
One Wolf Down

• A werewolf is always larger in the eye of the frightened. •


"Hayls, let's begin."

Sheila and Hayley stood at opposite ends of a salt boundary circle, a tall young man in the center of it. The werewolf, a third year at Whitmore College with short blonde hair and black eyes, was looking apprehensive. The full moon was close and so were his exams — he couldn't afford to remain locked and chained when he had to study for his future. Apparently he had already missed too many exams and this upcoming week was his last chance.

"Relax, Daniel," Hayley reassured the wolf with a soft smile. "It'll be over before you know it."

She didn't tell him it wouldn't hurt because it would. They were using magic to suppress something inherent to the wolf — turning the night of the full moon. The pain of the spell would be that of the true transformation. As if he was really turning.

Hayley glanced at Sheila, the two witches nodding before they raised their hands, palms facing one another.

"Phesmatos naturae nostram voluntatem," Daniel doubled over when the two witches began chanting, his eyes flashing the yellow of his wolf. "Phesmatos lupus non est conversae," the blonde man yelled, feeling his bones crack as if he were truly turning into his animal form. Sheila and Hayley turned around the salt circle, watching him nearly complete his transition before they slammed their palms towards him. "Phesmatos dextera ea propter nobis lupo!!"

The end of the spell forcefully and painfully stopped Daniel's transformation, slowly making his body return to his human form. By then, he was kneeling weakly on the ground, his breathing erratic. Hayley broke the salt boundary with her foot before she took the special tea Sheila had prepared and walked back to the wolf. She leaned down, patting his shoulder before she brought the cup to his lips.

One could say Hayley was currying favor but she was simply laying her trap. Most males were softened by the appearance of a kind woman and were indeed men. Daniel had not even fully recovered from the spell that he was already eyeing her peeking cleavage.

With a smirk, Hayley stood up and gave him room to breathe and readjust. She walked to Sheila's desk, helping the older woman put her witchcraft toolbox away.

"I still have a class to give today," Sheila told the brunette. "When Daniel regain his bearings, why don't you go with him for a tour of the College?"

Hayley smiled, not refusing the opportunity. "Why not," she mused, "This might be my future university." Not. Hayley had no intentions of closing herself up in a College that was so close to Mystic Falls. She wanted to travel. See this fantastic world that Marmee had raved so much about. She would not limit herself to Mystic Falls.


"Your grandmother is an extraordinary woman."

Daniel and Hayley were walking side by side, the tour of the College having been long forgotten in favor of getting to know each other.

"Sheila is indeed wonderful," Hayley smiled. "But not as amazing as my own grandmother."

"Is she as spirited as Sheila?" Daniel asked with a light smile.

Hayley looked down, a bitter expression clouding her features. "She was."

"I'm so sorry," Daniel put a comforting hand on her arm. "You two must have been close."

"We were the best of friends," Hayley's smile was sad. "She is the reason I want to use my magic to do good."

"Is that why you helped Sheila today?"

"I did it because I wanted to," Hayley shrugged. "Contrary to popular beliefs, witches don't look down on the other supernatural beings."

Daniel locked eyes with her, smiling. "Well, I'm glad to hear that ... listen, there's regular gatherings with a few friends of mine who share the same ... curse as I do. You should come some day."

Hayley frowned. "A gathering of the wolves? Wouldn't I be a burden to you guys?"

"I'm pretty sure you'll be very well welcomed," Daniel assured. "What do you say?"

"If it's no bother, I'm not opposed to hanging out with you guys!"

"Great!" Daniel looked at his watch. "I have to go. Ask Sheila for my number and I can introduce you to my friends. It was nice meeting you, Hayley."

Daniel waved before rushing across the campus to his appointment. However, if he had turned around one last time, he would have seen a wicked smile playing at the corners of Hayley's lips.

"It was very nice indeed," Hayley muttered under her breath. A glint flashed past her eyes before she smiled and walked away.

One wolf down.


"Five missed calls in the past hour, Care," Hayley sais into the phone. "What the hell is going on?"

