

"Hey! Artorias! Wait up! What's with the rush!" Kai tried to follow his leader as he suddenly stormed out of the room in a clear fit of rage. 

"Stay out of my way! I know what must be done!" His hands were clasped firmly into a fist to the point that his hands began bleeding and his keen, glowing eyes were fixated solely on the path ahead where it was said that this mountain — Lord's Peak — lied. 

The rest of the team were still lost for words, but suddenly snapped to reality and followed. Hikari had been given extra layers of clothing from the elder so the cold was not as much of a hindrance, but what did hinder her was the voice of the little girl calling her from behind as she walked by her and the half-eaten dead corpse she was dragging. 

<< Hey! Little alien girl! Want to come and play with us on the slide? It's really really really fun! >>

They all had different emotions, but shock and surprise was something they all had in common. 
