
Wedding Preparations

<Little flashback. The day Lingling left the academy>

"BIG BROTHER!" Biyun shouted desperately "You must save Lili!"

"Calm down, Yunyun" Haotian recomforted the altered Biyun "Please, explain what's going on and what's Lingling's problem."

Going all the group to Haotian's residence, Biyun started explaining all her knowledge about Lingling, Biyun promised Lingling to not tell anyone, but in this situation, Biyun didn't doubt, wanting to help her friend and potential sister. Biyun explained Lingling's circumstances at her clan, the beatings and the need to forgive her feelings. Finally, finishing the letter given to her, telling that she left the academy forever and that she was going to marry the Tè Clan.

Biyun could accept her going away and marrying someone as she already had learned how usual it was for nobles, but she couldn't tolerate her being forced to join the Tè Clan. Even now, Biyun hadn't forgiven and possibly never will forgive the Tè Clan and all the pain that they caused to her and Haotian, wanting their destruction. How could she let her friend experience the same and let her enemy gain someone as useful as Lingling?

"So that's why?" Haotian said thoughtfully. He had tried multiple times to bond with Lingling but all of his intents were ignored by her, their bond being non-existent. Thanks to Biyun's explanation, he now knew the reason, it was impossible to bond with Lingling because she lacked the feelings and emotions necessary to even start a bond.

With time and effort, she might be able to improve and feel again, but it would certainly be too much work, needing possibly years to gain a minimum improvement. For his situation, it wasn't much worthy, Haotian really not changing his mind as he already had forgotten Lingling, taking her as a lost cause.

However, the Tè Clan's meddling really took him by surprise.

"The Tè Clan had been always a secret clan, rarely showing to the outside world. It wouldn't be strange for them to want Lingling's talent in healing and her spirit potential, even trying to kidnap her, but officially taking the heir of a famous clan as the Xie Clan making a wedding arrangement with her, it's certainly strange."

"What do you think they are trying to do?" Meijing asked with a suspicious look.

"With this, they are clearly showing off to the outside world. They would leave the confinement and become no longer a secret" Haotian deducted "They must have acquired a new strength or the Xie Clan is extremely important for them, being worth enough the risk to come to light."

"That means that your father" Meijing stated.

"Yes, most probably he had already broken through Spirit Douluo, the clan gaining enough strength to show themselves as one of the stronger clans."

Titled Douluos were extremely rare, with only 20 recorded over the continent. This didn't mean that there weren't more as they were probably hidden ones, but they were really scarce, meaning that Spirit Douluos were incredible powerhouses and any clan with one could be regarded as a top tier. And knowing Haotian's father's progress and spirit, he should be more powerful than the likes of the 4 attributes clans.

"That doesn't matter!" Biyun shouted with a mix of anger and anxiety "We need to save Lili!"

"Calm down, Yunyun" Haotian souced her "I know that your friend is important, but we can not blindly act without taking the consequences into account. We need to know the circumstances before doing anything."

"Why?! We are part of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and sister Yan's grandfather is a Titled Douluo, why don't ask for their help, destroy the Tè Clan and save Lingling?" Biyun asked with some tears in her eyes.

"First of all, Lingling really wants to be saved?" Haotian asked.

"How could she not?! I experienced all that pain, that cold crossing all over my body, trying to find any escape, even death being a good one" Biyun said crying.

Haotian approached Biyun, cleaning her tears with his hand before hugging her warmly "I will rescue her, calm down." Biyun stopped crying, rubbing her face over Haotian's chest and letting herself in his scene "I won't let those bastards have her. But I need to learn more about her to know how to act."

"For what you had explained, she is incredibly broken, even more than you. You were pushed to the limit where even death seemed a good option but she had gone beyond that. She must have her own reasons to not die, possibly to protect someone or gain something, going as far as to completely suppress her feelings and emotions to be able to tolerate her life. As she is now, she might even have forgotten that reason, not feeling anything for it." Haotian deducted.

"And about taking help to destroy the Tè Clan, I don't think it's a good option. Taking away that I would prefer to destroy it with my own hand" Meijing also nodded with a decided look at him "It wouldn't have been much of a problem to ask them to destroy the Tè Clan alone, but now that they had allied with the Xie Clan, they won't be able to easily move against it."

"They as powerhouses need to maintain an image, especially the Seven Treasure Clan that shows like a virtuous clan, destroying a hidden clan could be hidden away, but if the Xie Clan's is there, destroying it would damage their image, causing a lot of problems to the future, especially as the Xie Clan is part of Heaven Dou Empire, and they are considered allies. It would make a huge risk for them and while protecting us won't cause much of a problem, I doubt that they would risk to such extend."

"So what could we do?" Biyun asked between sobs.

"We can't act in the open, so the best way would be to go incognito." Haotian made a strange face "So the best way would be kidnapping her away." 'This is really turning as a lot of novel with the kidnapping the bride event.'

"You won't!" Meijing jumped shouted.

"Mei-" "I know what you are planning, Tian!" Meijing said angrily "As your spirit is the easiest to hide away and you are the best hiding spirit power, you would go all alone. It's too dangerous!"