"Where were you?!" Caroline yelled at the other end of the line. "Tyler has been looking for you left and right and I need to know our plan of action. Do we like, toilet paper his house or something?"

Chuckling, Hayley leaned her head back against the car seat. Sheila was beside her, driving them back home since it was nearly dinner time.

"That's so childish, Caroline," Hayley's tone was light. "I propose we kill him."

Sheila startled in the passenger seat, looking at Hayley as though she'd lost her mind. When Hayley mouthed Tyler's name, Sheila hummed in understanding before she focused back on the road.

"Sorry but none of my shoes are made for jail," came Caroline's retort.

"None of your shoes are made for simply walking, Forbes," Hayley rolled her eyes. The blonde was always in high heels. As if she wasn't statuesque enough.

"You're one to talk, Marshall," Caroline snorted. "Your collection is bigger than mine."

Hayley agreed she was also obsessed with heels but if you asked her opinion, she would swear Caroline trapped her into the addiction.

"So ... about Tyler —,"

Hayley's eyes narrowed when Sheila parked in front of their house. "Don't worry, Care," she eyed the Lockwood boy standing before her eyes. "I'll take care of him."

Sheila and Hayley climbed out of the car, the younger woman immediately throwing Tyler a nasty glare. "I thought I told you to never appear in front of me again?"

Tyler rolled his eyes. "It's a small town, Hayley. We're bound to meet whether you like it or not."

"This is not a meeting," Hayley pointed between them. "This is an idiot ex-boyfriend not getting the message."

Sheila cleared her throat, looking between the two before she sighed. "I'll leave you kids to talk," when she passed by Hayley, she gave her a look. "If you need me, I'll be right out."

That was Sheila for you. She was letting Hayley fight her own battles but if Tyler made a wrong move, the older witch would be right out to kick his ass as well.

Hayley walked with Sheila until the other was inside and she turned, leaning against the front door while looking down at Tyler. "What do you want?"

"You broke up with me."

Hayley snorted at Tyler's obvious disbelief. "And?"

"I didn't do anything wrong, Hayls, and you know it."

"It's Hayley to you now, Lockwood, and I don't care about your opinion. We're over."

When she was about to go in, Tyler climbed the small stairs leading to the house and grabbed her arm, turning her around to face him.

"I don't know why you're being this pissy, you didn't even care about me," he sneered.

Today had been a long day. Granted, everything had gone Hayley's way but it had been a long day nonetheless and her idea of rest wasn't her ex-boyfriend manhandling her outside her home.

Hayley broke his hold before she put a hand on his chest, pushing him back two steps. "Touch me one more time, Tyler Lockwood ..."

"You didn't care about me!" Tyler insisted.

"I loved you!" Hayley finally yelled back at him, stunning him.

"Liar," Tyler shook his head. "You were never in love with me."

"But I FUCKING loved you," the light overhead exploded with Hayley's erratic emotions but neither paid it much attention. "And I do not give my love to many people."

"You didn't —,"

"Tell me of a day, a SINGLE day, Tyler when I didn't show you my love," Hayley continued. "A day when I didn't prove to you that I loved you and was grateful for you. Remember this, Tyler Lockwood. I showed you how to manage you anger. I eased your relationship with your parents since you're a brat that can't admit he's too spoiled and privileged for his own good. There was not ONE day where I stopped loving you. Too bad you were not patient enough to wait for the words."

Hayley was breathing heavily, trying to control her anger and disappointment.

"Oh, many thanks for being a girlfriend," Tyler threw a sarcastic jab. "I didn't know you were so greedy for love that I should thank you for doing the simplest things a girl can do for her man."

Hayley reared back as if he had pushed her before she drew her hand up and landed a harsh slap on his face. The disgust on her face was clear for him to see. She turned around, opened the door and walked in.

"This is not over," Tyler growled at her back.

Hayley turned around, her expression eerily calm. "It was over the day you even thought so little of me." She said before she slammed the door close.

Taking a deep breath in, Hayley slowly let it out. This was all she could do for him. For their memories. The next time Tyler Lockwood came looking for trouble, it would be the day he died.
