
Coffee And Ice Cream

"They are very energetic." Aizawa said, making Izuku laugh. "Well, Eri is going to be in your class starting tomorrow. Take care of her for me." Izuku said, surprising Aizawa. "So, you're already 27." Aizawa said, making Izuku laugh. "Yep!" Izuku said, "And you're still a virgin." Aizawa chuckled, "Hey! It's not easy to find a handsome man to love when you have children and have 2 jobs." Izuku said, making Aizawa chuckle. "Well, whoever the guy is going to be lucky to have a guy like you." Aizawa said, making Izuku blush. Aizawa smiled at that, "Thanks." Izuku said, smiling a bright smile. Aizawa smiled at the smile that he missed, when he made it to the shop it looked new. Izuku grabbed the key from his pocket and opened the door. "You own the place?" Aizawa asked, shocked. "Yep, I owned a shop in america too. I need to set the place up soon and start. It will mostly be open at night because I'm getting my hero licence." Izuku said, Aizawa nodded his head. When Izuku opened the door for his unpassionaint kids. WHen the door opened they flew in, Aizawa and Izuku chuckled at that. Aizawa walked in after, hearing a "HURRY UP DAD!" Izuku walked in next, closing the door. Izuku walked to the stairs and Aizawa followed Izuku. When they made it up the stairs Aizawa looked at the house it was neat and really nice. Aizawa followed Izuku to the kitchen where he saw his kids at the table. "Hello Mr. Aizawa, come sit down." Eri said, pointing at the seat next to Elizabeth. "Hey Shota, do you want ice cream too?" Izuku said, Aizawa was a little shocked that he said his name but didn't show it. "No, thank you." Aizawa said, "Got it!" Izuku said, Izuku handed his kids bowls of colorful Ice cream that had a spoon in the bowl. Izuku went back and made coffee, Izuku sat down beside Aizawa and placed a coffee down in front of him. "Thank you." Aizawa said, smiling a little. "Mr. Aizawa, are you dating our dad?" Elizabeth asked, making Izuku and Aizawa choke a little bit on their coffee, making Eri and James looking away and laughter escaped their lips. "N-no I'm not." Aizawa said, "Are you married or have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Elizabeth asked, looking at him with innocent eyes. "No, I'm not in any relationship or married." Aizawa said, "Then why don't you go out with daddy, you're good looking, smart, and seem to be nice and know daddy well." Elizabeth said, making Eri and James laugh more. "Elizabeth are you trying to get me a boyfriend?" Izuku asked, chuckling with a tint of red on his cheeks. "Daddy, needs a boyfriend or he will be only with us idiots forever." Elizabeth said, making them all laugh except Elizabeth she just chuckled. "I'm good with you idiot's for now, honey. I will think about the boyfriend thing, k?" Izuku said, "So, your considering, Mr. Aizawa as a candidate. Will he be our other daddy?" James asked in a child-like voice. Eri chuckled at that. Aizawa's face was a little pink now. "Plus dad, he looks like a top so that's a plus for you." Eri said, smirking. That made Izuku and Aizawa flushed, "Eri no, not in front of the younger ones." Izuku scolded, making Eri laugh. "They would be a powerful hero couple, hmm." James said, making Izuku's kids nod their heads in agreement. Izuku chuckled a little, James finished his Ice cream and ran off to his room. "Sp, what do you think Mr. Aizawa, will you go out with my dad?" Eri said with a cute innocent face. Aizawa was now stuck not knowing what to say. Eri chuckled and took her last bit of her Ice cream, leaving, not before saying. "I'll be waiting for an answer!" Izuku and Aizawa looked to Elizabeth who was giggling with Ice cream on her face and hands, making Aizawa and Izuku laugh. Izuku stood up and picked Elizabeth up. "You got Ice cream all over your face, cupcake." Izuku said, making Elizabeth giggle. Izuku sat Elizabeth on the counter beside the sink. Izuku got a cloth and wet the cloth with the water in the tap, then bent down a little. Aizawa was watching Izuku and when Izuku bent he blushed a little. Elizabeth looked at Aizawa and giggled. Izuku finished cleaning Elizabeth and set her down. Elizabeth ran off giggling. Izuku shook his head and threw the cloth into the sink.