"You got me" Haotian rubbed his hair "But there's not much danger. I clearly remember the Tè Clan's forces and with my actual strength, I can win against any of them, with my father as the only exemption. If I'm truly discovered, I could always reveal myself as Shenti" Haotian said the Shenti with disgust "Father won't kill me and would capture me at most."

"I won't permit it. To save a useless doll that you can't bond, to put yourself in danger, possibly being forced to return to the Tè Clan, giving away your freedom, it's too much!" Meijing argued. "And you don't even know about the Xie Clan's strength, they might be kind of strong and at least they would make unknown consequences."

Haotian really didn't know how to answer her. He had already thought about it, and Meijing was right. Was worthy to take so much trouble with someone that he really can't bond? The Tè Clan's strength wouldn't possibly grow too much with their alliance with the Xie Clan, it could be ignored to a later date. Biyun would be angry and sad by that, but Haotian really doubted that she would abandon him for that, she would forget it with time.

"Can I say something, master?" Yan stepped forward lowering her head in servitude.

"There's no need for permission, Yan" Haotian sighed at Yan's manners, but in the end, she really didn't want to change, preferring to be in a submissive position "Talk"

"I don't think that there are many problems with your plan as there's little danger for you" Yan explained "You are right about the image of the powerhouses, but unlike the Seven Treasure Clan, my grandpa's image is far worse, he not really minding his surroundings much and his behavior being described at overbearing and arrogant."

"Destroying a clan could be too much, but there won't be any problem in giving you protection. He could be there accompanying you, not showing himself unless something goes bad." Yan said "I'm sure that if I requested him, he would accept it."

"It could be done..." Haotian said thoughtfully. He really didn't want to make his background known, people knowing he had been from the Tè Clan. But with Dugu Bo, he wouldn't ask much, being enough telling that they wanted to save Lingling and if the worst scenario came and there a need to show off themselves, Dugu Bo is someone who would keep a secret.

"What do you think, Mei?" Haotian asked Meijing who still had a thoughtful look in her.

'There's not much to lose. With senior Dugu's protection that bastards wouldn't dare to make a move and about exposing ourselves...' Meijing thought' 'Even now we are clearly showing off, so we might already be known by them, so there's not much risk. Moreover, if that causes Haotian to be able to bond with Lingling. Lingling is the perfect candidate for Haotian's spirit. A doll-like her won't pose any danger to my position, being incredibly easy to manipulate and Haotian never feeling love for her.'

"Okay. I can accept it" Meijing nodded in the end "But you must be extremely careful, don't risk yourself."

Everyone nodded "It's decided, let's rescue Lingling!"


"You are really giving me problems, boy" Dugu Bo spatted as he looked over Haotian, both of them plus Yan who accompanied them flying over Dugu Bo's spirit. "You owe me one."

"Yes, sorry" Haotian answered "But overall, I helped you so don't complain so much. I saved Yan and you wouldn't have broken through rank 92 without her improvement. What's a medical garden against that"

Dugu Bo growled at Haotian's impudence, but he didn't complain, opting to stay silent during the travel.

Arriving near the Xie Clan, they descended without being seen. Haotian separated from them and while hiding his spirit power thanks to his great control over his own body, he started approaching the Xie Clan's headquarters.

Passing through the Xie's security easily, being completely unnoticed by the weak soldiers guarding the surroundings, he finally reached the main building, a big easter-style mansion.

Seeing the decoration, all the people around and the carriages wearing the Tè Clan's emblem, it was clear that they were already here and that a wedding ceremony would be made shortly.

"Going blindingly could be dangerous, but thankfully..." Haotian grinned, his pupils contracted, becoming slices, his body becoming hotter and his sense sharpening.

Rank 50. Just this morning, thanks to his session with Yan who had already broken through rank 49, he was able to break finally reaching rank 50, being ready to create a new spirit ring. He had thought to prepare Rongrong during this week before leaving for Spirit City, culminating in taking her as his 5th ring, but because of Lingling's problem, the plan changed.

Starved mode. Like the first time that he truly awakened his spirit and attacked and nearly 'ate' Meijing when he reached a bottleneck, he could go to that state in a mad charge for a new ring due to his unstoppable lust.

Of course, he wouldn't reach that uncontrollable state unless months passed without him taking a ring, but now that his spiritual power and control had improved, Haotian was able to enter that state at will, completely controlling it.

In starved mode, Haotian's senses became sharper and his strength increased to a new level when facing females. He became a perfect hunter for them. It was kind unluckily that it only work for girls as in this state he could be considered to a realm stronger, much stronger than with a new and not controlled and used spirit.

Sensing his surroundings, he was able to locate every female over the mansion, even telling their strength and potential. He was able to sense a huge presence that blinded most of the others from a side room at the second floor.

"Lingling" It was clear that the huge presence was Lingling, Haotian's body and spirit shouting him to take care. He had always been interested in Lingling's spirit, but know that desire was growing even stronger. If he hadn't just broke through, he was sure that he would have charged madly against her.

"Now that I know where she is. Let's start the pla-" Haotian stopped still as over the females' presence, he detected a special one. While not much strong, it had a special hidden potential, it wasn't blindly like Lingling's but it certainly caught his attention. However, that wasn't the reason for him to stop, he recognized that presence. "Mother."
