
Chapter Forty-Three: Unexpectedly triggered

When Clair woke up the first thing she did was turn to her size but all she found was an empty space beside her.

She stretched her arms and yawned. She then started searching for her phone and checked the time. She still felt like she needed more sleep but overall she rated the experience 5 stars.

She was genuinely surprised. She had slept comfortably and the pillow she used was so soft and comfortable! She would definitely make sure to come to this hotel more often. Aside from that she also didn't have a single nightmare. She slept very peacefully thus, she was more expectant for her day.

She saw a set of clothes prepared for her and she smiled. "Hey, at least he's considerate." She stood up and walked towards the bathroom. She then washed her face and she got ready for the day.

Once she was ready, in a simple black dress and her hair in a bun with a few strands loose. She picked up her things ready to leave. She noticed something on the night sand so she walked towards it to pick it up.

Her expression froze as she stared at the items.

"Why does it feel like I'm his mistress and this is my reward for giving him an 'exciting' night?" She wondered out loud.

She looked at the credit cards on the table, the property papers, the car keys, and the paper with a phone number on it.

She carefully picked up the items and she realized he was giving her way too much. Not only that but a note explained that he would officially give her half of everything he has on a day when both of them are free to discuss the topic.

She put the things away and left the room with a dumbfounded expression.

When she came out of the room there were already a line of attendants waiting for her. They all bowed respectfully.

One of them stepped forward and gave her an amazed smile.

'She's my friend's wife, treat her well.' The words from their boss fresh in her mind. Not only that but the expression of her boss's friend solidified and confirmed his words.

She gulped and opened her mouth to explain. "Your highness, allow us to escort you to the dining room. Breakfast has been served." He explained.

Clair froze. 'What the-'

'Your highness?! What are they-'

The realization hit her. This kind of title felt so unfamiliar to her and she didn't know what to do next. If she followed them wouldn't that be admitting that she indeed has this title?

Her hand trembled and she caught it with her left hand. She gave it a squeeze and covered it with her coat. She gave them a small smile and followed them since she was indeed hungry.

She silently followed them and she was guided inside a room. She took a seat and told them to leave her. "If there is something to your discomfort, please tell us. We will do our best to reach your expectations."

"No, everything is fine thank you." Clair breathed in relief when they all left her alone in the room….finally.

She uncovered her shaking hand under the coat and she took a deep breath in. She had been triggered…

'Your highness'

"Hah...I need to relax." She mumbled taking deep breaths just like Doctor Liz told her. She never expected a day where she would have to listen to that woman's words but she had no choice. That kind of treatment reminded her of her parents.

That's why she had avoided the royals all the time. It reminded her of her life before her whole family was murdered. How could she ever get away from that trauma. It wasn't just her mother, father, or brother. It was every single person with the blood of Soles running through their veins. Even distant family members that she didn't know of were killed.

'It's too early in the morning for this….'

She took another deep breath in but nothing was working. Why? Why did she get triggered so easily?

Why does she have so many problems? Why can't she just live in peace? Why….

Why can't she just have a normal day without having to have her guards up making sure that nothing triggers her?

She shakingly turned on her phone and made a call.

"Angle, what a surprise." Doctor Liz greeted her. "I-I need help. I was triggered again." She told her.

Her left hand clenching onto her right one tightly. "Did you try the exercises I teached you?" Doctor Liz asked. "I did it's not working." Clair replied, taking another deep breath in.

"Do you have water near you?" Doctor Liz asked.


"Okay, take a deep breath and drink some water. Close your eyes and count back from 3, then think of something that makes you happy."

"That's stupid.." Clair commented but she did as told. She drank some water and closed her eyes.




Her mother's blurry face came to mind. She put her to sleep and caressed her cheeks while humming a very familiar tune.

"Mmmm" Subconsciously she started humming the same tune.

Doctor Liz smiled and she was relieved to hear her beautiful voice and the sweet tune that could relax anyone.

She was glad this method worked. As soon as she found that Ainara Soles loved her mother she knew that was the key to help her. The fact that she finally cracked open one layer of Clair's heart made her extremely happy. She was confident that one day she would definitely cure her completely.

Clair's muscles relaxed and her hand stopped shaking. Her grip on her hand also loosened and she smiled. Her heart calmed down and she was happy… She was happy that she calmed down quickly and that it was all over.

"Thank you." She whispered. "Come to my office this afternoon and we will talk about today's attack. Make sure to take your medications and stay with positive thoughts. If something happens call me immediately."

"Got it." Clair hung up after that. She picked up her fork and gave it a squeeze.

Just when she thought this day would be free of worries this just had to happened…

Stay safe!

lizmorgancreators' thoughts