

"Hold him down Rhydian." The elder orders.

"I'm not going to fight you. I said I wouldn't resist and I won't." I say

"This precaution is so you don't hurt yourself pup. What you are about to experience will break you. No telling how your body will respond." The elder says.

One of the Alphas pulls a chair over and pushes me into it.

"Who's first?" The elder asks.

"How about we go in the order of the attacks?" Someone suggests and they all nod.

Stacy and her father walk up to me.

"Now young lady. When we start you just need to focus on Ryan and remember everything you want him to feel." The elder says and she nods. He turns his attention to the Alpha and my father.

"You will join blood. It will unite your packs as long as your hands touch. This will give young Stacy the chance to share with Ryan all she went through. Ryan take this. It is a diluted silver solution that will stop you from blocking her out." He hands me a pill.

"I told you I'm not going to fight. I accept the punishment that they decided on." I argue. Taking silver was not part of the plan!

"You say that but your mind will try to protect itself. This is the only way to ensure your mind stays open." The elder says.

I nod and swallow the pill. I choke as it goes down. All eyes are on me as I sit up dizzy from the sudden silver assault. Both Alphas cut their palms and join hands. Suddenly I am not me. I am not even here. I'm on the beach.

"Really Jack! I said not to dunk me!" I say drying my hair. Why do I have to have suck a jerk for a brother?

"What?" Is as all I get out as a boy runs toward me. He grabs me and I feel pain and... pleasure? Who is this guy?... I have a mate! Why does he smell so... he pulls out his teeth and runs off. Ryan. Woh.. why are my teeth out. I wasn't going to... no I wouldn't mark him! He is not my mate! But he marked me. Why do I want him? I am so confused. My feet go to follow him until Jack grabs me.

"Stacy!? What did he do to you!?" I hear a growl as my brother holds me.

We all head back to the pack house where I see Tanner. I run to hug him but he stops me giving me a disgusted look.

"You've been with another male! You let him mark you! He marked what's mine!" I can see his wolf take over as he storms out of the house.

Is he going to reject me? I didn't want this! I didn't ask for this! And why do I want to find Ryan not Tanner? Tanner is my mate!

"Come here little wolf." I see my fathers nose scrunch up when he sees my shoulder but he calms himself and pulls me into a hug. "I'll deal with this baby... but right now you need to go to your room. I'm placing a guard outside the door. He will be in place until that mutt's mark is off of you."

"So it will go away!? I won't feel like this any more?" I ask.

"The mark will fade yes... Tanner will come around. He will replace that abomination with his own loving mark and all will be well." He hugs me again and I go to bed. Thinking of my mate. Please say he still wants me.

(The memories continued through two days of uncertainty and confusion until the mark faded.)

I come out of the memory and fall to my knees vomiting.

"I'm so sorry Stacy... Tanner I'm sorry. Your lucky. She loves you so much. I'm sorry I hurt you... both of you." After I said that I hurl again untill it turns to a dry wheezing. Dad pulls me back into the chair.

"Who's next?" The elder asks.

The process continues. Each girl a similar but slightly different story of pain. Jenny was told she was a slut. That it was her fault and she should never have put herself in that situation. It kills me how judgmental people are. I did this. It wasn't her fault! How could people think that! Heather kept it hidden only Wayne knew. He helped her. Told her parents she was sick. My letter is what brought her out in the open. I guess I hurt her all over again by trying to make it better.

Once Heather was done I fell to the ground again. This time violent seizures shook my body.

"He can't take his mind being open any longer." The elder says as my body slowly stops spasming. I try to sit up.

"Lisa." I croak.

"You can't take any more Ryan." My Dad says.

"No! She deserves her chance." I struggle to say.

"I don't want to be here!" Suddenly Lisa stands. "No matter what you do I will not be a part of a pack where my Alpha would use me in such a way. I'd rather be rouge. You will never be my Alpha. Goodbye Ryan!"

I struggle to get upright and fall back onto my back with a groan. My body will not cooperate with me.

"I'm sorry Lisa!" I cry out loudly. My entire body begins to shake. Every part of me hurts. "I'm so sorry." I whisper.

It's over. Hopefully this helped them. Now I just want to sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open.

"You did good pup." I look up to see Stacy's father. "Not many people admit their mistakes. Even fewer accept the consequences of them let alone ask for them. You'll be a good Alpha one day Ryan. Keep your head up. My pack will be alongside you." He says pulling me to my feet.

"Mine too." Another Alpha wraps his arm around me. The two of them haul me to the door. My body goes limp between them. I hear the third Alpha mutter a "we'll see." As he turns to leave and it was the last thing I heard before blacking out.


Author time!

okay so I'm curious about which characters resonate with My readers. We all have our favorites so tell me yours!





Alpha Rhydian


let me know!
