
Reason #25: it would be the beginning to my doom (9) B

"but your majesty, I..."

With her eyes shut, she could feel his footsteps drawing nearer, but before he could reach her, her saviour came to her rescue when he yelled,

"Ivy! Where are you?!"

"That's Uncle Peterson!"

And so Ivy quickly took her chance and yelled back, "I'm here!"

Upon hearing the sound of his niece's voice, Peterson immediately dashed towards her direction.

And when he saw her kneeling on the ground with his brother lying unconscious, he immediately struck his blade at the stranger's neck, threatening him while he said

"Who are you? Speak now or forever hold your tongue."

When Ivy heard the sound of the blade, she called out to her uncle

"Wait! It's a mistake. That's his majesty, King Trevor. He was just trying to offer his help to me.

King Trevor, please forgive my uncle. For he might have judged prematurely after seeing the state of his family right now."
