
And I, am Iron Man

"Hehehehe, so, are you ready for this?" Kira said to the shocked Grand priest

"Y-you wasn't kidding when you said the only one here that could take you on was Zeno Sama, but what I'm wondering is, what did you do to be able to wield such an evil aura?" The Grand priest

"Hmm? Well, actually I was one of the first beings to ever be created, I was known as the abyss, but, like all things, I died, I was killed by my brother, Light, we fought, and after millions of years, we both died at the hands of each other, but then I and him both had gotten reincarnated, and eventually, we fought again, but that time, he, along with his friends, casted me down to wonder the lower Universes, and that's about it," Kira

"That's, a lot," The Grand priest

"Hehe, yeah, but the only reason he won was because I only had my first form unlocked," Kira

"Your first form? Does that mean you have another form even more powerful than this one?" The Grand priest

"Hehehehe, yep! And when I unlock it I'll be able to go back to my universe, that's why I wanted to fight you because besides Zeno over there, your the only one powerful enough to help me attain this form," Kira

"Hmm, well I'm honored, so, how can I help you get this form?" The Grand priest

"Well, from what I know, I unlock my forms whenever I fight, so, we'll just fight, but well have to keep it entertaining for Zeno same over there," Kira

"Hehehehe, ok then, let's get to it," The Grand priest said as he got ready to fight

"Hehehehe, yeah, now, I'm not going to be holding back, so try not to die!" Kira said as he dropped down into his Renewal Taekwondo stance, Kira then disappeared from his position, only to appear in front of The Grand priest

"Renewal Taekwondo: Mach Punch!" Kira said as he unleashed hundreds of punches onto The grand priest, who managed to dodge a good amount of them, but not all of them, he was quickly covered in cuts, Kira then stopped his punches and delivered a [Renewal Taekwondo: 3rd Stance Hwechook] essentially creating three after images of himself kicking the Grand priest in his head, causing a sickening clobbering sound, Kira then appeared behind the Grand priest, who started to fall to the ground, but he managed to stop himself

"W-wow, you really are a monster," The Grand priest

"Hehehehe, thank you, so, I may not be able to unlock my second form in this fight, but I don't think it matters, along as I can bring back all of the universes, it'll be fine," Kira said as he turned around and faced the Grand priest, looking at him, Kira wanted to try something, he wanted to see if he could make a new move, so he dropped into his Original fighting stance

"Kira original: Boidosupīdosutoraiku x 1000!" Kira then sent out punches that not even The Grand priest could register, the punches were so fast that they caused the void they were in, to warp around Kira's Punches

The Grand priest, unable to see the punches, took every one of them head-on, his body was obliterated, seeing this Kira started to panic, he didn't mean to kill him, he just wanted to test out his new fighting move, but Kira then saw a white light consume the Grand priest, the Grand priest's body then stood up, and the white light disappeared, reveling that the Grand Priest was alive, seeing this caused Kira to sigh out of relief

"Well then, it would seem you won Mr. Kira," The Grand priest

"Hehehe, there's no need for the Mr. just call me Kira," Kira

"Alright then Kira, and I apologize that couldn't help you unlock your next form," The Grand priest

"Oh, but you did, I feel as if I'm almost there, I can do the rest on my own, give me a second," Kira said as he closed his eyes again

Kira's eyes remained closed for about three minutes, but that's when the Grand priest and everyone, even including the two Zeno sama's felt a pressure pushing down on them, and just then, two more wings sprung out of Kira's back, he also had two horns come out of his skull, the horns was black at the base, but red at the tips, Kira with his eyes still closed, leaned his head back, he then opened his mouth, letting a black fog roll out of his mouth, he then brought his head down to look at the Grand Priest, who when he saw Kira's eyes, felt as if he was staring to the abyss, Kira's pupils were still red, but now his sclera, aka the whites of his eyes, were pitch black

"Wow, this feels amazing!" Kira said as he balled his fist, letting out a little bit of pressure, but only that little bit of pressure managed to make the Grand priest fall to his knees, along with everyone else

"Oh, sorry about that, but, it's time for the other universes to be revived," Kira said as he stopped releasing the pressure,

"Of course, we'll have to use the Super Dragon balls for it, but it'll be done," The Grand priest said

"That's great, but, I think it's time I get going to my universe, I put my trust in you to do the correct thing, don't let me down," Kira said as he turned away from the Grand priest

"Of course, have a safe journey." The Grand priest said as he saw Kira disappear in a black and blue cloud of smoke

'Well, time to go home," Kira

'Finally!' Ban

'Yeah yeah yeah, but, we're making a little pit stop on the way there,' Kira

'Huh? where?' Ban

'Oh, we're just going to save someone real quick,' Kira said as he exited the black and blue smoke, finding himself at a destroyed location

"And I, am iron man," Tony stark said as he snapped his fingers erasing Thanos and his army, Kira sat back as Tony was surrounded by his friends and family as he was about to die, but that's when Kira stepped in

"Excuse me, coming through!" Kira said as he pushed himself past everyone, his wings and horns still out

"What the!!" Thor

"Hehehe, I guess I am going to hell," Tony stark

"Hmm, maybe, but not today at least," Kira said as he reached out and placed his hand on Tony's chest, right as Kira did this, Tony's body immediately started to regenerate, seeing this, everyone there was speechless, Kira then removed his hand, letting Piper, Tony's wife huge him out of Joy

"Welp, there ya are, Now I gotta go, see ya!!" Kira said as he turned around and started to walk away

"Wait, who are you?" Captain America

"Hmm? oh, my name is Kira, it's a pleasure meeting you all," Kira said as he quickly left being cover in a black and blue mist once again, he left just as quickly as he got there

'That... was unexpected.' Ban

'Yeah well I hated how they killed him off in the movie, so I just thought I would change the plot a little, but now, we're off to Rwby again,' Kira said as he stepped out of the portal. he was right back where he started, looking around, Kira started thinking about something

'Hey Ayano, how long was I gone for?' Kira

[About four day] Ayano

'Really? it felt like months,' Kira said as he continued to think over something

'So Ayano, the school break is still active?' Kira

[Yep! why?] Ayano

'Hmm, no reason, I just thought, that I might as well stop by and visit my Girlfriend,' Kira said as he started walking towards Vale, he took his time walking as he missed the peace and quiet of nature, so Kira slowly but surely walked to where Ruby was, using his sensing ability to find her, until finally, he arrived at a house, looking at it, it was built out of wood, it was pretty nice Kira thought, Kira then walked up to the door and knocked

'Knock Knock Knock'

"Who is it?" A voice rang through the door, recognizing the voice, Kira smiled as he answered

"It's me! Kira!" And just as soon as he said that, the door swung open


Hello Again!!

Just wanted to finish off the Dragon ball arc before I start work!!

now then, tell me what y'all thought of this chapter!!

Sincerely MR_No1
