither.

Once it had gathered enough Water, the Water formed up into a massive Dragon. At the same time the real Naruto converted his Chakra in his hands into Lightning and channelled it into the Water Dragon, and yelled "Raisuiryūdan (Lightning Water Dragon Bullet)!" as he and the clone sent the attack forward.

"Impressive" commented the Nidaime Hokage when he saw Naruto and his clone not only create a massive Water Dragon from the moisture in the air and the surrounding plants. But also enhanced it with Lightning "That boy certainly has a lot of promise; it seems he has also inherited my talent for Suiton Ninjutsu. But still… he is a long way from my level."

Clasping his hands into a single hand seal, the Nidaime then began to gather the moisture from the surrounding air and created his own Water Dragon, which collided with Naruto's.

"No way…! He created his own Water Dragon with just a single hand-seal!" Naruto thought in disbelief, which only grew when the Nidaime's Water Dragon actually started to force his back and head straight for him.

Realizing he needed to move, Naruto quickly jumped off the tree he had been standing on, but his clone was not so fortunate, where it was hit full force by the Nidaime's Water Dragon.

"Unbelievable!" thought Naruto as he landed on the ground. "He was actually able to force back my own Water Dragon…even when I enhanced it with my Lightning Chakra."

In that moment Naruto was beginning to fully understand why people hailed his great, great uncle as the greatest Water manipulator who ever lived.

Shortly after recovering from his shock over what had just happened, Naruto notice the Nidaime Hokage racing towards him at frightening speed.

But before the former Hokage could reach him, he was sent flying back a few meters by the Sandaime, who appeared on his right side and kicked him in the side of the head.

After kicking the Nidaime, the Sandaime landed in front of Naruto, preventing the younger brother of Senju Hashirama from getting to his descendant.

"Naruto-kun, although I am appreciative of you for saving my life earlier on, you should leave, this is no place for you, as you are nowhere near ready to face opponents such as these. Please find somewhere safe and stay hidden" said Sarutobi without even looking at the blonde.

"Please follow the Hokage-sama request Naruto-dono, you're not safe here" spoke the Katsuya Clone who decided to stay on the Sandaime and channel her healing Chakra to him when he needed it.

Frustrated over how he could do so little to help Naruto quickly moved away to a safer location.

As soon as Naruto had left, the Nidaime Hokage picked himself up, where he glanced at the retreating Naruto before turning to his former student.

"It seems my great niece has raised an interesting young boy, Saru?" the Nidaime Hokage remarked with an intrigued smirk, while using his old nickname for the Sandaime. "I never would've expected him to inherit not only my brother's Mokuton Bloodline limit, but also my talent for Suiton Ninjutsu."

"Naruto-kun represents the promise of this new upcoming generation and I have seen with my own eyes their great potential."

"I see… that is how it should be, the next generation should always be stronger than the last" the Nidaime replied before falling into a Taijutsu stance, and prepared to continue his battle with his former student.

After leaving the Sandaime to fight the Nidaime Hokage, Naruto made is way over to large tree, where he planned to use it as cover, as he watched the battle. But before he could reach it, a large object suddenly flew right by him and crashed into said tree.

As the dust from the crash slowly began to settle, Naruto could hear several voices talking.

"OOOwww, Goddamit the Shodai sure knows how to hit" said a familiar voice.

"I told ca to watch out for his right" said a female voice.

"I did!"

"I meant my right!"

"Ma! We have the same right!" said another voice.

When the dust finally settled Naruto could see that the "object" that had flew past him was none other than his godfather Jiraiya, in his Sage Mode.

"Hey Ero-sennin are you okay?" Naruto asked as he jumped over to the Toad Sage.

"Nothing that a good sponge bath from a certain female medic couldn't cure… Uff!" said the white haired Sannin with a pervy grin, before he received a hard kick to the leg, from a certain young blonde Senju. Who had annoyed look on his face and a large tick mark over his head.

"What was that for!?"

"That's for thinking of Kaa-chan in one of your perverted fantasy!" Naruto rounded angrily.

"Hey! Who says I was thinking of your mom" retorted Jiraiya, while at the same time thinking of Tsunade in a sexy nurse outfit.

