
Mission Accomplished

Aiden, ignoring Chase behind me, grabs my arm and pulls me in to whisper in my ear, "There's no almost about it. Derek will kill you if you bail." I struggle, but he's too strong. I can't break the grip. "You're a dead man walking. Your sister is motivation to keep you focused—"

My entire body goes cold like a bucket of ice water was dropped over my head. But before I can react, a massive hand lands on Aiden's chest and he's pushed away from me.

Faster than I thought his bulk could move, Chase has shoved between Aiden and me and they're staring each other down—Aiden slightly taller, Chase half-again as wide. Both with fists clenched at their sides, fire in their eyes.

"Get. Your hand. Off me," Aiden says through his teeth.

"Why don't you try threatening me, instead? See how far that gets you?" Chase's voice is so low it's almost a growl.
