
Don't think too much

Zane swallowed, suddenly understanding why he received 100% hostility in the Dungeon of Murim. If someone stole all these from him, he would even put a bounty on their head.

He blinked twice. Fuck! He was rich.

For an auction house, this pure blood essence of a Harpy could go for more than a million dollars, and for creatures like the Fenrir, he might even get up to 50 million dollars for it, maybe even more.

Zane could barely control the smile that danced on his lips when he looked at these blood essences. Was it worth it?

Without a single doubt. He was so rich now, he just wanted to dance.

But Zane had no intention to sell any of them just yet, not while there was a chance that it could be traced back to him.

He returned the blood essences to the Gnosis Inventory and his eyes moved over the papers and the folders.
