
Chapter-100 The Nuclear Codes pt-1


I looked towards Kyouko-san and asked a simple question.

"I may or may not be able to heal Toshikazu-san..."

"...depends on what you can offer for my services."


(A few moments later)

(Kyouko POV)


I pushed open the main door and made my exit from the [Dream Technology Building].

I looked up towards the 69th floor with a deep frown on my face; where Mr.Saltzman's office was located.

Looking down at my hands; specifically at the thing, I was holding, I couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan.

It was an envelope with the Saltzman Family symbol on it.

Upon opening the seal, I found that it contained an invitation to the dinner I am supposed to attend; today.

Yes, Mr.Saltzman had invited me to dinner.

Rather than immediately healing Toshikazu, he wanted me to have dinner with him.

Now don't get us wrong, I am faithful to Toshikazu and so is Mr.Saltzman; to his fiance.

This dinner that I am invited to; is to "celebrate" the cooperation between us.

I, for instance, don't believe Mr.Saltzman; at all!

There must be something to this dinner!

There has to be!

He isn't just inviting me to celebrate when clearly I am not one bit in the mood for any celebrations.

Arghh!....this man makes my life so frustrating!

You may be wondering what did he ask of me, in return for his services; which he would be providing to Toshikazu soon?














You guys will figure it out when the time comes. (Hehe)

Yeah, so anyway, I wasn't looking forward to tonight.


(Erik POV)

I looked towards the disappearing figure of Miss Kyouko from the glass-wall of my office.

How interesting and unpredictable things have gotten!

Firstly, there is this [The 7-Kings], organization which wasn't within the novel and now, the side-story of Chiba Toshikazu is also being altered.

Fortunately, thanks to my [Limited Clarvoyance]!

I can see some of the things coming my way but it does complicate things a little bit.

Chiba Toshikazu is probably in a coma due to a foreign psion suppressing his brain.

[The Puppet Master] uses [Systematic-Type] and [Outer-Systematic-Type] magic to fight his opponents.

From the looks of it, it seems like he isn't well versed in the latter while he excels in the former.

That leds me to believe that he has something similar to my [Terpsichora] ability.

I can't predict the exact details of his ability since I lack the fundamental knowledge about him.

Yet I doubt that he will be much of a threat if I play my cards right.

I put my hand inside my pocket and pulled out a secured phone; before dialing a number.



"Greetings! Mr.Saltzman."

An aged voice could be heard from the other side; the receiver.

"Hello, Elder Retsu..."

Yes, you are right.

I require the old man's help to do something.

Something which can easily attract quite some attention.

"Since you are contacting me on this number I assume that you require my assistance?"

I see, still as sharp as ever!

"Indeed, Elder Retsu."

I don't like wasting precious time in useless pretending so I will directly get to the point.

"I do need you to do me a favor."

I smiled at the prospect of tonight's dinner.


(Narrator POV)

(At Tokyo Airport)

The Tokyo Airport command room was bustling with people here and there, doing all kinds of things.

Lots and lots of planes would every day either leave the place or enter it, work just didn't seem to enough!


Suddenly one of the landlines within the room rang, attracting the attention of a senior employee.


One of them picked up the device.

"Hello, this is Tokyo Airlines...How may I help you?"











"Hm...yes sir, I understand!"

"Consider it done!"


(Kokomo District Construction Site)

Yes, we are at a construction site.

You guys should have been able to tell by the loud noises coming from the huge-ass machines.

It drowned any other sound for those outside the control room.

Inside the control room, everything could be heard just fine; making you realize just how good of a sound-proof room this was!


Fortunately, the person sitting within the control room was able to clearly hear the phone ringing.

So, he picked it up.


"Yes sir?..."












"...but sir we need to finish this as soon as possible!"

"...ye-yes sir I understand bu—..."

"Yes, sir! It will be done!"

The head worker did seem to be hesitating for a bit until he had to finally relent.


(At Chiba Compound)


Erika could be seen sitting on the ground in cross-position; doing maintenance on her blade.

She was currently within the Chiba Family Dojo.

She wore a black outfit that closely resembled that of an ancient warrior yet was still flexible enough for her to fight at full power.

A baleful aura surrounded her blade as she darkly looked at her reflection on the sharp edge of her blade.

Those cold eyes could freeze anyone with a single glance!


The sudden buzzing of her phone attracted her attention.

She put down her blade and picked up her phone from within her bag; to look at the message displayed on the screen.











"What the fuc—"


(At 101-battalion base)

"Do you know where is Kyouko-san?"

"I wonder about that too!"

"Do you think that she wil—"

"Kyouko isn't stupid, she can handle herself well enough!"

"The higher-ups are just looking for the nuclear codes, they don't want to take any chances with allowing Kyouko to participate.'

" I understand..."

"Anyway, we have his position so we will strike when the time is right."


(Inside an abandoned factory)

"Sir, there have been some complications regarding the plan to leave this country."

"Should we postpo—"

"No! We will proceed as planned!"

"No changes will occur to the original plan, we will leave this country by the end of the day and it's final!"

"I don't have any more time, I need to get the code to [No Head Dragon] and I will be pardoned for my past sins!"

"I will not waste this precious opportunity!"

"Yes sir!"


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