
Paying a visit to Badonis

When the three of them arrived in the dining room, besides the tables and chairs, the first thing Sian saw was the tanned little girl from before. She had the same old basket and the same rags she wore when they met.

The moment she noticed Sian, she jumped out of the chair and, smiling, waved at him. Faced with that innocent smile that reminded him of his childhood friend, he threw away the irritation he was feeling because of Illianna, and putting on a smile, he waved back.

After running over to Sian, the little girl pointed at the receptionist and looking wronged, she said. "I came as you said, but this man stopped me."

Being pointed out like that, the receptionist went pale, probably remembering what happened just now.

"It's all right." Sian stroked her head. "I already talked to him. You can go straight up next time."

Hearing this, she was immediately excited. "Really?"

"Yup." Sian affirmed with a smile.

Without further waiting, the little girl cheerfully lifted the old basket with both hands. "I came to get more food."

"Sure, err, Cristina, right?" Sian asked, putting his hand on the magic bag.

She nodded. "Yes, but you can call me Tina like my mom."

Taking a beautiful basket full of golden ornaments from the bag, Sian said. "Okay Tina, as your basket is a bit old, I'll give you a new one."

Then, after handing her the basket, he filled it with various fruits and breads.

Just as Tina was happily expressing her thanks to Sian, a thin woman with long black hair came through the door.

"Mom?" Tina looked in surprise at the pale woman who had appeared.

Ignoring Tina's surprise, the woman bowed in front of Sian. "Please spare my daughter, she is just a child."

"What?" Sian frowned, not understanding what the woman was trying to say.

"Tina told me everything, but she is just a child, if you sleep with her, you will hurt her." The woman said in a distressed tone, lowering her head even more. "Please spare her."

The woman's words surprised everyone present, including Sian himself.

After a brief moment of silence, Illianna shot him a contemptuous look. "It looks like you're an even bigger scum than I had heard of."

"Oi oi, it's not like that, I might be a scum, but I would never abuse little children." Sian said, reacting to Illianna's words, and turned to Tina. "Brat, how did you come to that stupid conclusion, weren't you paying attention to what I said?"

"You said you're going to want my body when I'm 5 years older." Tina said confidently while puffing out her non-existent chest.

"I didn't say that, I mean, it was almost that, but you got it wrong! Very wrong! I don't want your body, I was just helping out of goodwill." Sian said exasperated.

"Eh? Really?" Tina looked incredulous.

"Of course, why would I want a snotty brat when I have a beautiful wife?"

"I am not snotty!" She complained. "Mom told me that nothing in the world is free, so I thought you were going to wait for me to get older."

"Of course not, I don't have the patience for that, I would rather go to a brothel."

"Even though Mom says I'll be super beautiful when I grow up?"

Ignoring Tina, Sian went to the woman who was bowed.

"You are Tina's mother, right? You don't have to worry, it was just a misunderstanding, I don't intend to do anything bad with it."

"Bu-But what about that basket you gave her?" The woman asked worriedly.

"Basket?" Sian got confused.

"Yes." The woman replied.

"It's just a basket, it's no big deal."

"How can I believe that you have no ulterior motives in giving such an expensive gift? Yesterday I saw you next to a woman with almost no clothes on, and she was full of body injuries." The woman said.

"This is a misunderstanding, the woman from yesterday is this young lady here." Sian pointed at Illianna.

The woman raised her head, looking at Illianna, probably wanting to confirm Sian's words.

'Give me a little help here.' Sian sent a telepathic message to Illianna.

After spending a long time trying to convince the woman that Sian didn't want to hurt Tina, they finally convinced her.

Throughout the conversation, they discovered that the woman's name was Francionia. Sian also said that if she or Tina needed something, they could look for him at the inn.

After saying goodbye, Sian and Illianna went straight to the Badonis brothel. Unlike the previous day, the clay streets were not so busy, so they were following the path smoothly.

"It's weird to see you so smiling. If it weren't for our conversation just now, I would think the rumors about you are wrong." Illianna said, breaking the silence.

"You better not piss me off, or I'm going to kick your ass until we get there." Sian said.

Not looking intimidated at all, she leaned forward a little as she continued walking. "Okay, Mr. Annoyed, so tell me, why are we going in a direction completely opposite to the place where the inn will be built?"

