
The Send Off, Part Eight

The guard post was a small fortress focused on the edge of the Nobles quarters. The building was large and walled off. John shook his head and hid the mark on his neck, "We might as well do this ourselves, they won't listen." Alex crossed his arms as he followed a patrol of guards with his eyes, "That may be true, but I have to see for myself just how bad it is." He led them inside to the main hall expecting the best. 

Guards walked here and there, some talking and others caring shackled people. Officers lead others around the big room. Alex spotted the official counter used by high ranking officers. He walked up to one and glanced at the two. John seemed nervous and covered his neck with his leather Jacket. He walked up to the counter and a man who was doing paper work looked up. 

Alex wore his Military Jacket because his new one was ruined, but it also allowed him to use his medals to his advantage. The man sat up, "O-oh, a Commando. W-What do you need t-today sir." The man dropped what he was doing and acted strangely. Brushing it off as a reaction to his position he asked his question, "I need to see the Commander of the guard." 

He looked at him and began sweating. Other guards who overheard him turned as well, "W-Why would you need to see him f-for?" Alex put a hand on the table, "That's above you, now take me to his office." He stood up quickly, "O-Ok, I-I will see if h-hes open." He took off and the three were left to the gaze of the guards. John leaned towards him and whispered, "There looking at us weird." Alex looked around, "Yes, they are." 

The man came back a little more confident this time, "I-Im sorry, but he's in a meeting right now, could you come back tomorrow." Alex slapped the table and made the man jump, "My name is Alex Mooring, I sincerely implore you to ask again." He seemed to go Pale, "M-M-Mooring," he gulped, "Of course, sir, right away." He ran back again. The reaction in the room changed, they all seemed much more worried now.

"Somethings wrong," John said under his breath as he tightened the grip on his dagger. Roswald touched his shoulder, "Young Master, calm down. They will not try anything while Alex is here." He loosened his grip, "Sorry, I just don't like guards." Alex nodded, "Don't worry, well be in and out." The man hurried back, "H-He will see you n-now. P-Please follow me." He opened a small door and allowed them behind the desk and led them down the halls of the barracks. 

Before long they came to two big doors with 'Commander Arnold' written on them. He opened them and motioned them to enter. Inside were a couple of chairs sat in front of a large desk. Sitting at the desk was an older man with a large brown beard and flowy hair, "Commando Mooring, mat I ask why you are barging into my barracks without proper introductions." The doors closed, "Please sit, and who would this be?" Alex and John sat down, "He is a personal guard, I've come to discuss something important with you." 

He crossed his arms, "And that would be?" Alex brought out the map with points marked and laid it on his desk, "I'm here to talk about the bandit's stalking the Eastern Forest road who are praying one the travelers in the area." Arnold picked it up, "We have been receiving reports, we have men working on it." "They've been in the area for nearly a month." The man glared at John and back at Alex, "I suggest you keep yourservan't tongue under control." 

John looked down and squeezed his knee. "We have information on their camp, as well as confirmation they have taken hostages and plan to execute them tonight. I would ask you to send a deployment of guards or even soldiers to deal with the problem." The man looked at the map, "I see, what are your sources." Alex glanced at Alex, "First hand witnesses." He shook his head, "And who are these witnesses?" 

John was growing increasingly agitated but kept his mouth shut. Alex looked at the man, "We have it on very good standing that these claims are true." He rubbed his beard, "I cannot go on a goose chase. I will deploy men tomorrow morning to find this camp, I cannot act on a whim." John stood up, "So you're going to let those people die!?" Arnold stood up as well, "Control your tongue, boy, or I will have you thrown out." Alex calmed John down, "So, you will not attempt to do anything about this?" 

He sat down, "No, not until I have direct information. You can wait till tomorrow." John stormed out of the doors, "I told you this was a waste of time." Roswald followed him out and Alex stood up, "I see why your guards have grown laxed in their duty now." Arnold scowled, "You have no authority over me while in my city. Now leave if you have nothing more to discuss." He followed John out. 

Outside the station John flailed his arms, "That was a waste of time. I knew they wouldn't do anything." Alex rubbed his head, "Somethings going on behind the scenes. They have the information, but refuse to use it." Roswald looked at the late afternoon sun, "What is the plan, we don't have much longer till sundown." John looked at Alex, "We can't abandon them." Alex looked at him, "And we won't." John smiled and took out three balls of wood from a bag on his side and threw them to the ground creating three horses, "Let's go."

Looking forward to the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Comment, rate, and add to Collections.

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