


When did running become so hard? I stood outside my house out of breath. God, I was panting so hard. I tried taking a few deep breaths and it helped a little. I walked into the house, knowing Luna was going t-

"Idiot, how long do you take to give a single fucking letter? Do you know how mad I am going with this? Now come help me."

Luna tended to get a little crazy when put under the bus of pressure. Especially if the time was less. So I let it slide. As long as it didn't become too crazy like that one time in ninth grade, it was fine.

I remember coming home to her cutting her hair like a madwoman because she got a B on her term exams and didn't know what to with the rest of her life. 

I had to call my dad home from Canada because she just wouldn't stop crying. 

It gave me nightmares for years.

"Luna, I had a doubt."

She looked up from the laptop and nodded.
