

"Yes...did you check out the news this morning? He was all over the news channel." 

"Yes, it is so weird. He was here with us last Friday. And now he is gone, man. " 

"I bet he got kidnapped for ransom. I heard his dad is super loaded. " 

"His father is a producer of films common. Absolutely he is loaded. His mother is a fashion designer, partnered up with Dolce. "

Cole and Vin kept mum listening to what their fellow students had to talk about it. It was so clear that many of them were relating the case of Tekla going missing with kidnapping for ransom but Cole and Vin thought it to be otherwise.

"Good morning, Class. Respond to your rolls calls and open chapter four. " 

Miss Willson entered the class and started taking the attendance of the students one by one. 

When it came to Tekla's roll number. Nobody responded. Miss Willson forgetting about what happened, called out the roll number was once again.
