
Kiss Spoiler...

Closing the distance between them, Ivan was about to capture her lips into a beautiful kiss when…

"Bow wow…."

The little man in Ivan's arms finally thought to show his protest towards them as if he was trying to imply 'no kissing when I'm here!'..

Ivan groaned in frustration, not able to kiss those soft lips of his wife and mumbled in irritation, "What a perfect time to bark! Complete spoiler!"

Glaring at those dark brown eyes which were looking back at him with so much innocence as if he didn't just ruined their kiss a moment ago...

Ivan glared at that little fluffy boy and exclaimed dramatically, "Actually, you're not just a mood spoiler, but a big KISS spoiler. Have a girlfriend or wife of your own, then I'll not leave any chance to take this back with ten folds from you! Hmphh!!"
