
Chapter One-hundred & Thirty-six

♦ Cyril's POV ♦

"Pardon me." A maid bows in, her eyes fixed to the ground. "Her Eminence, Queen Estelle has arrived and requests Lord Cyril's presence." She annouces solemnly.

I perk up at this, my grandma? Here? Right now?

"Tell her I'll be there right away." I reply, already pushing my food away.

Cameron and Arianna shoot me worried looks. 

"What could be wrong?" Arianna asks nervously.

"Let's hope nothing is wrong and she's just coming to check on her grandchildren, I'll be right back." I toss at them, making myself scarce.

Somehow I'm not surprised to find her seated in my favourite drawing room, it wasn't the fanciest or elaborately detailed which would mean that the servants hadn't directed her here but that she herself chose to come here.

"Hi, grandma." I greet softly, coming in.

She gets up at the sound of my voice, arms outstretched with a soft smile on her face. "How are you, love?"