Contemplating Illianna's stunning figure, Sian couldn't help but let his eyes fall on her cleavage, but he quickly disguised it. "I need to find out something."

"That answer is the same as nothing."

Since it was no big deal, he told her from the beginning, when he met Ophilia until the letter Charlotte handed him. Although unnecessary, he even included the fact that his violent tendencies subsided and so he would pay a visit to Badonis.

After a little contemplation, Illianna said. "I thought it was strange that you came out of nowhere with a wife and daughter. But despite that, I really believed that you were her father."

"Why do you think that?"

"Her eyes and nose are like yours."

"Well, I would really like to be her real father, but unfortunately I am not." Giving her a side look, he added. "And it's no use trying to please me by saying that we are alike, I'm still angry with you."

"I'm not trying to please you. But considering that you're a womanizer, I really thought she was a child you had and only came to find out recently when you found a woman you've slept in the past."

"Well, even though I'm a womanizer, that's not going to happen. I always take precautions not to have children scattered around the world."

"You should know that eating paki fruit or sleeping only with women of other species are not 100 percent effective things."

"Of course I know that, that's why I use magic to kill my sperms."

"Cruel even to yourself, as expected from you." Illianna said with a face of contemplation.

'Hmm... stopping to think, could it be that the feeling of déjà vu I had yesterday was because of it? Maybe there's a possibility that I slept with Ophilia and got her pregnant, since by Emily's age, I hadn't learned that technique yet.'

'But even if I try, I don't remember having slept with her before, or rather, I don't remember having been to Solaris before. Even if my memory isn't good when it comes to names, I would remember meeting a woman who looks like Melinda...'

'But well, it doesn't hurt to check with Ophilia when I get back.'

"Why are you looking at me like that? Will you finally succumb to your desires?" She said mockingly.

"I feel like you're deliberately provoking me." Sian said with narrowed eyes.

"It's your imagination." She said. "But I have to say that despite being common, that woman is incredible. If it wasn't for her to calm you down, I don't know what would become of me."

"You make it look like I'm a bloodthirsty monster, but I'm not that bad."

"It may not be a bloodthirsty monster, but you sure look like a rabid dog." She reached out and put her finger between his eyebrows. "It was just getting away from her that you frowned again and made that face of contempt. It even feels like you're going to jump on me and tear me up at any moment."

Taking a long breath and looking up at the sky, Sian just rushed the walk without saying anything.

'This woman is a headache, we need to get this over with quickly, or I'll end up pulling out her tongue.'

'But I have to admit, being with Ophilia is really effective, if it were me from 4 days ago, I would have gotten rid of her already.'

While Illianna did her best to reach Sian, they quickly arrived at the brothel.

But to Sian's unhappiness, the brothel was closed and despite calling, no one came. Only when they were leaving did they meet someone who was arriving, he claimed to be one of Badonis' servants.

Asking some questions, Sian ended up discovering that yesterday, while Badonis was enjoying the night with one of the prostitutes, he fainted. The servant said that this apparently only happened because Badonis had been very happy for the past two days and had exaggerated his fun with the prostitutes. He also said that although he did not know the reason, Badonis wife also seemed to be quite happy.

But due to Badonis' fainting, his wife decided it was best to leave with the caravan of merchants who were leaving Solaris at dawn, since their greatest fighting force was only him. As they would return in the future, she left some servants to keep the place clean.

Apparently, she was afraid of the war, but unfortunately for them, earlier today, a few hours after the caravan left, an advertisement was placed on the bulletin board, saying that there would be a temporary truce between the kingdoms.

After hearing the servant's story, Sian got disappointed that Badonis' actions when Emily was delivered to the orphanage would still remain a mystery.

After leaving there, they went to the place where the inn will be built and just like before, Sian walked with quick steps in front of Illianna, trying to interact with her as little as possible.

-As I'm still without my laptop and as it's very laborious to write and translate on my cell phone, the next chapter may take a while.

-P.S: Thanks maat515, TDI and IPreferLonerMc, for the stones, but you should save them for another novel, since my posting schedule will not be consistent.

Lazy_Acorncreators' thoughts