
Chapter 140 - Classes and Envy

Reya was still in class listening in on the history lesson taught by one of the gods. Later on, she had a common class with Clive and Mina regarding different mythical beasts.

She curiously peaked into her next class's book. As she was flipping by, she saw a familiar painting of that Minotaur. It was an ancient story in which a king, also a half god, had a wife he loved one day she cheated on him with a bull and that's how that creature was born.

From day one it was trapped inside the labyrinth and only fed with humans.

"No wonder it wanted to eat us. Maybe if you have given it chicken, its diet might have changed," she mumbled absentmindedly.

"Excuse me? Miss Reya, what did you say now?" the teacher said, removing his spectacles.