"Because I know you…! And stop thinking of Kaa-chan!" Naruto yelled after seeing that Jiraiya still had a pervert look on his face, where he kicked the man hard in his other leg.

"Ow…! That's no way to treat your elders' brat… Ack!" yelled Jiraiya before he was slapped in the back of the head by Ma.

"This is no time for you ta be daydreaming Jiraiya-chan!" rounded the female Toad Sage.

"Tsk…I get no respect from anyone" mumbled the annoyed Jiraiya as he rubbed the back of his head and lifted himself up.

No sooner had he gotten back on his feet, the Shodai appeared in front of them.

"Get back brat, you'll only get hurt if you stay here" said Jiraiya as he moved Naruto behind him.

"Are you sure you can handle him by yourselves, Kaa-chan always said that Hashirama-jiisan was incredible strong.

"Tch, that's put it mildly, to be honest kid, the Shodai was the strongest Shinobi who ever lived since the original Kami no Shinobi…" said Jiraiya.

"The original Kami no Shinobi?" thought Naruto curiously since the only person he had even heard being called by that title was the Sandaime.

But before Naruto could even ask his godfather about that, Jiraiya continued on speaking.

"…In fact even in my Sage Mode, I don't think I can beat him, the best I can do for now is hold him off."

"Just be thankful, tha Orochimaru held back their true strength, so to control them better, if he was using his full strenght tha Shodai could and destroy tha entire village and kill us all single handily" said Pa, since the old Toad knew how powerful the Shodai Hokage really was.

"I'm aware of that" said Jiraiya

"Let me help" Naruto said, who despite knowing he was outmatched, wanted to help, even if it was only to given support.

"Out of the question!" shouted Ma suddenly, "Youngin's like you should stay back where it's safe and let us handle things!"

"Sorry brat but I with Ma on this one, besides if I did let you help, your mother would kill me for sure."

After being denied by Jiraiya, Naruto tightened his fist in anger over not being able to do so little to help. But before he could respond, both his and the three Toad Sages attention was drawn back to the Shodai Hokage. Who had summoned a large scroll next to him.

"This can't be good" thought Jiraiya, where he watched the former Hokage open the scroll and revealed a large number of weapons.

Taking up a large sword, the Shodai raced forward to attack Jiraiya, who immediately drew a Kunai from his hip pouch and used it to block the sword and push Konoha founder away.

But no sooner had Jiraiya pushed him away, the Shodai unleashed a hail of Shuriken, which Pa sent flying back with tremendous speed by expelling a large gust of Wind from his mouth.

Seeing this, the Shodai quickly used his Mokuton Bloodline to create a large tree which blocked the incoming Shuriken. After which the two Shinobi continued to clash blades with one another.

Shortly after, the Shodai jumped away from Jiraiya and created several wooden tentacles from the titled roof and had them take hold of the other weapons he had summoned. He then had the wooden tentacles use the weapons to attack Jiraiya from all sides, putting the white haired Sannin completely on the defensive.

"Whoa, I gotta learn to do that." Naruto thought as he watched his ancestor use his Mokuton Bloodline limit in ways he never thought of.

Eventually after several minutes of blocking and dodging attacks, Jiraiya finally found an opening where he used it to form a Chōōdama Rasengan, which he used to destroy the wooden tentacles and create another massive hole in the rooftop and force everyone inside it to scatter after the explosion.

"Awesome!" thought Naruto, after seeing Jiraiya use the Chōōdama Rasengan. "I gotta get Ero-sennin to teach me that technique."

After the explosion, the two opposing sides regrouped with their respected members and faced off against one another again.

Upon joining up with Jiraiya and the Sandaime, Tsunade notice that her son was with them.

"Naruto, I told you to stay hidden, what are you doing here?"

"Sorry Kaa-chan, but it's not my fault, I just keep getting caught up in the fights."

Grunting Tsunade shook her head in annoyance since Naruto always had trouble following orders when he thought he could help.

"This fight can't last much longer, if it drags on any further we'll lose" said Jiraiya.

"Agreed, we need to do something that will turn things to how favour" spoke the Sandaime.

"If we can take Orochimaru out, the odds would be more in our favour, even though eliminating him won't cancel the Edo Tensei (Impure World Reincarnation)."

"Leave Orochimaru to me" spoke Tsunade suddenly.

