


All I could see was red. It's hard to understand why I was fuming mad. I'm very composed in every mission given to me. Isiah taught us that anger and revenge will prevent us from being rational, and worst will destroy us completely.

Revenge and I have a good relationship so far. I deal with it and it helps me deal with things concerning my mission to avenge mom. Weird, I know, but that's how it is. We deal with each other.

I once cared for Ace shit-faced Sulivan, now all I can feel towards him is anger, anger that even hell is not a safe place for him.

It was easy to predict his every move, I was pretty observant after all. He's a good assassin, but I'd like to brag that I was better, best even.

After the infiltration in Hariko's estate, I knew he'd hide and cower like a dog who's only knowledge was to bark at a tree. He fled when his so-called fiancé was killed by Sin. Hariko will be out for his blood, he shouldn't have involved princess Barbie in his attempt to kill Yuri. If his plan was a success, it could've been the other way around, Hariko would be proud of him but unlucky for him, the ensemble interfered.

"Andi… my Love…" he murmured as I threw my knife, piercing his right knee. I caught him by the back door of the estate, dragged him back to the cell where he kept Yuri, tied him with the shackles on the wall, and was my human target practice.

He groaned, his plead echoing on the blood spilled basement. "I love you, amore. I always did." Another one of my knives pierced his left knee.

Footsteps and curses echoed from the hallway. Ah… My friends are here to save this sonofabitch.

"Andi" Eight's voice was cool and calm while Sin caught up her breath. "Just kill him already."

"Yes, Love. Just end me." Ace's hopeful eyes glimmered.

"Andi" it was Sin's turn to speak. "If you do this to him, there's no going back. We pulled you out once, don't go back to that dark place again."

Sin, always the noble one. I was once this reaper who torture every enemy I catch. They feared me, even my friends were afraid of what I've become. Just because they killed and tortured a friend of mine, Antonia.

"Please… let's just go, Yuri needs you Andi" sometimes, I hate having too caring friends like these two. They know how my brains work and they know that I'd want to be with Yuri.

My head snapped in their direction "how is he?"

"Not good but Diez and the hunky drove him away" Sin nudge Eight's side, jealous much?

"Love. Just let me go, for now, okay? I promise I won't kill my lover boy." Ace groaned when my knife pierced his shoulder.

"I've got a better idea" Sin chirped in "let's just call Hariko and use Ace as an leverage for Yuri's safety."

"No! Just kill me already" Ace pleaded, looking into blondie's lifeless body on the floor.

"Do it," I said and stormed out of the cell.

The bodies are starting to smell really bad, Hariko will find a mess in here.

The three of us called a cab. The cab driver didn't even let us pay because Eight threatened the poor guy that she'd crawl on his bed tonight if he can't get us on the estate in ten minutes.

When I arrived at the estate, everyone was gathered in the living room, sharing the same worried look.

"Clean up, you three" Diez groaned.

"Are you scared of a little blood, munchkin?" Eight teased.

"Eight! Get a fuckin' shower. You two Andi, Sin!" Diez responded.

"I told you to call me E, not Eight. I'm not a fuckin' number!" Eight fumed.

"That's your number, E" Nueve butted in.

"I don't care. Whoever invented giving us numbers a code is fuckin' psycho" she stormed up the stairs before shouting "if no one tells me where I'll take a shower, I'd fuckin' piss on the carpet!!!"

"Ivan…" Gregory murmured and the mute Russian followed.

Alek Laskin chuckled lightly "I never thought that the feared ensemble are kids with jolly attitude"

Isiah sighed "this is the reason I never married. These kids gave me enough headache to last two lifetimes." The mood inside the estate seems to lighten a little.

After we cleaned up and changed clothes, we gathered once again in the living room. Faith crawled on my lap as we waited for the doctor to come out of the infirmary. E, like she wanted to be called, was smitten by Faith's charms too. Faith fell asleep while playing with E's green hair.

The infirmary room opened and all eyes were on Tina and Dr. Roger.

"How is Yuri?" Alek asked in a calm yet shaky voice.

Dr. Roger sighed "he's one strong horse. He just needs to rest." We all felt relieved "we should still do some test in him, I saw signs that he'd been injected with drugs. Yuri should also go through a proper x-ray procedure, just to be sure."

He was still sleeping, dark purple bruises covered his face and upper body. Dr. Roger was right, he's a strong on to survive Ace's torture skills. He's one of the best assassins I have met.

I stayed in Yuri's infirmary room, no one bothered to ask why I stayed and no one dared to stop me.

His hands were still warm. He owns the warmed hands I have ever held. I don't cry but when I was left alone with him, my tears fell at the sight of him. He has grown on me, the Laskins and the Russian mafia did.

I tucked his dark locks behind his ears and caressed his cheeks with my hand. He is so beautiful and I want to remember this moment.

This is the last time I'll endanger his life. I'll leave for good after he regains his consciousness. I didn't want to leave him like this but if he opens his eyes for just a millisecond, I'll be happy to stay away.

He'd be furious but I know he'll move one with someone else. I'm not the right girl for him, even if I've fallen deep and hard for this mafia heir. His safety comes first and I have a hunting trip to continue.


sorry for the late update guys, been busy with SAP distribution here in the PH.

I hope eve everyone's safety during these tough times.

Thank you Loves,

lj xx

CastielLouisecreators' thoughts