Izuku grabbed his kids bowls from the table and put them in the sink and sat down beside Aizawa again with a little sigh. "Sorry about that, they have been wanting me to get into a relationship for a while." Izuku said, making Aizawa chuckle. "It's all good, how was America?" Aizawa asked, making Izuku shocked. "I watch the news, you saved a plane from crashing a while ago." Aizawa said, making Izuku blush. 'Cute' Aizawa thought. "Ah, yeah. America was good, I missed it here, but I had fun in America with the kids." Izuku said, smiling. It was an awkward silence after that until Izuku spoke. "How have you been?" Izuku asked, "I have been good, it would have been nice if you told me you were leaving." Aizawa said, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to think twice on leaving, because you're the only one that could have," Izuku said, blushing with a little laugh while taking a sip of his coffee. "So, you did like me back, back then." Aizawa said, "I-I did, I only left because Eri was so young and being a hero with a younger kid and having no one else to watch her properly and knowing the person who is watching her can die hurt me. Because Eri was a bid target back then. You didn't scare me off when you uh k-kissed me." Izuku said, blushing looking at his coffee. "Aizawa was surprised a little and looked at the red Izuku. Aizawa chuckled a little. "That's good to hear and I understand why you left, but I thought for a while it was my fault you left." Aizawa said, Izuku looked up at Aizawa who was looking at Izuku. "Then that's you being stupid, I liked the kiss," Izuku said, then blush at what he said and looked away. Aizawa laughed at that, "That's good, now about what you kids were talking about." Aizawa said, making Izuku's face go more red. But turned to Aizawa anyway, Aizawa finished his coffee in one sip and looked at Izuku. "Would you like to be mine?" Aizawa asked, making Izuku blush harder. "Why did you say it like that!?" Izuku asked, Aizawa chuckled. "Is that a yes?" Aizawa asked, Izuku looked away a little and nodded. "Good." Aizawa said, Izuku picked up Aizawa's cup and his own and walked to the sink. Aizawa got up with him and hugged Izuku from behind. Aizawa wrapped his hands around Izuku's waist and laid his head on Izuku's shoulder, making Izuku laugh as he washed the dishes. Izuku dried his hands afterwards. Aizawa let go of Izuku and they sat down on the couch beside each other. Izuku looked at the hallway and saw his kids jumping with joy silently scream while Eri was holding a sign that had the words Aideku. Izuku chuckled and taped Aizawa's shoulder and pointed at the hallway. He chuckled what he saw, "Whatch ya doing?" Izuku asked, making them freeze and scoot to their rooms slowly, but James did slip on his butt and crawled the rest of the way. When their doors closed, Izuku and Aizawa laughed wholeheartedly. "That was cute." Izuku said, "Not as cute as you." Aizawa flirted, making Izuku chuckle with a blush. Izuku looked at the hallway and saw the kids peck through these doors. Izuku cocked a brow making them shut the door quickly. Izuku shook his head and chuckled. Izuku turned to Aizawa, who smirked and winked. Izuku blushed a little at that. Aizawa looked at Izuku in the eyes and pulled Izuku into his lap facing him and kissed Izuku. Izuku heard a camera flash, now knowing why he winked. Izuku chuckled during the kiss, making AIzawa now that he was caught. Izuku pulled away and laid his head on Aizawa's chest and looked outside and looked at the rain. 'The rain looks pretty with the lightning, WAIT RAIN LIGHTNING!' Izuku stood up and ran to the window. "Looks like I'm staying the night." Aizawa said, smirking a little. "I guess, so." Izuku said, Izuku went doen the stairs and locked the door and went back up the stairs.