"Are you certain Tsunade?" Sarutobi asked.

"I am, after want that Snake has done to my family, I won't let anyone else do it. Both you and Jiraiya each had your chance in finishing him…now it's mine. Besides I have come up with something just for him" said the Slug princess as she showed a Kunai she had hidden in her robes before placing it back inside.

Under normal circumstances Jiraiya would have tried to stop Tsunade from facing someone like Orochimaru alone. But after seeing the look in his former team-mates eyes, the Toad Sage knew that trying would be pointless, since Tsunade was fixed on Orochimaru and would not be satisfied until she got her ten pounds of flesh from Orochimaru.

"Okay hime, you can have him, Sensei and I will keep the Shodai and the Nidaime busy while you handle Orochimaru."

Nodding her thanks Tsunade turned to look at Naruto again, "Naruto you stay back and don't try to help…I mean it this time."

"Okay Kaa-chan, I will" said Naruto, despite knowing he would probably break that promise if she saw his mother or the others in trouble.

Nodding to this Tsunade and the others quickly jumped over the large hole that Jiraiya's attack created and engaged their designated opponents.

As planned, Jiraiya and the Sandaime separated the two former Hokages from Orochimaru, leaving Tsunade and the Snake Sannin alone to fight. Who quickly put the Snake Sennin on the defensive.

Throughout the entire fight Orochimaru had been surprised by how well Tsunade was fairing against not only him but also against grandfather and great uncle.

Given the number of years she had spent in self-imposed exile, and in raising her son Naruto. Orochimaru had been certain that his former team-mate's fighting skills would have dulled from lack of training and fighting. But instead Tsunade fighting skills seemed to be as sharp as ever. Although she was still far from her prime, she had proved to be a difficult opponent; in fact the former Sannin noticed that some of Tsunade's fighting skills had even improved.

But what Orochimaru didn't know was that Tsunade had not been slacking off in her training, as he originally believed. In fact, the female Sannin had not only been keeping up with her training, but had intensified it. So that she would remain in the best possible shape, allowing her to protect her son in the event that the Akatsuki or another Shinobi group/village came after him, after learning of his existence before he was official revealed to the world.

"Fufufufufu…I have to say Tsunade you surprise me, you are faring much better than anticipated. But still…it's pointless, since you will st-Guwaa !" said Orochimaru before being sent flying back by a strong kick to the face.

"You know what your problem is Orochimaru…? You talk too much, now GET UP! I'm not done with you yet, you're going to pay for what you have done to family. And believe me, by the time I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were dead" said Tsunade as she start to crack her knuckles again. "But before that you're going to release my grandfather and uncle from the Edo Tenshin, then you will undo the curse seal from Naruto, and only then will you have my permission to die."

"And what if I were to refuse to do so?" the pale skinned man asked, as he slowly stood up and wiped the blood from his lip from Tsunade's kick.

"Oh you will, once I'm finished with you Orochimaru" Tsunade replied in a cold tone, which made even the former White Snake of Konoha warily of her. Since as a medic, Tsunade knew practically everything about the human body. Specifically what points in the human body can hurt the most and how much pain the human body can take before dying.

If Tsunade had not been a medic, she would've made a first class interrogator, better than even the infamous Morino Ibiki of Konoha. Given how she could heal almost any injury without difficulty, allowing her do torture him, (or anyone for that matter), in the worst possible manner, for however long she wanted.

Not wanting to underestimate Tsunade anymore than he already had Orochimaru struck first and spat out his long tongue at the female Sannin.

Seeing this, Tsunade tried to jump away to avoid it, but Orochimaru's tongue proved to be much faster than she was and wrapped itself around her neck.

"Kukukuku, I'll finish you, by breaking that pretty little neck of yours" Orochimaru chuckled. "Perhaps I'll even take your head and mount it on my wall as a trophy after I destroy Konoha."

"Damnit…it's strong" Tsunade thought, as she tried to keep the tongue from chocking the life out of her. "Not to mention I don't have much Chakra left after fighting for so long."

Knowing she had do something, Tsunade forced her right arm underneath the tongue, allowing her loosen the tongue grip around her neck and freeing herself. After which she then grabbed hold of Orochimaru's tongue and pulled the former Sannin towards her.

"Get over her you bastard!" yelled the angry woman.
