
To Get the Torch Out (Pt. I)


He's... smiling...

There was something hiding behind that soft smile of Seiya. It's warm and comforting, but at the same time, Fluindr felt something ominous behind it.

Something she shouldn't mess with.

Gulping hard, Fluindr's azure eyes didn't leave Seiya's form beside her. Instead, they remained glued. The undine suddenly found the ground as the most interesting thing in the world when Seiya looked back.

"What's wrong?"

"N-No, it's nothing." The woman quietly cursed herself for stuttering, knowing that the young boy would notice it without even trying.

"Anyways..." The undine cleared her throat and opened her eyes. "I'll get the torch out now. If somehow something would attack me, I request of your assistance, Master."
