
Loss of a Home

Gina jumped when Katie opened the door. Katie saw her shaking and her face was pale. "What's wrong?" Katie asked nervously.

Gina sat on the bed trembling looking down at her hands unable to look up at her. She explained what happened in the bath. Katie was shocked and didn't want to believe that her dad would do something like that. Then she did her best to explain what she heard how it sounded like her dad changed the will and he was getting ready to sell her as a slave.

Katie covered her ears and said, "No. No. No. No. This can't be true it just can't be true Daddy was never all that nice, but this is terrible."

Gina could see her struggling to face the truth. "You know I have to leave, don't you? I am not safe here now. I'm going to need your help as always. He is going to be watching me. He promised to keep me here for five days. Till the other was coming to get me."

"No. Please No. I can't lose you too." Katie said desperately.

Katie looked at Gina to see how torn up she was, and she could see she was terrified. Katie said, "You know I will help you as much as I can sis." After all, Gina was now more of a sister than any of her real ones.

Just then the door opened it was her two little sisters Tina and Lina and they came in and hopped in their beds where they lay and just watched Gina like she was a new toy or creature that was out to get them. Katie saw them looking at Gina and said, "Off to sleep you two she doesn't want you looking at her all night."

Rodger's voice boomed throughout the house. "Get those lights off and get to sleep I don't want to hear any talking out of any of you."

Katie hopped into bed and covered up quickly. "Hurry Gina in bed. Quickly before he opens the door and sees you out of bed."

Gina did as Katie said and climbed into bed. She lay there crying thinking how different things were here, and how at her home there was always love and goodnight kisses and hugs before bed. At bedtime each night, they would all spend a little time together.  Gina felt ashamed, she was thinking that she was starting to get too old and too big for that type of stuff at least that was what she was thinking and now wishing for it all to start again.

Gina drifted into a restless sleep and was startled awake as Rodger was in their room and saying "Wake up. Lazy you have a meal to prepare. Do you think you're just going to lay around all day?"

Gina rolled too far and fell to the floor with a thud at Rodger's feet. Rodger standing over her as she climbed to her feet, she noticed him looking down at her semi-opened top. His eyes following the curves of her breasts she quickly pinched her top closed and re-buttoned the top button that opened when she fell.  At least she hoped that's when it opened and not have help from him as she slept.

Rodger's smile faded as he saw her close her top then said, "Hurry up and go downstairs.  You overslept and now you're running late.  You don't even have time to dress. Now get moving."

Katie and Gina hurried out of the room before he decided to start punishing them. Rodger watched Gina's every move and looked closely at her ass noticing that she had no panties on with the sheer smooth cloth pressing around her every curve. He had to stand there for a moment after they left to control the boner that he had started to form.

The girls got eggs and bacon with toast for the ones that wanted it, and cereal for the others.  Making sure to fix coffee for Rodger and Beth. Rodger said, "I'll look after the girls today you go to work; I'll start setting the house up."

Beth gave him a quick little kiss on the cheek as she started for the door. "Okay, you kids it's off with you I don't want you hanging around the house today we have too many things going on. Except you Gina, we have to get your things together. Katie, you get this mess cleaned up I want this room spotless when I get back."

Tommy and Sadie looked at her and started laughing, it was about time that Katie was put in her place after all the time that she thought she was better than them. Allen the youngest brother was confused and didn't understand why everyone was treating Katie so badly. He walked over to Katie and gave her a hug. Rodger yelled, "What did I say I want you kids out of here now!"

The children quickly scattered leaving Katie and Gina just standing there. "Gina go up and get dressed, and Katie you get started on cleaning up this mess," Rodger demanded.

Gina hesitated to move and separate from Katie. Rodger looked at Gina and saw her not moving with a huge smile. "Do you need some help getting dressed? I can give you a hand."  Rodger said, as his eyes undressed her.

Katie intentionally made a loud noise drawing his attention and giving Gina a chance to get moving before he did what he was offering.

