
Farewells And New Beginnings

Kace could feel the sombre mood in the air. It had been a few days since the allied forces had pulled out and retreated to the gods knew where.

His quest had been completed and he had been promoted to the General rank of monster. The effects had been substantial. Raising all his stats by five, his health, AP and MP had also experienced significant gains.

He had not time to celebrate though. Immediately after the work to clear the town and rebuild as much as possible began. During this phase he had been reduced to an emotional wreck.

Today was the day that they would all be saying there final farewells Kharja and Gyn. Their bodies had been discovered alongside a shocking number of monsters. Most of them being the ones that Kace had sent in their direction to help them.

Unfortunately it looked as though they had been made to suffer horrendously before being struck down. Vaskra had survived, however she was missing both legs and an eye now.