Gina took off running up the stairs to the room, there was no lock on the door and after the morning incident, she was very nervous about taking off her clothes. She grabbed the outfit that she was wearing yesterday, which was the only thing that she had there, and took them into the bathroom where at least there was a lock. Gina took off her top and folded it neatly and laid it on the sink then slid off her bottoms it was as if he'd had been watching to see exactly when she was nude.

"How much longer are you going to be we have lots of things to tend to today. I'll help you if you need the help to hurry your ass up." Rodger said and she could tell he was smiling just looking for any reason or excuse to come in.

"I'm ok I just need a couple of minutes to get dressed and I'll be ready." Gina tried to sound happy and not scared or repulsed by him.

She heard him moving around outside the door she didn't even want to know what he was doing she quickly slipped on her panties and bra then slid her slip and dress over the top she wanted to be dressed in her jeans and heavy coat but that is not what she had on for the funeral. It was none too soon that she was dressed.  He was just about to force the door open when she came out.

Roger pretended to be loving and forced her to come to give him a hug. He pulled her in tight and she could feel that he was hard and that made her queasy she pretended that she liked it just to satisfy the pervert.

He took her by the hand and led her back downstairs to the kitchen where Katie was still working, "We are going to the other house to get things wrapped up over there. You are to finish the cleaning then get dressed, and then come over to collect your things. Once you have them gathered you will show me what you have. I don't know how much room you have for your things. I will be helping Gina do the same." Rodger said.

He kept ahold of Gina's hand not letting her get far from his side. They went out the back door and Gina stumbled when she looked up at the side yard and saw the trucks loaded with her parents' possessions all the things that made the house feel like a home. She took a few steps toward the front and Rodger yanked her back and pulled her in close so that he could say things to her that no one else could hear. "Listen up little girl the house and everything including you belong to me now and you will do everything I say. If you don't you will find yourself nude tied in some disgusting alley raped by whatever scum comes along. you will be beaten and left there for days." He held her tight and looked deep into her eyes and at that point, she could see just how much he hated her.

Gina had different tears now they were not just tears of grief they were mixed with fear. She nodded back at him. Seeing the fear in her eyes he knew that she would not try anything. "Now you will gather your best clothes and a few things that will fit in your new room you saw the footlocker at the end of the bed that is the amount of room that you have for your things."

Gina nodded her head, afraid to say a word. She had never been talked to this way in her whole life before but now she has an understanding of why Katie acts the way she does around him, before this, she never had any idea that he was anything like this.

"Now get in there and get your things together and don't make me tell you twice," Rodger commanded.

She entered the house and was amazed at how empty it was. It was like they had never lived there at all. Even the bed in her room had been removed already. The clothes that were in her dresser were now thrown in a pile on the floor. She quickly closed and locked her bedroom door. She had a special hiding place that no one but her knew about. She had hoped that everyone that had emptied her room had overlooked it. She had hidden every dollar that she had ever been given there. Her parents had been more than generous with them paying for everything that she had ever wanted or needed. That left her money free, she had hidden it away. She quickly collected it and hid it in one of her stuffed bears that she would force them to let her take. She was afraid that they would find it in her clothes if they searched through them.

There was barely anything left in her room that she could even put together to take. All her collectibles had already been gone through and anything of value was taken. They had left a large footlocker that she had moved in with. She was able to neatly pack it with her clothes. In the back of her closet, she found her private Jewelry case. Her great-grandmother had passed down a locket that she had always thought was ugly. It had hurt her mother's feelings when she refused to wear it. Now she found it and slid it over her head. She still thought it was ugly but now meant the world to her. It's something that she would never take off again.

She jumped when she heard the light tapping at her door. She knew that sound and ran to the door and opened it. There stood Katie with her eyes red and tears streaming down her cheeks. "I am so sorry she mumbled." She then saw into her room. "They took everything from my room too. And did you see out front?"

Gina went over to her parent's room which had been stripped of everything including the safe that was in the closet. She looked out the window and saw the trucks loaded with everything and that made her start crying harder. Then she saw what Katie was really talking about. There was a big sign that read "House For Sale". Gina was speechless, she knew that now she truly had nothing of her own he had made sure that he had taken everything.

Katie was in the same situation her room had been stripped as well leaving her clothes in a pile on the floor. She saw that Gina was taking the matching bear that they had won at the fair spending hours and hundreds of dollars to win the exact same prize for them, it was one of the happiest days of their young lives. Katie made sure that she grabbed the same thing to keep as her private selection as well.

That gave Gina an idea she told Katie that they needed to switch bears for now. Then she whispered, "Mine has something hidden inside I need to make sure we get it home safely."

Katie nodded she would make sure that she would get it home safely. They traded the bears with a wink and Katie took it back and put it with her things.

"Girls are you packed and ready to go home." Rodger bellowed.

The girls replied, "Yes."

Rodger went up to Gina's room looked at the things that were gathered and noticed that most of it had been put in the trunk. "Go help Katie with her things I want it all over here in one place." He commanded.

Gina knew what he truly wanted. That was time to search through her things. She quickly went to Katie and helped gather her things, which were her clothes as well. As they came back to Gina's room, they caught Rodger with one of Gina's undies smelling it. They were mortified at not only seeing someone do it but knowing it was Rodger the one that was supposed to be looking after them doing it. They backed out of the room and then made noise to let him know they were close.

When he heard them, he quickly stuffed everything back in the footlocker he had the bear in his hands when they reentered the room. She could tell that he had searched for the bear looking for things. Rodger stood up and had a scowl on his face when he saw Katie looking just like Gina again and carrying the same dumb bear, " Okay you two get your shit back to the house and get it put away."

Gina opened the footlocker and everything in it was a mess, "Here you can put your things in here and we can carry them back to the house." Of course, that meant that everything would have to be taken back out and refolded then reorganized and re-loaded. They quickly reloaded the footlocker with everything they were allowed to take.

Rodger had sold everything for pennies on the dollar of what it was worth practically giving it all away just to unload it quickly. It didn't really matter to him, he felt that he would be set for life now between the cash they had left to take care of the girls and their inheritance and the price he would get for selling the house he would be sitting pretty. It didn't matter to him that he had stolen the life of Gina and planned to sell her making a huge profit off that as well. Didn't really matter that he stole his daughter's future as well he figures he had them to take care of him when he gets old anyway.

The girls managed to tote the footlocker to their room. It was hard to lift and carry but between them, they were able to get it done. When he heard them drop the trunk on the floor, he yelled at them to get their stuff put away and clean their room, because it was almost time for them to start lunch.

Gina didn't mind doing the work, cooking, and cleaning she was taught was a sign of love that she had for her family. The fact that now she had to keep out an eye for Rodger because he was watching her every move sent a creepy feeling down her spine. She noticed his eyes constantly checking her out. Whether it was looking at her chest or down it. If he got the chance, he would be checking out her ass. When he had her picking things up around the house. But the worst was his penetrating eyes following her pantie lines to her crotch. She felt like she needed to keep her hands covering things.

Rodger moved to the kitchen to watch the girls as they cooked. Gina put on an apron that helped a little but didn't hide her ass that she knew he was constantly looking at he made her nervous enough that she almost cut herself three times trying to rush just to get it done. The other kids made it home in time to eat then quickly left leaving the mess behind for the girls to take care of. As soon as the girls had everything put away, they left to go to their room.

Gina looked at Katie crying, "You know I can't stay just like I told you he is selling everything and that includes me. I am going to need help getting out of here." whispering quietly, "I have some money that I have been saving we could get a couple of tickets and go to the harbor there is always a ship that will be going somewhere." Gina looked at Katie that now looked more terrified than she had ever looked in her life.

Katie replied, "You know that If I run off, he will hunt us down he will torture us just for fun. I can't go, I'm too scared. I just can't go. But I don't want to lose you either."

Gina whispered "It's ok but I have to go, or he'll sell me. You have a couple of days to think about what you want to do. It will take that long to find a way out of here. He is watching my every move. "
